
Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?


On June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out. The United States gathered more than 10 countries, including Britain, France, Australia, and Canada, to form the so-called "United Nations Army" to participate in the war of aggression against Korea.

The "United Nations Army" advanced all the way north, and in less than a month, it occupied almost all the territory of North Korea, and the front line was directly approaching the border between China and North Korea, and the situation was precarious.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

United Nations Army

However, in the late Korean War, the 34th president of the United States, Eisenhower, who had just come to power, had been trying to promote an armistice.

He also ran in many ways to this end, so that in less than half a year after he took office, the United Nations army led by the United States signed the "Military Armistice Agreement on the Korean Peninsula" at Panmunjom and withdrew from the Korean Peninsula in a hurry. Why did the US military, which had absolute superiority in equipment, eventually lose the war?

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

This issue of the article will reveal the answer for everyone, interested friends can pay more attention to us.

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, new China had just been founded. The industrial system had not yet been formed, and the volunteer army lagged far behind the US army in terms of weapons and equipment. Coupled with the first contact, he was not familiar with the tactics of the US army, so that in the early stages of the war, the battle was extremely hard.

However, all the commanders and fighters of the volunteer army carried forward the fighting spirit of daring to fight, daring to charge, and being brave and tenacious, and with patriotic enthusiasm repelled the fierce attacks of the enemy again and again, and severely frustrated the enemy's vigor. After five large-scale battles, the enemy was finally driven south of the 38th Parallel.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

The enemy and us engaged in a fierce confrontation near the 38th Parallel, and the situation on the battlefield was still confusing. However, in the later stages of the war, Eisenhower, who was already the president of the United States, suddenly changed his strategy and was eager to stop the war.

According to common sense, new China was just founded, there was no complete industrial system, and the equipment technology was far behind that of the United States. On the other hand, the United States, which has just experienced the baptism of World War II, has been very mature in terms of preparation technology, individual soldier quality, and tactical tactics. As long as the war continues, the longer it drags on, the more unfavorable it will be to New China.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

And what factors caused the sudden change in Eisenhower's attitude?

In fact, a careful analysis shows that Eisenhower's eagerness to truce was wise.

First, the Volunteers' will to fight completely crushed the Americans.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

Admittedly, the Volunteers had no air force, no tanks, and no large-caliber artillery support. A veteran of the volunteer army said: "In the Korean War, our volunteer army did not have an air force and navy, the ground troops did not have tanks and armored vehicles, and the weapons and equipment were all 'made in all countries', but we were not afraid of death, and we rushed, chased, and hit the enemy hard." ”

It is by relying on this spirit of not being afraid of death that tenacious volunteer soldiers have created one battlefield myth after another. In the "Battle of Shangganling," the "United Nations Army" successively mobilized more than 60,000 troops, more than 300 artillery pieces, more than 170 tanks, and more than 3,000 sorties of aircraft to launch a fierce attack on the Shangganling position of about 3.7 square kilometers defended by two companies of the Volunteer Army.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

During the 43-day battle, the Volunteers and the "United Nations Army" repeatedly fought for positions 59 times, and the Volunteers repelled more than 900 "United Nations Army" charges. In the end, the volunteers held their positions and won the victory.

The "Battle of Songbone Peak" volunteer army blocked several enemy divisions with the strength of a hundred people and in the absence of danger to defend, and bought time for the main force at the cost of the total death.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

In the "Tieyuan Blockade Battle", the 63rd Army of the Volunteer Army was ordered to march more than 100 miles in a hurry. In the Liancheon and Tieyuan areas of Korea, he stubbornly resisted the enemy, crushed the enemy's crazy attack at the cost of almost the entire division being killed, annihilated more than 15,000 enemy troops, and bought time for the main force on the Eastern Front to move.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

"Battle of Cheongcheon River", "Battle of Dead Eagle Ridge", "Battle of Chosin Lake"... With its incomparably tenacious will to fight, the volunteer army forged a great wall of steel, repelling the enemy's crazy attacks again and again.

