
You don't know the faces behind the historical figures

author:Feather Thousand Winds

Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. Reading history can be wise, flipping through the chapters of history, even if there are cultural differences and language inheritance is obscure, but what remains unchanged is human nature. To read history is to understand human nature.

But now the book media shows the sunny side of the characters, and the promotion of positive energy is really necessary to promote the progress and development of society. But no one is perfect, in front of and behind the scenes, how tall the image created by history is, and how wonderful the small stories behind them are not disseminated. Guo Moruo, a famous writer, historian and archaeologist in modern times, has written a lot of works, editing the "Manuscripts of Chinese History" and "Oracle Bone Collection", and all his works are compiled into 38 volumes of "Guo Moruo's Complete Works". He is one of the founders of Chinese new poetry, one of the founders and founders of Chinese historical drama, the pioneer of Chinese materialist historical historiography, paleographer, archaeologist, social activist, one of the four halls of oracle osteology, and the first academician of academia Sinica. Seeing his relevant reports again now is a different face, and many people have used Mr. Lu Xun's words to evaluate, as everyone knows. Let's talk about the faces behind the historical figures you don't know, most of them are wild histories, no need to take it seriously, and the right to be a pastime after tea and dinner.

Story 1: At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat drops down to the soil. Who knows the plate of Chinese food, the grains are hard. This Tang poem, which has been handed down since ancient times, is often used for the earnest teaching of elders and teachers, and although ignorant children do not know the process of grain cultivation, they can still understand the difficulty of the peasant uncle through the environmental shaping and character description of the three points of the wood in the poem.

As everyone knows, after Li Shen stepped into his career and soared into Huang Tengda, he lost the heart of compassion for farmers in poetry, and gradually transformed into a corrupt official who spent time and drank heavily and abused adulterous power. With the rise of official positions, Li Shen "gradually became extravagant". It is rumored that Li Shen's consumption of a meal is often as many as hundreds or even thousands of guan. When Li Shen was an envoy to Huainan Festival, he was extremely indifferent to the suffering of the people. The people under Li Shen's rule were all day long in fear and anxiety, and they crossed the river and fled to Huaihuai. His subordinates reported to him: "Many of the local people have fled. Li Shen said, "Have you ever seen holding wheat in your hand?" The full grains are always below, and those chaff go with the wind without having to report it. ”

The biggest stain on Li Shen's life was the "Wu Xiang Case" that he handled in his later years. In the fifth year (845) of Emperor Wuzong of Tang's reign, Li Shen served as an envoy to Huainan Jiedushi. At that time, Wu Xiang, a lieutenant in Jiangdu County, Yangzhou, was reported for embezzling public funds and forcibly marrying a woman. After receiving the report, Li Sheng immediately arrested Wu Xiang and imprisoned him, sentencing him to death. However, after the case was reported to the imperial court, the counselor suspected that there was a grievance, and the imperial court sent Yushi Cui Yuanzao to Yangzhou for review. After Cui Yuanzao's investigation, he found that Wu Xiang's corruption was true, but the money was not much, and the matter of forcibly marrying a people's daughter was untrue, so the crime did not lead to death. But Li Shen insisted on going his own way and forcibly sent Wu Xiang to the guillotine. Because of his extravagant life, cruel and violent behavior for officials, and excessive use of obscenity, after his death, Li Shen was characterized as a cool official, and was punished by "cutting down the three officials of the gentry, and his descendants are not allowed to serve".

Story 2: Cheng Zhu Lixue, also known as "Cheng Zhu Daoxue", is one of the main schools of Song Ming Lixue and one of the schools of Science that have the greatest influence on later generations, of which "Zhu" refers to Zhu Xi, and later generations are honored as Zhu Zi. Zhu Xi wrote many works, including "Notes on the Collection of Chapters and Sentences of the Four Books", "Explanation of Taiji Diagrams", "Commentary on the General Book", "Zhou Yi Reading", "Notes on the Collection of Chu Ci", and later compilations such as "Zhu Zi Daquan" and "Zhu Zi Ji Yu Xiang". Among them, the "Four Books, Chapters and Sentences" became the standard for the textbook and the imperial examination. His ideological achievements are quite high, and the most respected by the author is the theory of lattice objects. In the feudal era, the lack of materials, farming is the mainstay, there is a sense of reason, and the spirit of being good at questioning is invaluable. There are also many articles passed down from generation to generation, such as "Waiting for idleness to know the east wind surface, ten thousand purples and thousands of reds are always spring" and "Asking the canal is as clear as promised, for there is a source of living water". After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, in order to show that his blood line was pure, he also forcibly climbed the blood relationship with Zhu Xi, which is evident.

The people who can compete with Confucius in the founding sect must have a fairy spirit in their lives, and they will be an example for the world, but the legend says that this is not the case. The source of Zhu Xi's seduction of nuns and daughters-in-law should be volume 37 of the History of Song: "Supervise the imperial history Shen Jizu impeach Zhu Xi, edict Xi secret cabinet revision, and strike the palace view." ”。 That is, in December of the second year of the reign of Emperor Ningzong of Song (1196 AD), he supervised the impeachment of Zhu Xi for ten major crimes, such as "disrespecting the king", "disloyalty to the state", "playing insult to the imperial court", "harming the wind and religion", "private wealth of the deceased", etc., which also included "seducing the two nuns as concubines, and each official went along with them" and "the housewife was pregnant without a husband". This means that Zhu Xi once seduced two nuns as concubines, and when he went out to become an official, he still took them with him to show off the market; the daughter-in-law of Zhu Xi's family was pregnant after the death of her husband... This is actually a political event, that is, the famous Qingyuan Party case in history. Because Emperor Ningzong's foreign relative Han Ji once controlled the imperial government, Zhu Xi's close friend and then chancellor Zhao Ruyu was the main obstacle to his arbitrary regime. Han Xuan wanted to attack Zhao Ruyu, but he was also jealous of his protégés and officials. Therefore, he plotted to set up a "pseudoscience" theory and at the same time overthrow Zhao Ruyu, Zhu Xi and their protégés. Shen Jizu, who was the overseer of the imperial history, wrote a letter of impeachment, Emperor Ningzong was allowed to play, Zhao Ruyu was assassinated by Who Yongzhou, and Zhu Xi was impeached and crowned. Emperor Ningzong of Song also declared Taoism a pseudoscience and forbade the spread of Taoism. Later, Mr. Daoxue was also regarded as a purge against the party, and as many as 59 officials were listed by the imperial court as pseudo-academic and anti-party, and Zhu Xi was naturally the leader of this pseudo-academic anti-party. As a result, Zhu Xi's disciples were forced to scatter birds and beasts, or hide for self-preservation, or change the court. It seems that Zhu Xi's guilt was slandered by political enemies, but later, when Zhu Xi confessed to his guilt, he confessed that he had "private wealth of the deceased", "Naqini woman", and so on, saying that "deeply reflect on yesterday's wrongs, carefully search for the present", indicating that he would repent and rehabilitate himself... So, he admitted it himself! But whether this is forced or not is hard to say. Because the Song Dynasty was an era when anthology notes were popular and circulated more, such an event, there was not much related material, which felt illogical.

How many things in ancient and modern times are in the process of laughter. The reason why history is history is that it is a chapter in the past, and future generations of people cannot look at the whole picture and cannot comment on it at will.

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