
Today's winter - winter is coming

author:Wang Han

Lidong, the first solar term of winter and the nineteenth of the twenty-four solar terms, begins today, November 7, 2021 (the third day of october), the solar ecliptic longitude reaches 225°; it will end on November 22 (October 18). Standing, meaning the beginning of construction; winter, meaning the end, the collection of all things; standing winter, means the beginning of winter; the climate is also gradually changed from autumn rainy and dry to rainy and cold winter climate.

Today's winter - winter is coming

There are three seasons for winter: one is when the water begins to freeze, at this time the water can already freeze; the second is that the land begins to freeze, which means that the land also begins to freeze; the third waits for the pheasant to enter the water as a mirage, and the pheasant and other large birds are rare, and the seaside can see large clams with similar shells and pheasants lines and colors.

Today's winter - winter is coming

In fact, from a meteorological point of view, winter is not the beginning of winter, especially in each region of China's vast area will also start at different times. After the winter, the sunshine time will continue to shorten, and the noon sun altitude will continue to decrease. Because the surface can still store a certain amount of heat, it is usually not very cold in early winter; over time, cold air activity becomes more and more frequent, and the temperature decline accelerates. Modern scholar Zhang Baokun proposed the "average temperature" method to divide the four seasons - based on the average temperature of the weather, that is, the average temperature for 5 consecutive days, the stable drop below 10 °C is the beginning of winter, and the end is when the average temperature of the weather is above 10 °C. Winter means that the temperature has steadily dropped below 10 ° C, and the weather is cold. In the southern region, from the winter solstice to light snow, there will often be wind and sunshine, warm and comfortable "Xiaoyang Spring" weather, which is called "August is warm and September is warm, and October is also Small YangChun".

Today's winter - winter is coming

Lidong, Lichun, Lixia and Liqiu are collectively known as "Four Li", which is a very important festival in the hearts of the Chinese people. Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the winter festival, and the celebrations in various places are also very rich. In ancient times, before the establishment of winter, the emperor would bathe and fast, and on the day of the establishment of winter, he would lead hundreds of officials out of the countryside to hold a grand winter ceremony. Spring ploughing and summer cultivation, autumn harvest and winter storage, winter is also the season to enjoy a good harvest.

Today's winter - winter is coming

In ancient Chinese mythology, there are the spring god Gu Mang, the summer god Zhu Rong, and the autumn god Harvest; and Xuan Di Yu Qiang is the winter god. It is said that Xuan Di was the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, with a human-faced bird body, a green snake hanging from each ear on each side, two green snakes on his feet, and it is also said that his mount was a two-headed dragon. In ancient Greek mythology, Skadi was the female winter goddess, while Uuer was the male winter god.

Today's winter - winter is coming

As the saying goes, "Make up for winter, make up for the emptiness of your mouth". In ancient times, peasants worked for a year, taking advantage of the day of lidong to rest and reward the family's hard work. On the day of winter, all kinds of dumplings sell very hot. First, the day of lidong to improve life; second, dumplings are derived from the saying of "the time of intercourse", and lidong is the turn of autumn and winter, so the dumplings at the time of "handing" children cannot be eaten. Legend has it that at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical saint", invented the "jiao'er" because he wanted to treat typhoid patients with ear frostbite - Zhang Zhongjing used lamb, peppers and herbs to cook to drive away the cold and warm up, he wrapped these materials in the dough and made the shape of an ear - this is the origin of "dumplings". Now you can still hear the saying "Li Dong does not dishonor the dumpling bowl, freeze off the ears and no one cares".

Today's winter - winter is coming

In the winter season, in terms of living, people should go to bed early and get up late to ensure adequate sleep, which is conducive to the storage of yang qi and the accumulation of yin essence. In terms of emotions, it is necessary to try to be quiet and quiet, and to have less desire, so that the spirit can be adducted and conducive to the cultivation of storage. Winter everything withers, often will make people touch the scene, depressed, the best way to change this bad mood is to participate in more entertainment activities, which can eliminate the winter low mood, invigorate the spirit.

Today's winter - winter is coming

It falls in the constellation Scorpio (October 24 to November 22) in the western 12th constellation.

Today's winter - winter is coming

The autumn wind blew away the old Tingke, and the yellow leaf DanFeng guest passed.

A little Zen lamp half round moon, this evening is more cold than last night.

- "Li Dong" Ming Wang Zhideng

Today's winter - winter is coming