
Fangshan Shidu villagers find "African serval cat"

author:Beijing News

Recently, villagers near Shidu in Fangshan have discovered the sǒu cat, a feline mainly distributed in the African grassland, in the wild. This serval cat is 60 cm long, compared with the domestic cat, large and strong bouncing power, it belongs to an exotic species. At present, this serval cat is undergoing professional treatment at the Beijing Wild Animal Park Rescue Station in Daxing District, and its vital signs are stable. Zhang Zhiming, director of the Wildlife and Wetland Protection Division of the Municipal Landscaping Bureau, said that the serval cat may have escaped after unauthorized breeding, or it may have been abandoned after private breeding or "released" in the wild without authorization. In China, according to the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the serval cat belongs to the national second-level key protected animal.

Beijing News reporter Wang Jianning video report

Clip by Wang Expedition

Edited by Zhang Ying, Proofreader Li Lijun

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