
Tsinghua Xueba squatted in the "Creation Camp" to "write papers"? David: I want to jump out of my comfort zone

author:Beiqing Net

According to the vote of the founders outside the venue, the fifth phase of the popular variety show "Creation Camp" ushered in the first release in order, 90 into 55, and David, who was eliminated in the ranking of 56, made many netizens feel "uneasy". After all, he has achieved barrier-free communication between international students, and he has also sparked a conversation because of his beautiful calligraphy. He told the Yangtze Evening News reporter that he really did not come to write a paper on the idol market, but to realize a "secret" childhood dream in his heart.

Tsinghua Xueba squatted in the "Creation Camp" to "write papers"? David: I want to jump out of my comfort zone

The best "translator teacher" to sing and dance? Unlock more possibilities in life

David Krosov, a handsome Russian boy with blond hair and blue eyes, became acquainted with Chinese since childhood, came to China to study at the age of eighteen, and stayed for ten years. As the national champion of the 2014 Chinese Bridge "Global Chinese Language Conference for Foreigners", the image ambassador of Beijing Tourism, the popular guest of "World Youth Talk", and the substitute host of "Every Day Upward"... His face is familiar to many young Chinese and is affectionately called "David".

David's appearance in a boy band growth variety show is still somewhat surprising, and fans have no shortage of doubts. At first, because they did not understand, fans did not even want the king to go further in the show, which affected David's "support list" ranking. There are also people who judge from David, who is fluent in Chinese, Japanese and Russian, as a translator for the contestants in the show, and he is the most powerful "translation teacher" in "Creation Camp 2021". "Haha translation is the biggest misunderstanding, in fact, I participated with a learning mentality." After graduating from Tsinghua with a master's degree, David wanted to jump out of his comfort zone, find inspiration from new environments, and try more new things. "Tangled for a long time, participating in the show is well thought out. I was singing and dancing 'negative' foundation, originally thought that the interview was no play, did not expect to pass the road unexpectedly, until the island, I think it is a kind of fate. ”

David said that even if there are regrets, but with effort, there is no regret. These two days, having just withdrawn from the collective life of "Creation Camp" "isolated from the world" practice and recording programs in Sea Flower Island, David preferred to relax himself. Waking up in the morning to tidy up yourself, in a full state, to meet the cameras captured everywhere, this kind of life, even for David, who has been on many programs such as "Open Talk", "World Youth Says", "Chinese Bridge" and so on, is also fresh. "A lot of life-like reactions and communication processes are broadcast, and reality TV is different from my previous shows, and there will be pressure. Now that the recording is over, I just want to take a break and take a good rest. ”

Tsinghua Xueba squatted in the "Creation Camp" to "write papers"? David: I want to jump out of my comfort zone

I found my childhood dream of singing and dancing, and was injured by too much force

In the show, the audience did not have the opportunity to learn what David really thought, after all, there are so many students, often singing and dancing, or the topical contestants often "snatched" the camera. "Seeing my uncoordinated singing and dancing limbs, people will think that you are suitable for learning language, but I think that people should not be bound and bound by their own labels. Maybe compared to the students who have been practicing for many years, I really didn't go as smoothly. But I am not a weak person, I think people should develop comprehensively, so that the meaning of living is richer. ”

What many people don't know is that David had a stage dream when he was a child. "In Russia, I went to the choir of the school, but then I was expelled because of the change of voice period, and I lost my dream. I also want to learn to dance, but often my childhood dreams stay when I am a child and are destroyed when I am a child. So, in fact, coming to "Creation Camp" provided me with a chance to meet my dreams as a child. I felt very happy at that moment on stage, and I cried with excitement after stepping off the stage. ”

David said that in order to change the clumsy state, the basic skills of singing and dancing would be practiced every day in the camp. Due to lack of experience, they will also "push too hard". When practicing the debut song, excessive use of the voice caused the loss of voice, took a lot of medicine during the performance, and performed various physiotherapy to make the sound come back temporarily. There are also sprains of the waist muscles during rehearsals, swollen legs, compression of chest nerves, and taking painkillers to perform on stage. After a week or two of recovery, I also missed the best time to practice the theme song. "For a while I could only lie down, the program team has been taking good care of me, I don't want to sell miserable, but I still feel some regrets in my heart, which affects my performance on stage."

Tsinghua Xueba squatted in the "Creation Camp" to "write papers"? David: I want to jump out of my comfort zone

Make a lot of friends, don't be "shocked" by cultural differences

Speaking of harvest, David said that in the show, young people from all over the world chase their dreams, seek to debut in a group, and are very happy to be able to use their professional background to help international youth cultural exchanges. "I studied comparative literature, and I can use my language advantage to help Chinese students and overseas students solve problems in communication and bring each other closer together." David said that it is mainly a matter of language barriers and expression habits, "When words do not meet the meaning, they need a common language." Through my translation, we resolved misunderstandings in a timely manner and we practiced very quickly. ”

"For three months, we put aside public opinion, did not have outside interference, practiced, played badminton together, and even returned to the joy of childhood such as hide-and-seek." David made many good friends as a result. "Getting along with young students, it is as if I have returned to the state of 18 years old, and there is no 'generation gap' in communication." When do people get old? It's when you stop learning, when you stop absorbing everything that's new. ”

Li Luxiu, who has always wanted to return to Russia, but was voted by Chinese netizens who loved him to stay on the show has triggered many interesting topics. David teased that Lilusius was funny, but he didn't not wash his hair and wait passively to be eliminated. In fact, this reflects the tolerance of Chinese audiences for international students, and they have gained many new fans through this show.

Tsinghua Xueba squatted in the "Creation Camp" to "write papers"? David: I want to jump out of my comfort zone

David in life loves to watch movies, sports, calligraphy, or is a "curious baby" who loves to delve into things of interest. "I said yes to the teacher who taught me dance, you teach me to dance, I teach you English. In fact, practicing dance is similar to learning language. The process of learning can be boring, but you have to endure loneliness. "David Chinese fluent and has no accent at all, but what you don't know is that he practices the basics of Mandarin, reads articles aloud every day, practices tongue twisters, and puts a lot of effort into it.

Parents as far away as Russia had become accustomed to David's independence and would often support his decisions unconditionally. When the reporter talked to him about Jia Ling's film "Hello, Li Huanying", he said, "In fact, the collision between parents and children is like the Russian writer Turgenev's "Father and Son", with the development and change of the times, the concept of different concepts will always exist. For David, who lives in a cross-cultural context, "it is important to learn to accept, not to feel 'shocked' because of cultural differences, not to reject, not to rush to evaluate, to observe slowly", developing in fusion symbiosis.

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Zhang Nan

Editor/Bow Lifang

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