
The last lesson | "Say Goodbye Together", and 56 students in this class received a "family letter" from their parents.

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Xiao Yang

Intern Jia Peiyi

Correspondent Yin Weiguo

"No matter whether there is a smooth river or a bumpy twist ahead, we hope that you will always remember: no matter when and where, home will always be your warmest harbor, and your parents will always be your most solid reliance." On the morning of June 5, two days before the college entrance examination, the senior third (9) class of Wuhan No. 49 Middle School ushered in the "last lesson" before the college entrance examination. In the last class, the class teacher, Ms. Gao Jie, sent a special "gift" to each student, and all 56 students in the class received a "family letter" from their parents. In a melody of "Then let me finally hold your hand and say goodbye together...", many students secretly wiped their tears.

The last lesson | "Say Goodbye Together", and 56 students in this class received a "family letter" from their parents.
The last lesson | "Say Goodbye Together", and 56 students in this class received a "family letter" from their parents.

Flip through photos and review books

Teachers and students review the three years of high school together

Jimu News reporters saw in the third (9th) class of high school that the classroom was carefully decorated with balloons, etc., as well as exquisite cakes, delicious snacks, and various fruits... The most special thing is Ms. Gao Jie's gift for her classmates - a kraft paper bag with the student's name on it, which contains "a family letter", the high school plan written by the student when he entered the school, the review during the school period, the postcard signed by each teacher and a cup of milk tea.

On the same day, Teacher Gao used multimedia equipment to play the photos of the students from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, the group photo of the football game participated in the first year of high school, the record of the literary and artistic performance in the second year of high school, and the video of the oath ceremony of the third year of high school... Gao Jie told reporters that these photo materials were taken by her personally, and thousands of photos were stored in her mobile phone, "I was reluctant to delete them, and I wanted to stay as a souvenir." ”

"I was surprised that I didn't expect that so many of our photo class teachers kept and could even accurately say the time and activity of each photo," Chen chen said. She is an art student, and when she reaches her third year of high school, she will have a lot of training, and she will spend very little time in school, "The time is too fast, and I am very reluctant to classmates and teachers." ”

"Then let me finally hold your hand and say goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, a hundred times." A song "Goodbye Goodbye" evoked the memories of the students, and the reporter saw that many students at the scene shed tears of excitement.

The last lesson | "Say Goodbye Together", and 56 students in this class received a "family letter" from their parents.

And each teacher in the class also came to the classroom to give instructions for the students before the exam. The Chinese teacher reminds the students to take the basic questions seriously and read carefully; the math teacher hopes that the students can do the questions correctly; the foreign language teacher advises the students to relax their minds and maintain a peaceful attitude to cope with the college entrance examination; the political teacher tells the students to maintain a good sleep and meet the exam with a full spirit; the geography teacher encourages the students to cheer for the college entrance examination, and also reminds them to pay attention to the examination questions and learn to think; the history teacher Gao Jie reminds the students to pay attention to the exam time, do not be late, and reasonably allocate the answer time during the exam.

It is reported that Teacher Gao Jie began to prepare this gift three weeks ago, contacting parents one by one and asking them to write letters; running to the classroom teacher's office and asking them to sign. "Our class is a comprehensive class, there are art students, music students, dance students, they are all very energetic. I want to make a good memory for my classmates at the age of 18, hoping to reduce their stress before the college entrance examination, and hoping that they can all go to the university of their choice. Teacher Gao Jie said.

The last lesson | "Say Goodbye Together", and 56 students in this class received a "family letter" from their parents.

Parents also come to participate in the "last lesson"

Reveal your true feelings through handwritten letters

In fact, the decorations in the classroom and cakes, fruits, etc., are also inseparable from the careful preparation of the parents of the students. After school on the afternoon of June 4, seven parents came to the school and spent two and a half hours setting up classrooms for their classmates, and many parents were invited to participate in the "last lesson" to leave memories with their children.

"No matter whether there is a smooth river or a bumpy twist ahead, we hope that you will always remember: no matter when and where, home will always be your warmest harbor, and your parents will always be your most solid reliance." This is a letter written to her by He Anqi's parents. Angie Ho's mother told reporters that she began writing the letter with her father two weeks ago. She wants the child to relax, the important thing is the process of hard work, do your best. "It was very unexpected and very touching, this is the first time my parents have written to me in this way," He Anqi said, "my parents gave me a lot of encouragement, I hope that I can be admitted to the ideal university." ”

Su Siyu is an art candidate who has been studying music since he was a child. She told reporters that when she decided to become an art student, it took twice as long, both to study and to insist on training, at that time it was very confused, it was her mother who accompanied her all the time, helping her sort out what she wanted and set goals. Su Siyu's mother shared some details of getting along with her child in the letter, sharing her own mentality from the perspective of mutual understanding, "What you have experienced and are experiencing is the road I have taken. Girl who loves to smile, may you have the most beautiful smile. Cheers for the college entrance examination. After reading the letter, Su Siyu secretly wiped away his tears, "I am very touched, usually get along with my mother like a girlfriend, in the past three years of high school, my mother's company has really given me a lot of strength." ”

It is understood that the 56 students in the class have received a "family letter" from their parents, who cheered for their children's college entrance examinations by writing letters.

The last lesson | "Say Goodbye Together", and 56 students in this class received a "family letter" from their parents.

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