
In autumn and winter, small melon worms are frequent! What drugs can be used to completely eliminate it? The key is to look at these points

author:It's a home for aquatic people!

With the decline of water temperature, small melon worms have appeared frequently, and few cases have been seen in the past month, but now they are basically visible every day! In particular, scaleless fish such as yellow jawfish, once infected, it is very difficult to deal with, and the harm is also very large.

Why are small melon worms difficult to kill

1, after the small melon worm matures and leaves the fish body to enter the capsule stage, there will be a thick layer of capsule, any drug is difficult to penetrate, and the effect of any medicine is not good.

2. The small melon worm will stimulate the fish body to secrete mucus, wrap the worm body, and the penetration of the drug is affected.

3, small melon worms are also called irritating cryptonuclear worms, as the name suggests, after being stimulated by drugs, they reproduce faster. Therefore, within a day or two after the treatment of the small melon worm, the condition seems to improve, but after three or four days, it broke out again, and it was more fierce, which is the reason.

In autumn and winter, small melon worms are frequent! What drugs can be used to completely eliminate it? The key is to look at these points

What drugs can be used to kill small melon worms

According to the life history of the small melon worm, when treating, one must kill the parasites on the fish body, the second is to kill the free swimming larvae that break out of the sac and the mature parasite that breaks out of the fish body, and the third is to kill the sac, so as to be completely cured.

But unfortunately, there is no drug that can kill the parasitic fish body, which is harmless to the fish body and does not pollute the pond water.

It can be seen that it is difficult to achieve the desired effect of a single treatment, unless the disease is mild, or the drugs used can kill both the latent parasites and the sacs under the epidermis.

In autumn and winter, small melon worms are frequent! What drugs can be used to completely eliminate it? The key is to look at these points

How to prevent small melon worm disease

1. Thoroughly clear the pond. The ponds are thoroughly cleared with quicklime before stocking fingerlings.

2. Raise the water level. Under pond culture conditions, prevention can be carried out in late autumn, early winter and early spring by appropriately raising the water level and ensuring the water temperature.

3. Prevent damage to fish bodies. When preparing for the wintering of spiny fish (such as yellow jaw fish, etc.) during the epidemic season of melon worm disease, the dragnet operation should avoid rainy and low temperature weather, and the fishing and transportation operation should be carried out when the water temperature is relatively high on sunny days, and the operation should be carefully operated to avoid damage to the spiny fish.

4. Improve the immune resistance of farmed fish. The physiological condition of fish is directly related to the occurrence of small melon worm disease, and the low immunity of fish is more susceptible to the invasion of small melon insect predators. Therefore, during the epidemic season of melon worm disease, the nutrition of farmed fish should be strengthened. At the same time, oral administration of "three yellow powder + bile acid + electrolytic multi-dimensional" to improve the immune resistance of fish.

5. Cultivate fertilizer water quality. The occurrence of small melon insect disease is closely related to the water quality of the pond, generally in the pond with thin water quality, the small melon insect disease is prone to occur, so in the small melon insect epidemic season should be appropriately cultivated water quality.

6. Control stocking density. To reduce the chance of infection of small melon insects, you can also use the safe and non-toxic Lechang eucalyptus essential oil to prevent the reproduction of small melon insects.

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