
Poria, lotus seeds, lilies A bowl of porridge in the morning and evening, the treatment of insomnia is spicy and simple!

author:Hangzhou release

The Hangzhou Sleep Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Center received 49,862 patients last year to see sleep problems. Today is World Sleep Day, what are the misunderstandings of sleep disorders, improve sleep, and what are the best ways? Experts from the Municipal Sleep Disorders Clinic will give you tips.

Spring sleepiness is also a sleep disorder

"After the spring in Hangzhou, climate change is large, and it is easy to make people's emotions fluctuate - becoming irritable and affecting psychology. As a result, the recent incidence of sleep disturbances is also higher than usual. Zhang Yonghua, a provincial famous Chinese medicine doctor, deputy chairman of the Chinese Medicine Professional Committee of the Chinese Sleep Research Association, and president of the Seventh Municipal Hospital, said that the recent morning outpatient clinic saw more than 50 patients, compared with the same period last year, the number of insomnia patients increased by 1/3.

Poria, lotus seeds, lilies A bowl of porridge in the morning and evening, the treatment of insomnia is spicy and simple!

"Spring sleepiness is actually a manifestation of sleep disorders." Dean Zhang said that Chinese medicine believes that sleeping well has a lot to do with people's mood. For example, anxious people are more likely to have insomnia. Specifically, emotional injuries and liver qi can lead to insomnia; too much thought, dark drainage, physical weakness, and restlessness are also prone to insomnia. Among them, whether it is false evidence or empirical evidence, it is mainly caused by the dysfunction of qi, blood and internal organs in the body. "Therefore, the treatment principle of insomnia, in addition to paying attention to the treatment of internal organs, should also regulate the mood."

Zhang Yonghua said that the treatment methods of sleep disorders can be diversified: sleep health education, suitable for mild patients; acupuncture and drugs, supplemented by psychotherapy, suitable for moderate patients; severe patients, to vary from person to person, comprehensive and diversified treatment, complementary to each other.

Two major misconceptions about sleep disorders

For sleep disorders, Zhang Yonghua summarized two common misunderstandings -

Occasional insomnia is pathological

"Some people who have symptoms of insomnia several times in a row are particularly nervous. In fact, occasional insomnia is not pathological, not up to the standard of insomnia, do not need to be overly nervous. If you have insomnia two or three times a week, and the condition persists for more than a month, it may be pathological. ”

Poria, lotus seeds, lilies A bowl of porridge in the morning and evening, the treatment of insomnia is spicy and simple!

A sleep disorder is insomnia

"Sleep disorders are manifestations of abnormal sleep volumes and abnormal behaviors during sleep, as well as abnormal rhythmic alternating disorders of sleep and wakefulness. Sleep disorders also include: drowsiness, sleep rhythm changes (sleep during the day, do not sleep at night), nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking, sleep breathing disorders, sleep movement disorders (violent tendencies), etc., I hope that patients with these problems can go to professional institutions for sleep disorders in time for treatment. ”

To improve sleep, this medicinal diet should be put away

"Health care products are not drugs, have no therapeutic effect, and should be taken from place to place under the guidance of a doctor." For example, Zhang Yonghua said, Dendrobium is effective for insomniacs with yin deficiency constitution, but it is useless for insomniacs with qi deficiency. Cordyceps is good for insomniacs with liver and kidney deficiency, but counterproductive for insomniacs. Ganoderma lucidum is effective for insomniacs with both heart and spleen deficiency, while bird's nest has no improving effect on insomnia.

Poria, lotus seeds, lilies A bowl of porridge in the morning and evening, the treatment of insomnia is spicy and simple!

Dean Zhang Yonghua has developed a sleep medicinal diet suitable for most patients with mild insomnia, "which has the effect of strengthening the spleen, nourishing the heart, and improving qi, and the medicinal effect is mild." ”

The ingredients of this diet are these: Poria 30 g, Lotus Seeds 30 g, Lilies 30 g, Huai Yam 30 g, Japonica Rice 100 g.

The Chinese medicine ingredients in the prescription can be purchased in general pharmacies. If the reader thinks that it is too troublesome to do it yourself, Dean Zhang has readily available here, and wrapped it one by one, after taking it home, soak the japonica rice for another 10-15 minutes, and after the rice grains absorb the water, put the poria and lotus seeds into the same porridge, and cook it into a thin porridge, add the right amount of white sugar according to personal taste, and one can cook about 4 small bowls.

This dietary remedy is suitable for insomnia people with spleen deficiency and lack of qi, that is, in addition to insomnia, people who have symptoms such as shortness of breath, pale face, loss of appetite, and soft tongue.

Eating a bowl of breakfast every day can nourish the mind, "to eat for a long time, at least one or two months to have an effect." ”

Poria, lotus seeds, lilies A bowl of porridge in the morning and evening, the treatment of insomnia is spicy and simple!

"Insomnia is a disease, and we need to pay attention to early prevention, especially in a sub-healthy state." Dean Zhang said that in terms of food, lilies, lotus seeds, white fungus, walnuts, black sesame seeds, and drinking some milk before going to bed are all helpful for sleep. People who do not sleep well should avoid spicy and other irritating foods. Drink some millet porridge for dinner and drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed.

In addition, sunflower seeds, honey and dates also have the effect of sleeping. Doing aerobic fitness walking before going to bed, performing TCM acupuncture treatment, qigong (sleeping skills such as strong work, song jin gong, etc.), tai chi and massage, soaking feet with warm hot water before going to bed, and pressing the reflex area of the foot can help relieve psychological stress and thus have a good sleep.