
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

author:Elephant picking
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Wang Zuguang

Master of Chinese Arts and Crafts

Master of Chinese jade carving

Senior Arts and Crafts Artist

Coinciding with the small cold, the early winter rain, wet and cold air, to the alley to add a bit of cold.

Wang Zuguang Art Museum is full of strong warmth.

This art museum, restored and transformed by the former residence of the famous Qing Dynasty general Gan Guobao, combines classical and modern without any sense of contradiction.

The orange soft light, mellow like aged Pu'er tea, and Wang Zuguang's kind smile.

This elderly old artist is affectionately like the boss next door.

His words are not much, and in the voice line with the Fuzhou accent, it sounds like a sense of losing "glutinous".

He sat at the table, holding a cup and savoring an old Pu'er, everything was the appearance of light clouds and breeze.

In the Shoushan Stone Art Circle, Wang Zuguang can be regarded as a master of "national treasure level".

He is famous for carving Guanyin, and his surname is Wang, and everyone in the circle calls him "Guanyin King".

Recently, he has just completed the largest statue of Guanyin since the beginning of his art. This work is a self-challenge for him and a summary of his more than 50 years of artistic career.

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Seated statue of Guanyin 45 cm × 30 cm

The stone used in the work weighs about 105 kilograms, equivalent to the weight of an adult man, and after his carving, what is presented to people is a 45 cm (height) × 30 cm (width) seated statue of Guanyin, which is visually shocking enough.

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Detailed drawing of the seated statue of Guanyin

Image shaping, you are in the transmission of God.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, as the embodiment of saving suffering and saving sentient beings, has been revered by the people since Buddhism was introduced to China.

Her kind eyebrows and good eyes, as well as the poplar net bottle in her hand, always make people feel warm and at ease.

The image of Guanyin's great compassion is vividly presented on the Shoushan Stone by Wang Zuguang's hands and sword techniques, allowing the viewer to feel the power of soothing the soul through his artistic language.

In fact, the spiritual resonance between the creator and the viewer also seems to be in line with the Buddhist wisdom of "transmitting the heart to the heart".

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Imitation of Qing Guanyin

Wang Zuguang's "heart" is the ingenuity of unique luck.

In 1987, lychee frozen stone was introduced. The stone species is solid, crystal clear, and some have a looming radish texture, which is most common in white, with a large yield and a relatively cheap price.

After buying a large amount of white stones, Wang Zuguang, who had unique eyesight, repeatedly thought about how to make the best use of them.

Once, when he was carefully examining, the ice and jade stone material pulled out the white-clothed Guanyin Master in his mind, as if it were a guide in the underworld.

Since 1988, he has tried to carve Guanyin and has worked the flow of guanyin images throughout the ages.

The Bada Shan people once said: "Search for the Qifeng and make a draft."

For Wang Zuguang, it is to visit the famous temple to carve Guanyin.

He has traveled almost all the famous temples and temples in the country, and he has been to Dunhuang alone twice.

He is also widely involved in the guanyin shapes of different art forms such as murals, stone carvings, wood carvings, ceramics, etc., and he browses them one by one.

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Pure bottle Guanyin

Since the introduction of Buddhism to China in the Han Dynasty, the appearance of Guanyin has been changing.

Wang Zuguang has made a lot of observations and studies on the rheology of Guanyin's morphology, as well as details such as hairstyles, clothing, posture, and magic instruments.

He said that at first, Guanyin's face had obvious Indian characteristics, and it was mostly male and bearded.

With the localization of Buddhism in China, by the Song and Yuan dynasties, the female phase Guanyin became increasingly popular, and the dignified and elegant female figure could better meet the aesthetic needs of Chinese.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the female minister (Guanyin) became more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and was deeply admired and admired by the common people, and affectionately called her "Guanyin Niangniang".

The inertia of this aesthetic trend continues to this day, and the trend of beautification has intensified.

In Wang Zuguang's view, whether male or female, the face is like a full moon or a long shape, it is full of compassion and makes people feel reverence.

Therefore, he learned from the ancient but not the ancient, and was eclectic and eclectic, drawing nourishment from the artistic language of the Guanyin statues of the past, and used them for my own use.

Wang Zuguang's Guanyin has a slightly longer face, but it is full and round.

The bulging bridge of the nose makes the appearance look more three-dimensional and beautiful, and the eyes are slightly closed, which is a state of concentration, and it seems to be compassionate and care for all sentient beings.

He confessed that the one that brought the most inspiration to his creation was the Guanyin painted sculpture of Shuanglin Temple in Pingyao, Shanxi.

"The Kannon (statue) in the temple is the closest to the physiognomy characteristics of modern people." He said.

The image of Guanyin in his mind is not a young woman, but a young woman in her 30s.

"A woman of this age, who has experienced the polishing of years and life, is permeated with a mature beauty inside and out. This kind of beauty is from the inside out, which is called the phase from the heart. ”
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart
Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Holding the Sutra Guanyin

In addition to lychee jelly, stone species such as hibiscus stone, Duling stone, and flag stone have also "incarnated" Guanyin in his hands.

