
Jiang Bin: Policies cannot be put to the ground, and even the best development opportunities must be missed

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Jiangxi Channel Original draft

"Policies cannot be landed, and even the best development opportunities must be missed."

——On August 4, the 14th plenary (expanded) meeting of the 8th Cpc Committee of Xinyu Municipal Committee was held. Jiang Bin, secretary of the Xinyu Municipal CPC Committee, made a work report on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee.

"The epidemic prevention and control cannot be relaxed for a moment. We must soberly understand the current severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, tighten the responsibility of compaction, fully implement the requirements of the 'five guides', earnestly grasp the work of 'external prevention of import, internal prevention of rebound', and make every effort to ensure the safety and health of the people. ”

——On August 5, Jiang Bin, secretary of the Xinyu Municipal Party Committee, secretly visited and supervised the prevention and control of the epidemic.

"Continue to carry forward the spirit of poverty alleviation, make good use of the 'six hands', make concerted efforts, really do solid work, accelerate the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and strive to achieve a great improvement in the work of 'three rural areas'."

——On August 11, Jiang Bin, secretary of the Xinyu Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting of the leading group of the rural work of the municipal party committee.

"Persistently build a people's livelihood city, pay close attention to all aspects of people's livelihood, unswervingly promote high-quality leapfrog development, and strive to write a beautiful chapter of 'love my work and small beauty, five years more brilliant'." ”

——On August 23, Jiang Bin, secretary of xinyu municipal party committee, came to Fengyi County to investigate.

"Carry forward the nanniwan spirit of self-reliance and hard work, closely focus on the strategic positioning of 'innovative highland, yiye enclave, and blessed land of zhongji', and fully promote investment promotion and major project construction."

——On August 27, Jiang Bin, secretary of the Xinyu Municipal Party Committee, came to the Xinyiji Cooperation Demonstration Zone to investigate.

(People's Daily Jiangxi Channel, Luo Na sorted)

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