
Youth chases dreams to live up to Shaohua, and blooms in the passionate struggle

author:Bright Net

Author: Le Bing

"In the new era, Chinese youth must have the courage to struggle. Struggle is the brightest undertone of youth. 'Confident that in two hundred years of life, it will hit three thousand miles when the water hits. The mission of national rejuvenation must be realized by struggle, and the sails of life's ideals must be raised by struggle. On the morning of April 30, at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment and sincere teachings demonstrated the great importance attached by the Party Central Committee to youth work and deep concern for young people, and pointed out the direction of progress and injected a strong impetus into the vast number of young people to bravely devote themselves to the new era and continue to struggle.

What does youth look like? "Youth is used to struggle", "Good sons and daughters are determined in all directions, and those who have lofty aspirations struggle without regrets", "Establish great ambitions and be strivers", "Struggle is the brightest background of youth"... Looking back at General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest messages to the vast number of young people during the Youth Day since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we can clearly touch the appearance of youth: struggle.

No struggle, no youth. "Without the continuous struggle of the broad masses of the people, especially the young people from generation to generation, who have gone forward and continued arduously, there will be no today in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, still less will there be a tomorrow for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." From salvation to the people's liberation, from all-round well-off to great rejuvenation, such youthful figures have long been frozen in history: students who threw themselves into the war of resistance and participated in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in order to restore the rivers and mountains and liberate all of China, volunteer soldiers who crossed the Yalu River with great vigor and vigor for the purpose of resisting the United States and aiding Korea and defending the country, and entrepreneurs who bravely crossed the Yalu River in order to conquer the world and go south and north. Full of a pure heart for the motherland and the people, the Chinese youth have actively thrown themselves into the great cause of revolution, construction, and reform under the leadership of the party, fought for the people, dedicated themselves to the motherland, and struggled for a happy life, dedicated the most beautiful youth to the motherland and the people, and composed one magnificent song of youth after another. Relying on the unremitting struggle of generations of young people, the Chinese nation has gone from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, allowing the Chinese nation to enter a new era. Standing on the new historical coordinates, the road to rejuvenation is still long, and the struggle is just right. Inspire youth, dedicate to the country, and move forward to the dream, fang does not live up to Shaohua. Struggle should undoubtedly be the most beautiful background of youth.

When the youth are prosperous, the nation is prosperous, and when the youth are strong, the country is strong. 100 years of turmoil. The portraits of struggling youth are deeply imprinted in the May Fourth Movement, in the revolutionary war years, and in the great practice of building a new China and reform and opening up. Today, when material living conditions have been greatly improved and spiritual and cultural life is becoming more and more abundant, living conditions are better, but the spirit of struggle cannot be reduced at all, and the good tradition of eternal struggle of Chinese youth cannot be lost at all. Young people who shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the new era must especially have the spirit of struggle that wants to endure hardships, dare to endure hardships, can endure hardships, and can endure hardships. Establish great ambitions, be strivers, plant and cultivate the dreams of youth in the fertile soil of the motherland, and be the strivers, pioneers and devotees who walk in the forefront of the times. "The dictionary of youth has no word 'difficult'; the spoken language of youth, without 'obstacle'." Just as Mr. Li Dazhao said, as long as we closely link our ideals with the future of the motherland, our own lives, and the destiny of the nation, strengthen our indomitable will to forge ahead, and maintain an optimistic and upward mental state, there will be no hardships that cannot be eaten and obstacles that cannot be overcome.

Everyone has only one youth, and no one should be a spectator of youth. In the "jointing and gestation period" of life, in the age of the most open mind, the most active spirit, and the most vigorous energy, only hard work, hard work, and selfless dedication are the real "youth without regrets". On the other hand, in the "jointing and pregnancy period" of life, if you do not learn more skills, do a career, and buckle the "first button" of life, it will only become a great regret, and the future memories of youth will be eclipsed, making people regret the original sigh! Today, young people coincide with a once-in-a-lifetime historical period, and in our journey of being closer to, more confident and capable of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, the road of struggle will not be smooth, and it will often be full of thorns and bumps. The strong, always rising from setbacks, never discouraged. Young people should take up the baton of history with a posture of struggle, and make contributions with the youth and the struggle.

The new era belongs to the strivers, and even more belongs to the vast number of young people with lofty ideals. To commemorate the May Fourth Movement and carry forward the May Fourth spirit, the vast number of young people in the new era should be strivers, pioneers, and devotees who walk in the forefront of the times, without fear of facing all difficulties and obstacles, and bloom with youthful radiance and compose youth music in the passionate struggle. As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, the ideal of youth, youth vitality, and youth struggle are the vitality of the Chinese spirit and Chinese strength. (Le Bing)

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