
Inventory of the recent mainland trend of post-95 male stars (Part 2)


This disk clicks the age ranking, a total of ten post-95 male stars. For the inventory of Xing Zhaolin, Hou Minghao, Liu Haoran, Song Weilong, and Wang Junkai, please see the (upper) period, and some of the contents of the (upper) period of science popularization will not be repeated.

Wu Lei (1999.12.26)

Inventory of the recent mainland trend of post-95 male stars (Part 2)

Wu Lei


"VOGUE ME", "Grace Men's Uno", "Harper's Bazaar", "ELLE" with other stars on the cover, the new four small weekly slams

New Four Weekly: "OK! Wonderful", "Red Show GRAZIA", "Excellent Family Pictorial", "Figaro FIGARO"


52 TV series, because Wu Lei's child star debuted, there are too many TV series that have been acted, and there are several more representative ones listed here.

Played Xiao Nezha in "Fengming Qishan of the Fengshen List", ma Xiaojiao in "Naughty Pack Horse Little Jump", and Tang Bu bitter in "Home with Aliens", all of which are childhood roles. He played Hu Yifeng and Fei Liu in "Whirlwind Girl" and "Langya List", and played the male protagonist in "Xianjian Inn", "Fighting Broken Sky" and "Sand Sea".

9 movies, "Miracle: Chasing the Rainbow", "The Great East Sea", "Asura" for the male, the last two have not yet been released, and there is also an unreleased "Shadow" also starred. There are also wonderful performances in "Extreme Pursuit", "Post-80s", "Chuanchuan and Yangyang", "Death Zone of Fire Line Pursuit", and "Northern Wei Legend of Grand Picture Hate".


He is a resident guest in 13 variety shows, "Twenty-four Hours 1 and 2", "Seventy-two Story Strange Building" and "I Am a Great Detective".


New Balance China Spokesperson

Domestic spokesperson of Skin Springs

American Travel (this area is uncertain)

Master Kong green tea


The Membrane Family

Hujiang Online School

Lux KJU Jeju

Chen Feiyu (2000.4.9)

Inventory of the recent mainland trend of post-95 male stars (Part 2)

Chen Feiyu

"Man's Fashion", "Grace Men's Uno", "VOGUE ME", "Harper's Bazaar", "Zhizu GQ" are double envelopes

1 TV series, "Will Night" was not broadcast

2 movies, "Secret Fruit" male Ban, "Zhao Orphan" played the king of his youth

3 variety shows

Dior Chinese Millennium Ambassador

About the spokesperson, brand ambassador, brand best friend these yesterday there were science popularization, details see (upper) issue

Hu Xianxu (August 17, 2000)

Inventory of the recent mainland trend of post-95 male stars (Part 2)

Hu Xianxu

Inside page of "Fashion Men's Uno"

16 TV series, "Old Boy" starred as the male second, "Originally You Are Still Here" played the teenager Cheng Zheng, in "Ruyi Chuan", "Langya List of The Wind Rises Changlin", "My Physical Education Teacher", "Little Parting" as a male supporting actor.

8 movies, "Birds and Phoenix", "Whose Youth Is Not Confused", "Where Has Time Gone", "Loyal Yang Jiajian", "Very Ten Days", "Xiao Jian's Choir" as a male supporting actor, played the male protagonist in "You Are My Concern" and "It Has Always Been a Sunny Day".

Two variety shows

Endorsement: None

Wang Yuan (2000.11.8)

Inventory of the recent mainland trend of post-95 male stars (Part 2)

Wang Yuan

"Harper's Bazaar" broke sales records, "Fashion COSMO" group seals, and single-person links broke sales records. Vogue ME annual issue, Figaro Figaro Silver Ten, broke sales records. "Bazaar Men" broke sales records, "Esquire" and "Weekend Pictorial" had the most covers.

6 TV series, "The Great Lord" plays the male protagonist Mu Chen, which has not yet been broadcast. In "Our Boyhood", "Super Teenager Code", "Boys' College Self-Study Room" as the male protagonist, "Qingyunzhi" plays the teenager Zhang Xiaofan, and "Little Parting" is the male supporting actor.

4 movies, "The Earth Is Long" male three times, the movie has not been broadcast yet. "The Traces" as the Pale Boy (the book is based on the Silver Priest), cameo in "Old Cannon" and "Fatal Pursuit"

29 variety shows, "Youth Hostel" and "Ace vs. Ace 2 and 3" are resident guests

H&M China's new generation image spokesperson

Oreo Brand Ambassador

L'Oréal Paris brand ambassador

Six walnuts

QQ read

Qianxi Yi (2000.11.28)

Inventory of the recent mainland trend of post-95 male stars (Part 2)

Yi Qianxi

A total of 10 times the cover of the big magazine led the way, and at the same time won the first-line male magazine slam results. The youngest face of "Zhizu GQ", "T Magazine"

12 TV series, playing the male protagonist in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" and "Yanshi Fan's New Youth", these two have not yet been broadcast. The male protagonist of "Our Boyhood" and "Super Teenager Code", "Si Meiren" plays the teenager Qu Yuan, and plays the male supporting actor in "Little Parting" and "Qingyunzhi".

2 films, with cameo appearances in "Old Cannon" and "Fatal Pursuit"

35 variety shows, as a resident guest in "This is Street Dance" and "Let Go of My North Nose"

Denmark's national tourism image spokesperson

Adidas neo brand spokesperson, the first global young creative officer

Good dad laundry detergent spokesperson

Tmall ideal life spokesperson