Although the varieties are varied, they all use white to express the purity and tranquility of Guanyin, and the lines are simple and smooth, and they are also written and written, and the spirit is prominent.

There are several pieces of Guanyin carved from porcelain white hibiscus stone, and the appearance and texture are almost the same as those of Dehua porcelain sculpture.

Wang Zuguang's fans said that the Guanyin carved by the "Guanyin King" has been refined to the extreme, no more, no less, just right, "I know that he carved it without signing his name."

However, Guanyin is only the subject of Wang Zuguang's most enthusiastic creation, carving characters (Luohan) and animals (ancient beasts in the new), and he is also handy.

These two themes are concentrated in his creation of Guanyin.

Kannon is often flanked by an hǒu, one of the most distinctive symbols of his work.

It is the mount of Guanyin, also known as the "Heavenly Calf", and is extremely fierce.

However, it was "domesticated" by Wang Zuguang very "cute", just like a cute pet, and the deep affection of that gesture was simply cute.

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Detail diagram of the bottle Guanyin

Wang Zuguang was born into a family of craftsmen and grew up learning to make bricks with his father Wang Naiyuan.

After entering the Fuzhou Carving Factory, he successively studied under lin Youqing and Zhou Baoting, the famous teachers of the Shoushan Stone "Dongmen Sect". He is highly perceptive and hard-working.

In 1963, at the age of 22, with his solid foundation, he won the first prize in his life - the Shoushan stone sculpture "Young Hero Zhang Gaoqian" won the first prize of the Fujian Arts and Crafts Exhibition, and was put on the cover of the "Popular Film" magazine, becoming the "Internet celebrity" of that era.

"In the 1960s, the state advocated art to serve the workers, peasants, and soldiers, and the praise of heroes was the main theme of that era. Zhang Gaoqian, a young hero in Fujian, who fought and sacrificed himself against gangsters in order to protect the sheep of the collective, became a model for the youth of that era. ”

In order to better express the work, Wang Zuguang deliberately ran to the countryside around the West Gate of Fuzhou to experience life and carefully observe the various postures of the sheep.

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Bangs play toad

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Dust off the Arhat

He said with emotion:

"Art cannot be separated from real life, there is no art of life, it is not grounded, and it has no vitality." And art is a mirror of the times, and each era will leave a deep imprint on the work. ”

In addition, he also created works with the characteristics of the times, such as "Song of Asia, Africa and Latin America" and "Sino-Japanese Friendship".

Just as his master passed on his heart to him in those years, Wang Zuguang always heard his disciples and often organized his disciples to communicate and learn from each other.

He commented and counseled one by one with great enthusiasm. Sometimes, he would also go to the disciples' studios to guide them, making the disciples feel like a spring breeze.

Virtue and art double Xin Fang as a teacher.

Wang Zuguang also further "fermented" his love for Shoushan stone art and turned it into a great love, without any portal view.

Yu Weiping, president of the Fujian Academy of Arts and Crafts, quipped:

"At the events held by the Shoushan Stone Realm, he was invited to go, just like Guanyin Bodhisattva, 'responsive to every request.'"

When the Shoushan Stone Museum was built 20 years ago, he took the lead in donating his own art.

Since 2014, entrusted by the Fangzhi Office of Fujian Province, he has served as the director of the Editorial Committee of The Stone Chronicle of Shoushan in Fujian Province, dedicated to promoting the culture and art of Shoushan Stone and leaving a precious cultural memory for future generations.

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Fu hu luohan

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

The wind has passed, the rain has gone, and life is a long carving.

The famous calligrapher and painter Pan Zhonglan once gave him a joint inscription: "The stone-pressed bamboo shoots are obliquely out, and the rock hanging flowers are upside down."

The tempering of nearly a nail has turned into calm and indifferent, spoiled and unfazed.

Approaching his 80th birthday, he is old and strong, and looks much younger than his actual age.

He still worked hard, got up at 6 o'clock every day, worked 3 hours, and he always insisted on carving by hand.

At the scene of creation, it can be seen that his lips are tight, his heart and hands are united, and everywhere the knife goes, it is clean and clean, which shows the skill.

It is said that he practiced martial arts when he was young and had enough strength.

This easy-going and cute old entertainer is also a living artist.

Soaking in hot springs, drinking Pu'er, admiring calligraphy and paintings, drinking and tasting food, and insisting on walking and fitness every day, he turned his life into poetry.

His artistic accomplishment shines in his daily life.

The heart is like glass, clear inside and out.

I offer Guanyin with my heart.

On the Guanyin statue created by Wang Zuguang, through the lines like a clear spring, we see a clear and transparent ingenuity.

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

Wang Zuguang Art Museum, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys

Elephant picking | Wang Zuguang: I offer Guanyin with my heart

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