
Tai Chi Chuan Kung Fu and Kung Fu (1)

author:Jing Hui Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi Chuan Kung Fu and Kung Fu (1)

The education we receive from childhood requires that we live in the world, and we must first solve the problem of "three views", that is, "world outlook, outlook on life, and values". The so-called "world view", in turn, is to look at the world, that is, how to observe the world, different observation angles bring different understandings of the world, this is the concept and position. To learn Tai Chi, we must first establish a "Tai Chi View", the so-called Tai Chi View, that is, from what angle to "view Tai Chi", so as to accurately confirm the "what" of Tai Chi Chuan, know what Tai Chi is, and then know "how to practice".

What kind of tai chi concept should we establish? One purpose is to practice Tai Chi Chuan "Kung Fu"; the other is to pursue Tai Chi Chuan "Kung Fu". Kung Fu and Kung Fu have been mixed together in modern Chinese, but there is a difference between them. "Kung Fu" and "Kung Fu", two words with different sounds and meanings, indicate two different concepts of learning Tai Chi.

"Kung Fu" is a comprehensive concept that not only has the hardships of the process, but also reflects the brilliance of the martial arts effect. "Work" attaches importance to the process, and examines the degree of payment. Kung Fu should be bitter and should be improved diligently; work hard, be relaxed and ordinary. Tai Chi is a combination of body and use of kung fu, "body" that is, boxing exercises are the foundation, it takes "work", "use" that is, pushing hands to compete, is the actual performance, is to show "kung fu".

The understanding of different concepts will lead to different methods, paths, and even goals of learning tai chi, and of course, the realms reached are different. For example, the martial arts achievements of Tai Chi Chuan are the manifestation of "Kung Fu", while the push hand practice is the training of "Kung Fu". Therefore, when practicing pushing hands, the pushing hands between boxers are "kung fu" exchanges that talk about "reason" and "Tao", not "kung fu" battlefields where they struggle to win or lose. If the concept of pusher training is reversed, it will lead to different results.

Successive masters have spent a lot of effort and obtained high efforts. But the word kung fu, the Meaning of the English translation is really accurate. Namely: "Hard work that takes time." "It points out two basic points of kung fu, one is to take time, and the other is to be very hard. This is the inevitable price of obtaining high kung fu.

As far as hard practice of kung fu is concerned, it is said that the Yang family has a set of rigorous training methods, in addition to practicing boxing with large strides and low piles at the knee level, there is even a legend of practicing boxing under the Eight Immortals table. Mr. Qu Shijing wrote that if you stand on a pile, there are no pole piles, virtual step piles, horse step piles, etc. It is also necessary to cooperate with the internal work method, try to press, squeeze, lean, and elbow on the elastic trunk, and use the ash pole to repeatedly brush the trunk. Mr. Huang Jinghua learned boxing in the Yang family, and Cheng Fugong particularly emphasized the need to practice the big pole every day, shaking it 200 times on the left and right, and then pressing the gun shaft against the tree body and brushing the pole on the left and right 200 times. Huang Jinghua practiced the pile and the pole, sweating, soaking wet, and had to bring two sets of dry clothes to replace every day.

When Yang Chengfu practiced on his own, he also used money to hire strong men as "piles" and tried to test people as goals, called "laying live piles". In the case of the living person jumping to avoid various irregularities, he will use any part of his body to pick up the force and release the human stake into the air. A white ash pole and a human pile accompanied Yang Chengfu to practice hard behind closed doors for six years, and finally became energetic and psychic. (Tang Note: Mr. Yang Chengfu's birthday is not high, is it related to the fact that he practiced too hard in middle age? It is said that when Li Yaxuan practiced cat steps when he was young, he asked his brother Shi to press his shoulders and not let his body fluctuate in the slightest. Li Yaxuan finally reflected on this kind of effective traditional practice method: "In the past few days, I have been paying attention to teaching guns, so that the meaning of the fist will not come up and will not sink." You must quickly move your spirit to practice boxing, otherwise you will lose your fist. If the fist is lost, the days are long, it is not easy to find back, it is important. February 15, 1974 at 10 p.m. ”)

As for Yang Luchan's servant step-down piercing action, he can use his mouth to contain a small amount of money on the ground, how many people have done this kind of kung fu? The descendants of the Yang family learned boxing, and their requirements were harsh, and they hated not to die. Li Yaxuan's four sons and one daughter, except for the youngest daughter Li Mindi, who inherited his taijiquan, the four sons did not insist on learning taijiquan, and it is also Li Yaxuan's request that he be harsh.

Extraordinary kung fu is enviable, but extraordinary kung fu cultivation requires a lot of time and energy, do modern people have so much time? Or is it necessary to spend so much time? Even if there are, in addition to those who have this as a professional goal, how many people can work as hard as they do?

Mr. Xu Zhen, a senior of Tai Chi, believes that:

"Tai Chi chuan does not have to be practiced hard, and there is a difference between its practice method and the external work that consumes a lot of physical strength. It is necessary to learn and think to introduce each other, that is, theory and practice, perceptual understanding and rational understanding of the interaction of testing, in order to continuously promote, ring improvement. ...... Only in this way can we reach the realm that Wu Yuxiang said, 'Walking qi is like a nine-curved bead, meticulous, luck is like a hundred steels, and He Jian is indestructible'. The true meaning of "coming without feeling labored" in "Thirteen Songs", in my experience today, is precisely the realm of refining and refining, working hard for a long time, and suddenly having a state of understanding. "Correspondence between Xu Zhen and Jin Renlin"

The predecessors of Tai Chi Quan still encouraged learners to practice diligently, but there was a difference between "special practice and expendable physical strength." This is indeed different from the hard work of modern sports to challenge the limits, because hard training is the spirit of perseverance and will, clenching teeth, and vowing not to give up until the goal is achieved. Dead training is even worse, often painfully tempered beyond the limits of the body, and dangerous, and must not be careless. (To be continued 2)