
Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way

author:Silly sister food
Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way

Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way. Hello everyone, I am a silly sister food, life only food and beauty can not be disappointed. Sure enough, it was the most beautiful April day on earth. April not only has beautiful scenery, but also a lot of delicious food, especially people living by the sea, the seafood in April is simply not too hearty, Pippi shrimp, pike crab, Gaba shrimp, octopus, sea rainbow, scallops, clams, etc., can be described as everything, enough mouth addiction. Today with you to share with you the most simple and delicious way to eat octopus, boiled octopus, cooked after dipping in the sauce, one bite at a time, spicy and enjoyable, my God, so delicious.

Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way

Octopus because of its eight legs and get this name, also called octopus, eight striped fish, eight big cockroach, although there are fish in the name, but not fish, belongs to the high protein and low fat cuisine, of which the protein content is 6 times that of milk, and beef, fish meat is not divided, often eat has a good tonic effect. The biggest feature of octopus is that the taste is tender and crisp, so it is very important to make octopus, of which the method is mainly boiled and spicy stir-fry, and the boiling is the most classic. Cooking as the simplest way to cook, but here is not simple in the octopus, a little attention to cook the old, once old can not eat, can not chew at all, directly wasted. As a native of the sea, boiling octopus is my specialty, just pay attention to these points, to ensure that it is crispy and delicious.

Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way

When cooking octopus, the most taboo is to cook directly under the pot, without this step, octopus is not fresh and not crispy and fishy. This step refers to adding salt and vinegar to catch and wash, first of all, the octopus is cleaned, the middle teeth are squeezed out by hand, so that when eating, there will be no teeth, boiled to choose small octopus, the large is more suitable for spicy stir-frying. Washed octopus remember not to cook directly from the pot, first put it in a large bowl, add a few spoonfuls of salt, pour some vinegar, and keep grasping with both hands until the bubbles are caught, so that you can cook. Salt and vinegar are the key to making octopus crisp and tender, if you do not add vinegar, only with salt rubbing, the time is longer, not as good as adding vinegar to save time and effort.

Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way

Prepare a small basin of ice water before the pot, pure water + a few pieces of ice cubes can be, or freeze a basin of pure water in the refrigerator in advance, which is left too cold, ice water is too cold to taste more crisp, is the effect that cold water is too cold to achieve. The point is that cooking octopus is not only very important for a long time, water temperature is also the key, some people use cold water, some people use boiling water, the cousin who is a chef told me that cold water and boiling water are not right, cold water time is relatively long, easy to cook old, boiling underwater pot directly leads to meat contraction, more bite can not move. The correct way is to add water to the pot, burn until the side of the pot begins to bubble up when you can get off the pot, that is, hot water under the pot, and do not cook for too long, about 1 minute to fish out, remember not to cook too long, otherwise it will not bite at all, if it is a relatively large octopus need to cook three pots like boiling dumplings.

Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way

Cooked octopus legs are all rolled up, look at the bottom like a flower, do not directly plate after fishing, but to use ice water to cool, so as to ensure a greater degree of crisp taste, many people have ignored this step, accustomed to natural cooling, if you wait for it to cool naturally, there is no crispness and coolness. After the octopus is cooked, mix a bowl of sauce, you can use ginger and vinegar, you can also use chili oil directly, very delicious.

Boiling octopus, someone with cold water, someone with boiling water, Chef: none of them are right, teach you the right way

Isn't octopus dipped in chili oil super tempting? Don't be too addictive to eat one bite at a time, it is crisp and spicy and delicious.

Tips: 1, octopus to wash clean need to add salt and vinegar to grasp the wash, until the bubbles can be cooked. 2, be sure to boil hot water under the pot, boil for a minute to fish out with ice water too cold, do not cook for too long, otherwise you can not eat. Keep these two points in mind to ensure that the octopus is both tender and crispy.

Boiled octopus is shared here, what are your insights on this practice? If you also have tips for cooking octopus, please leave a message in the comment area to share, so that more friends can learn and benefit.

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