"Huang Jiguang", "Qiu Shaoyun", "Yang Gensi", "Fu Chongbi", "Sun Zhanyuan", "Xu Jiapeng"... We will always remember those martyrs who sacrificed on the Korean battlefield and pay tribute to the heroes!

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

No wonder MacArthur wrote in his memoirs in his later years that the U.S. military had never encountered such a formidable adversary after Chinese intervened in the war. And a year before his death, he accidentally mentioned the Korean War, and he said such a sentence: Whoever wants to go to war with the Chinese Army must have a disease in his brain!

The decline of the Korean War made Eisenhower brain-wrench, the Korean War was obviously impossible to win, and there was not much need to continue fighting.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?


Second, the continued low morale of the US military has made Eisenhower lose the chip to fight.

After five battles, the enthusiasm of the Chinese people to resist the war was completely ignited. "After fighting the 38th Parallel, liberating all of Korea" has become the strongest voice of the people of the whole country. The General Association for Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea issued circulars on the donation of aircraft, artillery, and the promotion of patriotic conventions.

In the rural areas, the broad masses of peasants spontaneously donated money and materials to strive to increase production and ensure supply on both sides of the front. All strata of society have taken active actions to do their part to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The enthusiasm of the war of resistance in the country profoundly inspired the volunteer soldiers on the front line, and the morale of the battle was unprecedentedly high.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

On the contrary, after five large-scale battles, the US military finally understood a truth, which was to encounter a difficult opponent. At the same time, under the premise of occupying absolute equipment superiority, the long-term defeat gradually consumes the will of every American soldier.

On the battlefield, no one wants to be the first to die. The Americans were often horrified by the strong will of the volunteers, and by the end of the war, the morale of the American soldiers was getting lower and lower. A U.S. soldier said: "The Chinese soldiers are so terrible, why should I die in this damn place!" ”

The continued low morale of the team had to make Eisenhower carefully consider that if the war continued, the loss of the army might be greater, and in order to stop the loss in time, Eisenhower had to rush to stop the war.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

Third, for the sake of the United States and its own interests

The Korean War was, in the final analysis, an unjust war that interfered with the regimes of other countries. MacArthur's original plan for a "Total Christmas Victory" eventually evolved into a "Christmas Run," which the volunteers took less than 8 months to fight back to the U.S. mainland.

The "United Nations Army" originally planned to end the Korean War in three months, but it eventually lasted for nearly three years. According to incomplete statistics, the United States invested about 500,000 troops during the DPRK period, with as many as 200,000 dead and wounded, up to 40 billion US dollars in war expenses, and more than 73 million tons of combat materials.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

During the war, as many as 12,224 aircraft were shot down, 3,064 tanks were damaged or captured, 257 ships were sunk, as many as 7,695 guns of various kinds were fired, and a large amount of other materials and equipment were destroyed.

Such a huge amount of material and personnel consumption was something Eisenhower did not want to see, coupled with the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union in the Far East. The unfavorable situation of the Korean War situation undoubtedly plunged the United States into a quagmire and suffered from the enemy on its stomach and back.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

In the later stages of the war, the anti-war wave in the country was also rising, and the american people's desire for peace became stronger and stronger. If the US military does not withdraw from The DPRK as soon as possible, it will not only seriously damage the interests of the United States, but also adversely affect the election of President Eisenhower.

Therefore, Eisenhower's decision to rush to an armistice was wise and inevitable.

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

2021 is the 71st anniversary of the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, we will always remember those heroes who sacrificed on the Korean battlefield for the motherland, let us continue to carry forward the "spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea", roll up our sleeves and work hard, and strive to build a modern power!

Why was Eisenhower in a hurry to stop the war? Is the U.S. military bound to lose, or is there something else hidden?

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