
Colleges and universities grow into memories

author:Bright Net
Colleges and universities grow into memories

Professor Zhu Xufei (left) instructs students to do experiments. Image courtesy of Zhu Xufei

This is a learning bully growth camp - more than 10 undergraduates have published more than 30 SCI papers; won the first and second prizes of the national "Challenge Cup"; more than 10 times won the special prize and first prize of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship; in the past 4 years, 3 people have been exempted from peking university for further study...

This is a scientific research and training team directed by Zhu Xufei of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, with more than 30 undergraduate students from 4 different grades. In recent years, the team has been approved by 5 National Natural Science Foundations of China, more than 10 authorized patents, and published nearly 100 SCI papers, of which JCR's first district and two district papers account for more than 70%, and two ESI highly cited papers.

Professor Zhu Xufei was initially "famous" for his success studies – his public selection course "Wisdom and Success" was very popular with students, but as a teacher of polymer materials and engineering undergraduate courses, his strength was to engage in scientific research. He proved the gold content of his success with practical actions.

In the eyes of students, Professor Zhu can not only guide students to engage in scientific research, but also make spicy shrimp and delicious rice cakes for students, and help students reduce stress anytime and anywhere. The students called him Uncle Professor, because he had the knowledge and vision of a professor, and he had the warmth and heart of the uncle next door.

In Professor Zhu's view, students should solve three problems in scientific research.

Solve scientific research problems: if you want to add flowers to the "brocade", you must first weave the "brocade"

Before joining the scientific research and training team, Professor Zhu told them three chapters: academic performance should be steadily improved, English level 6 should be up to standard, and most importantly, there must be clear development goals and strong action.

Teacher Zhu said that classroom learning is always the main position for laying a solid foundation. Scientific research training is the second classroom, it is a good thing to add flowers, how many "flowers" can be added, first of all, we must see how big the "brocade" is woven and how good it is. Zhang Jianpeng, a student of the class of 2018, said: "Teacher Zhu has always stressed that academics are the first, and we are not required to occupy the study time to engage in scientific research, but we must also cherish the opportunity of scientific research and training. "The high-level academic papers of the team members are the crystallization of the scientific research results of the students' spare time, and the embodiment of the classroom learning results."

"Grasping the big and letting go of the small" and "passing on the help" are Teacher Zhu's secrets. In the details of the experiment, Teacher Zhu can teach by hand for hours, and sometimes, he is happy to be a "hand-throwing treasurer". Zhou Qinyi, a student of the class of 2018, said: "The teacher spent a long time teaching us how to consult literature, read literature, organize literature, and gradually help me sort out the direction of scientific research. Since the beginning of the summer vacation in 2019, Zhou Qinyi has already achieved phased results, and after repeated revisions by the teacher, her thesis has been submitted.

Teacher Zhu is often a "bystander", allowing students to freely discuss and solve difficult problems. Undergraduate students who have just entered the laboratory, graduate students teach them experimental operations, analysis curves, and charting. When a problem arises, it is also to discuss a solution with the teachers and brothers first, and when a problem that cannot be solved is encountered, or when there is a directional error, the teacher will reach out to support. Teacher Zhu said that the guidance of senior students not only allows them to relive the experimental process, but also allows new members to understand the difficulties and error points in more detail, which will help improve the independent scientific research ability of undergraduates.

Solving the development problem: it is important to produce results, and it is more important to have direction

Many new members joined the team at the beginning, and their personal goals and development direction were not clear. Teacher Zhu believes that the results are very important, and it is more important to have direction. The purpose of scientific research training is by no means to award certificates, but to find out the research directions that you are good at. The two instructors and each student work together to formulate phased goals, guide students to improve scientific research results into papers, patents and other forms, and prepare for various competitions in the next stage at any time.

When students have a better research direction, Teacher Zhu will "send out" the students. Speaking of Zhang Jiajun, a student of the class of 2018, Teacher Zhu did not hesitate to praise: solid foundation, good habits, self-confidence, flexible brain, is a good seedling for scientific research, and the disadvantage is that he is too demanding of himself.

Zhang Jiajun, who published papers in the EC journal of Oxford University in his freshman year, participated in many competitions with high morale, but unfortunately lost in the national college student mathematics competition (the sixth place of the first prize, missed the final) and a heavyweight award competition on campus, Teacher Zhu analyzed the reasons for the defeat with him, helped him turn the head of the car and climb up in another place.

Zhang Jiajun gradually returned to the best state, but also realized that his interest was not in the direction of materials science, but in the direction of organic synthesis. When he learned that the organic synthesis team of returnee Professor Zhang Gen needed students to join, Teacher Zhu decisively "sent" Zhang Jiajun out.

Zhu Xufei said that this is to teach according to aptitude, and it is necessary to create the most scientific and reasonable training system for students. In addition, it is also necessary to have a clear understanding of the students' personality characteristics, to mobilize the favorable factors in the students' personality characteristics in a timely manner, polish some of the shortcomings of the students, and transform the personality characteristics into the help of students' growth into talents.

Solve the problem of life: the uncle is always full of positive energy

Always talk with a smile, encourage everyone in the WeChat group every morning, always bring a small flower expression when replying to questions... This is the impression of Teacher Zhu in the hearts of the students.

There is a joint code between Teacher Zhu and the students. "Big stones, eight big characters, atomic bombs..." These are the places where Teacher Zhu and the students met.

Zhou Qinyi said: "Every time we talk about the progress of the project and solve the problem, the teacher always comes to us and never lets us go to him. "The big stone in Ginkgo Square, the 8 big characters on the first floor of the library, the two bombs and one star monument in the Zhige Garden... Everywhere, there were the backs of Teacher Zhu talking to the students.

Sometimes, the students in the research group did not have time to eat, and Teacher Zhu would bring food from home to everyone, and often invited everyone to eat at his house. Teacher Zhu's best dish is spicy shrimp, which many students like.

Yu Mengshi is too focused on scientific research and often forgets to eat, Teacher Zhu often brings her food from the canteen, by the way to communicate the scientific research progress and problems of the week, Yu Mengshi published 7 SCI papers during her undergraduate studies, and entered Peking University for further study.

Yu Mengshi said: "Teacher Zhu is a person who is always full of positive energy, and he has a huge passion for everything. ”

Correspondent Ge Lingling Reporter Li Runwen