
The China National Decoration Industry Belt New Retail Project Transformation and Upgrading Exchange Meeting was held in Changzhou

author:Purple Cow News

Yangtze Evening News Network April 23 news (correspondent Xu Lin reporter Guo Jingyu) On April 22, China (Changzhou) home improvement industry belt new retail project transformation and upgrading launching ceremony and operation exchange conference (hereinafter referred to as the "exchange conference") was held in Changzhou Dusit Thani AVIC Hotel. The exchange meeting was guided by Changzhou Business Development Research Institute, hosted by Changzhou Live E-commerce Industry Association and Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd., and hosted by Changzhou Jianning Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd.

The exchange meeting invited Three keynote speakers, Jun Wang, Senior Investment Manager of Tmall National Home Improvement Industry Belt, Ji Yang, Operation Director of Changzhou Jianning Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd., Xiao Zhan, Senior Manager of East China Region of Tmall Home Improvement Industry Belt, and senior professionals in e-commerce, to make wonderful speeches on the development trend, practical skills and professional knowledge in the field of Tmall e-commerce, and shared new business ideas at the exchange meeting from the perspective of personal business and company.

Yang Jin, president of Changzhou Live E-commerce Industry Association, also expressed his long-term optimism about the new retail projects in the home improvement industry at the exchange meeting, and encouraged Changzhou home improvement enterprises and individuals to firmly grasp the dividends of e-commerce policies, promote the transformation of Changzhou manufacturing to the world' creation, changzhou products to the world brand, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure in Changzhou, make full use of the "time, place, people" environment and geographical advantages, and take the lead in exploring the innovative model of transformation and upgrading through the first trial of digital new retail. It will inject new vitality into the economic and social development of Changzhou and provide more powerful support for stable economic growth.

Li Yunda, vice president of Changzhou Business Development Research Institute and vice president of The Business School of Jiangsu University of Technology, introduced that at present, under the joint efforts of the government, schools, enterprises and other parties, the integration of industry and education in the business school of Jiangsu University of Technology, and the cooperation between schools and enterprises have achieved initial results. In 2019, 18 new school-enterprise cooperation bases were added, and enterprises such as Hubei Emao Group and Jiangsu Haibei Enterprise Management Consulting Company were introduced, and cross-border e-commerce "double creation" talent training and project incubation base was prepared, Haibei cross-border e-commerce school-enterprise cooperation practice training base, industrial e-commerce school-enterprise cooperation practice training base and Jiangsu Jiuyang cross-border e-commerce college student practice base were established. In cooperation with Liyang Qianlima Human Resources Service Co., Ltd., Qianlima Human Resources Training Institute was established. Centralized arrangements for marketing students in the class of 2016 to carry out centralized internships, and held the 2019 National Applied Undergraduate Accounting Skills Competition.

Proofreading Ding Haoyu

Source: Purple Cow News

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