
The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project


On July 26, Beijing time, in the women's skateboarding street competition just held in the Tokyo Olympic Games, 13-year-old Japanese teenager Westinghouse Red Leaf finally won the gold medal, and she also became the youngest Olympic champion in Asian history, while Zeng Wenhui, a young player who played in the project, won the 6th place.

The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project
The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project
The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project

In the final final, the Japanese team had three athletes, entered the final eight, the Chinese team only had one athlete, Zeng Wenhui, and in the first round of the competition, Zeng Wenhui scored 2.13 points, which was not high, and could only rank 7th, and then in the second round he scored 2.22 points, which was still lower overall. Then she entered the 5-time skill performance scoring stage, in this link, Zeng Wenhui basically only had an effective score for the second time, and got 4.93 points, so that all her grades added up to 9.66 points.

The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project
The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project

Japanese youngster Momiji Nishiya, on the other hand, scored 3.02 points in the first round and was cancelled in the second round, but he performed very well in the skill performance, scoring 4.15 points, 4.66 points and 3.43 points in the next three rounds. In the end, her total score was 15.26 points, ranking first among all athletes, and successfully won the Olympic gold medal, brazil player won silver medal, another Japanese player won bronze medal, and Zeng Wenhui could only rank 6th.

The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project
The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project
The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project

The young Japanese athlete also set a new historical record, she successfully won the Olympic gold medal with a score of 13 years and 331 days, which also surpassed the Chinese diving queen Fu Mingxia to become the youngest Olympic champion in Asian history. At the 1982 Barcelona Olympics, Fu Mingxia won the Olympic championship in the women's singles 10-meter platform event at the age of 13 years and 353 days, becoming the youngest Asian champion in the history of the Olympic Games.

The 13-year-old Japanese girl won the championship, breaking fu mingxia's record, and Japan chased 6 gold China with a controversial project

As we all know, skateboarding sports previously belonged to the category of extreme sports, and did not belong to the Olympic Games competition training, on August 18, 2018, skateboarding debuted in the Jakarta Asian Games, which was a major breakthrough, and in August 2016, when the International Olympic Committee voted to officially enter the Tokyo Olympic Games sequence through skateboarding, it became an official competition event in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, which was also the first time skateboarding appeared in the Olympic Games. Now it seems that the Japanese trio reached the final of this project, obviously hoping to get such a first gold in history at home. They also hope to overtake in this corner to catch up with China, and after winning this gold medal, Japan is now 6 gold medals, officially equaling China.

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