
Say good to be white-headed and old together, but you secretly add this grass when you wash your hair

author:Guangzhou Tan Pharmacist

Cypress leaves are the dried branches and leaves of the Cypress family Cypress Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco. Bitter, astringent, cold. Attributed to the lungs, liver, spleen meridians. Cool blood stops bleeding, dissolves phlegm and relieves cough, and grows black hair. It is used for vomiting blood, blood hemoptysis, hemoptysis, blood in the stool, blood under the collapse, lung fever cough, blood heat hair loss, and early whitening.

"Materia Medica": The clearest blood is divided into damp heat. Anti-emetic. Bowel wind and blood in the urine. Blood diarrhea. All blood evidence. Go to rheumatism. Wind pain. Burned with soup. Muscle-based insecticide. Scorching frostbite. Juice, black hair. Danxi thought that he wanted medicine to tonify yin. However, it is a bitter cold and dry product. Only those who have damp heat in the blood. It is advisable to clear it up in this way. If it is true and false. Not as appropriate. There are several kinds of Cypress. Only the roots have several stems on the branches. Lush. The name Officinalis. Also known as bergamot cypress is true. Or fried or raw. Use cinnamon and oysters as a guide. Evil chrysanthemum. Wine.

According to scientific studies, it contains volatile oils, mainly fenchone (fenchone), camphor, dipteroster acetate, terpene alcohol; It also contains junipericacid quercetin, myricetin, beech, hinokiflavones, waxes and so on. Cypress leaves contain 0.26% volatile oil, the main components in the oil are α - cypressone, cypressene, aniseone, etc.; other components also contain flavonoids, such as orange, quercetin, arbutus bark, hinoki diflavones, etc.; the leaves also contain potassium, sodium, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc and other trace elements. Pharmacologically, the lateral cypress leaf decoction can significantly shorten the bleeding time and coagulation time, and its hemostatic active ingredients are quercetin and tannin. In addition, there are antitussive, asthmatic, expectorant, sedative and other effects. Relevant experiments have shown that cypress leaves have a good inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, dysentery bacillus, catarrhal bacteria, diphtheria bacillus, typhoid bacillus, etc., and have the effect of shaving hair, hemostasis, cough and asthma.

First of all, the cypress leaves are carefully cleaned one by one. At the same time, put an appropriate amount of water in the pot to boil, and then put the washed cypress leaves into boiling water and boil. The boiled water can be used directly to wash your hair, and you don't need shampoo. When boiling the side leaves, try to first pluck the branches of the side cypress leaves, and use only the leaves, which is more effective. Cut off the branches. After drying, take its small branches and leaves, tie them into a small handle, put them in a ventilated place to air dry, dry in the shade, and remember not to be exposed to the sun. For raw or charcoal frying. According to recent clinical studies, cypress leaves also have the effect of coughing and expectorant, preventing and treating baldness, so they are often used in the elderly chronic tracheitis and the treatment of a variety of baldness symptoms, and have achieved satisfactory results. Therefore, friends who are still distressed by serious hair loss, you can often use cypress leaves to wash your hair, which can effectively prevent hair loss, and at the same time have the effect of hair growth.