
A new sport will be added to the Olympic Games, including cycling


According to foreign media reports, cycling will replace equestrian events into modern pentathlons at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, a decision that was voted on by the Executive Committee of the International Modern Pentathlon Federation (UIPM).

The modern pentathlon debuted at the 1912 Stockholm Olympics and included five sports: shooting, fencing, swimming, equestrianism and running. The horses in the race are obtained by the athletes through a lottery, and the horses of the temperament that the runners encounter rely purely on luck.

The decision was accelerated after the horses competing at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics were beaten by German coaches. At that time, German athlete Annika Schleu had been leading the way in the women's modern pentathlon, but unfortunately drew a disobedient horse "Saint Boy", who refused to cross the obstacle during the race. An anxious Schler, along with her coach, Kim Raisner, had to beat the horse in a row in order to get it back on track, angering animal rights activists. In the end, the athlete Schler was directly sentenced to abstain.

A new sport will be added to the Olympic Games, including cycling

A statement issued after the review by the Disciplinary Panel of the International Modern Pentathlon Federation said: "The review team encourages the newly authorized International Modern Pentathlon League Working Group to work to revise the rules of the new competition format in Paris in 2024 to guarantee the health, safety and humane treatment of animals and athletes."

A new sport will be added to the Olympic Games, including cycling

At this point, the International Modern Pentathlon Federation aims to maintain its position in the Olympic Games by replacing equestrianism with cycling ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics. But there is no further elaboration on what type of cycling race will be involved in the modern pentathlon race.

Cycling was included in the official sport at the first Olympic Games in 1896. At that time, there were only two olympic competitions in the Olympic Games, "track cycling" and "road cycling". According to the gradual development of cycling, the Number of bicycles in the Olympic Games is also increasing, until now, bicycle special competitions include "track cycling", "mountain bike", "road bicycle", "BMX" competition, there is also a "triathlon" competition including cycling, and in the future there will be one more project including cycling, that is, the "modern pentathlon" competition.

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