
Notes: Written by Wang Mingluan zhixuan Qing Wei Li

author:Zhi Lan Zhai
Notes: Written by Wang Mingluan zhixuan Qing Wei Li


Two pieces of letter in the south, praying and sending blasphemy, feeling the lotus. Please

Choose Brother Qingren Da'an.

Brother Mingluan (1) abruptly

Twenty-seven days

All the brothers are waiting.

Notes: Written by Wang Mingluan zhixuan Qing Wei Li


Mr. Wang Liumen Ming Luan Xiaozha a pass, the above paragraph to choose Qing unknown who. According to Mr. Zhejiang Qiantang nationality, changed to Wu County, Qing Tongzhi Yi Ugly Jinshi, Scattered Library Teaching, Official to the Official Department Left Shilang, dismissed and returned, finally old in Wu, the collection of books is very rich. Yu Zeng obtained a volume of his "Bibliography of Wanliutang", there are several kinds of Song and Yuan books, and after his death, his sons could not be kept, the collection was scattered, and the fine books belonged to Han Fenlou, and Yu Xi was obtained by Jiang Shu (2) of the Hangren. Jiang Shu later donated it to the United Library, because it had to be fully viewed. Mr. Zeng Guan Guozijian, Zeng Jingtuo Stone Drum, was valued by the world, but his writings were not published, and now the descendants of the Wang clan have also declined and become unknown. Looking back at the past 100 years ago, the trees of the old home have all turned into smoke and clouds, and I can't help but have a sense of vicissitudes. This shortness was accidentally detected in the sac, and Feng Yi Weng was one of the armpits, which was not worth a deaf ear.

On October 8, Panjing Zhengzhi of Wu County

Smoke cloud dream, arbor home remote. Wan Liu LinLang once looked at it, and Jin Hong left Yu as Qiong Yao. Paper tent copper bottles are delicate.

Sending "Memories of Jiangnan".

Send it

钤: 己未七三翁, 景郑送痕, 景郑填字

Small Note

(1) Wang Mingluan (1839-1907), character Liumen, No. Huang Ting, a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In the fourth year of Tongzhi (1865), he successively studied politics in Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Guangdong and other places, and was once an official and a waiter, the prime minister of state affairs, etc., because he advocated the Guangxu Emperor's "Qiangang Ruijue" and was suspected of being dismissed by Cixi, and later he taught the Jingjing Jingshe and the Shiwen Academy, who was good at speaking, good at calligraphy, and rich in books.

(2) Jiang Shuyi (1874-1940), genealogical name Yulin, character yizhi, suppressed, or suppressed, number Honglin, with character lines, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. One of the founders of Zhejiang Industrial Bank, a lover of ancient books, Youxi Jingbu, has a collection of Fanjiang Caotang, many of which are the old collections of Wang's Wanyi Building in Qiantang, which was later donated to the United Public Library, which compiled the "Hangzhou Jiang's Fanjian Caotang Collection Catalog".


Wang Mingluan's collection is Wanyi Lou, and there is a volume of "Wanyi Lou Shan Bibliography", of which there are thirteen kinds of Song Ben and twelve kinds of Yuan Ben. There is no record of a Wanliu Hall in its collection anywhere, and it is unknown whether Elder Pan misremembered it. Wang Mingluan's son died early, and he succeeded his brother's son Wang Bochun as his heir. Bo Chun once wanted to sell books to the Japanese, but was reprimanded by Ye Chang. Wang Mingluan tasted from his son Wang Yuanqu: "Ding Weiqiu, the first uncle donated the museum building, the original canal immediately went out to eat, suddenly so far, another ten years." The building is unharmed, and the old things have gradually dissipated. Indeed, as Elder Pan said, the descendants of the Wang clan declined and disappeared, and the Tibetans were scattered.

In the first year of Guangxu, When Wang Liumen served as the superintendent of the Guozi, the stone drums existed in the Guozijian during the Ming and Qing dynasties, so it was convenient. Wu Changshuo was once given by his friend Pan Zhongrui to Wang Mingluan's Tuoshi Drum Text, and the poem "Thin Sheep Gives Wang Mingting Waiter Lang Mingluan Hand Tuoshi Drum Essence":

The pavilion washes the stone drum with water, and the felt wax climbs to forget the hard work. Tianyi Pavilion had paid for the ashes, and the ink was so unprecedented. I prefer that the residual characters are searched and removed, and I want to be comparable to the LinJing Cunxia Five. Quite strange to the teacher that day, the lack of coral He Mang halogen. Usutou did not dig up the first mortar, and the broken jade cut the beads to blame who was the master. The pavilion is good and good, and the gods are not two or the same. Too learned to have a public is not lonely, explain the day of zhuo noon. The drum is high and the ruler is a pillar foundation, and the elbow is on the soil when you want to see Tuo. ......

There is also an interesting point in this zha, the paper used by Wang Mingluan is Wu Yun's special fish charm note. Wu Yun once received Liu Xihai's old Collection of Tang Dynasty copper fish charms, and for this purpose specially made several kinds of fish symbol letterheads, one of which states: "Tang Copper Fish Symbol II, the relics of the Liu clan of Shanzuo, are now in Gui'an Wu's family, and contain the "Illustration of the Two Xuanxuan Yi Instruments". However, Wang Mingluan used only half of this painting, and when it was Wang Ziwu Yunlai's book cut, the former sage cherished the writing paper, and this was seen. On this note is a fish symbol pattern, and there is a text description at the bottom: "Enter the inside, and the right one is outside." Left crossover, cross the fish symbol of the left also. The full text should read: "Tang copper cross fish rune, the text is said 'left outside the curfew gate'." In the Tang system, the left one goes inside and the right one goes outside. Left crossover, cross the fish symbol of the left also. In the lower left there is the "Seal of the Two Xuan Collections of Ji Jin".