
The first session of the 18th People's Congress of Yunyang District, Shiyan City was successfully concluded

author:Vision Yunyang

On the afternoon of November 9, the first session of the 18th People's Congress of Yunyang District, Shiyan City, successfully completed the agenda and closed successfully.

The first session of the 18th People's Congress of Yunyang District, Shiyan City was successfully concluded

The meeting first held an election meeting, and the executive chairmen of the conference, Hu Xianping, Wang Cheng, Ren Jie, Lei Mianyun, Li Guanghong, Xiao Anchang, Yang Zhanbao, Hu Renqiang, and Ma Shuping, sat in the front row of the rostrum.

Mei Hua, Dang Yongsheng, Yao Tianguo, Fan Guosheng, and Cheng Kun sat on the rostrum. The second municipal work guidance group inspected and guided the meeting.

The first session of the 18th People's Congress of Yunyang District, Shiyan City was successfully concluded

Hu Xianping presided over the meeting. The meeting shall be composed of 260 delegates, and the actual number shall be 248, in accordance with the quorum. The General Assembly holds elections.

The first session of the 18th People's Congress of Yunyang District, Shiyan City was successfully concluded

The meeting elected the chairman, vice chairman and member of the Standing Committee of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Yunyang District, Shiyan City, the district governor and deputy district chief of the district people's government, the director of the district supervision commission, the president of the district people's court, the chief procurator of the district people's procuratorate, and the deputies to the sixth people's congress of Shiyan City.

After the election conference, the closing general meeting will be held. Hu Xianping, Wang Cheng, Ren Jie, Lei Mianyun, Li Guanghong, Xiao Anchang, Yang Zhanbao, Hu Renqiang, and Ma Shuping sat in the front row of the rostrum. Mei Hua, Jiao Zongqi, Dang Yongsheng, Yao Tianguo, Fan Guosheng, Helen Li, Cheng Kun, Dong Huixiang, and Lu Gang sat on the rostrum. Wang Cheng presided over the meeting.

The meeting voted and adopted the resolution on the work report of the people's government of Yunyang District of Shiyan City, the resolution on the implementation of the 2021 national economic and social development plan and the 2022 national economic and social development plan of Yunyang District of Shiyan City, the resolution on the implementation of the 2021 financial budget and the 2022 financial budget of Yunyang District of Shiyan City, the resolution on the work report of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Yunyang District of Shiyan City, and the resolution on the work report of the People's Court of Yunyang District of Shiyan City. Resolution on the work report of the People's Procuratorate of Yunyang District of Shiyan City, and the resolution of the first session of the 18th People's Congress of Yunyang District of Shiyan City on the proposal to concentrate on the development of new energy industry and build an industrial cluster of 100 billion yuan.

Wang Cheng, newly elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the 18th District People's Congress, delivered a closing speech. He stressed that the Eighteenth People's Congress, its Standing Committee, and all the deputies to the People's Congress should take the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech as the guide, earnestly unify their thinking and actions with the spirit of the 15th District Party Congress and the current People's Congress, and follow the overall ideas, goals, and tasks put forward by the District Party Congress and the People's Congress, work hard and do good deeds, and strive to set an example.

Wang Cheng stressed: It is necessary to uphold the party's leadership and earnestly enhance political awareness. Deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on upholding and improving the people's congress system, firmly establish the concept that the work center of the district committee is the focus of the work of the people's congress, and truly embody and run through the entire process of adhering to the party's leadership in all work of the people's congress and performing duties according to law. It is necessary to persist in centering on the central task and earnestly give play to the functions of the people's congress. It is necessary to properly exercise the power to decide on major matters in accordance with the law, transform the arrangements and arrangements of the district party committee into the common will of the people of the whole region through legal procedures, and the conscious actions of all levels and departments to grasp the implementation and promote development, so as to gather a strong joint force for the development of Yunyang. We must uphold the supremacy of the people and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of serving the people. It is necessary to bear in mind the sense of purpose, faithfully practice the promise that "the people elected me as a deputy, and I should be the representative of the people," give full play to the role of people's congress deputies in participating in decision-making, bridging the ties, exemplary leadership, and guiding supervision, and unite and lead the masses together with practical actions to move toward common prosperity. It is necessary to adhere to first-class standards and earnestly strengthen self-construction. We should further strengthen system building, professional capacity building, work style construction, and cadre contingent building, actively establish a good image of people's congress organs, and strive to build people's congress organs into political organs, organs of power, work organs, and representative organs that can reassure the district committees and satisfy the masses. All deputies should consciously step up their study, profoundly change their work style, maintain close ties with the masses, give full play to their exemplary role, strive to achieve first-class achievements, and display the style of people's congress deputies in the new era.

The assembly ended with the majestic sound of the national anthem.

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