
Inner Mongolia: The peak of the express delivery season is expected to occur from November 15 to 16

author:True North Net

Zhengbei Network News (North New Daily Zheng Huiying) "Double 11" e-commerce promotion tide has begun, a large number of express parcels have arrived for distribution. In the face of the peak of express delivery business, postal management departments at all levels and postal express delivery enterprises in Inner Mongolia have allocated resources to ensure the smooth flow of delivery channels. The reporter learned from the Inner Mongolia Postal Administration that the preliminary estimate is that during the "Double 11" period this year, the processing volume of express delivery business in the whole region will be close to 118 million pieces, an increase of 31% year-on-year. Peak season peaks are expected to occur on November 15 and 16, with the number of cases handled on that day exceeding 9.4 million, up 35% year-on-year.

The peak season of express delivery business in 2021 is a total of 92 days from the beginning of November to the eve of the Spring Festival (February 1) in 2022, and is expected to go through four stages, a small peak in the initial business of the peak season from November 1 to 3, a peak of the "Double 11" annual business peak from November 11 to 16, and a peak stage of business during the "Double 12" and New Year's Day Spring Festival. Overall, the business volume of the express delivery business in the peak season in 2021 is still showing a high growth trend.

At present, from the perspective of service guarantee capabilities, the whole district has established 19 municipal express delivery parks, 80 county-level express distribution centers, 78 three-level express logistics systems in Qixian, 778 Sumu township express delivery services, 11067 established villages to achieve direct mail, and the number of established villages to achieve express delivery services has reached 9476, with a coverage rate of 85.62%. The total number of express delivery service outlets in the whole district has reached 10,331, 4,486 express terminal public service stations have been set up in the urban area, and the total number of smart express boxes has reached 310,000 square meters. During the peak season of this year's business, more than 46,000 employees and auxiliary personnel can be directly involved, the total number of motor vehicles such as trunk line transportation and delivery has reached 4,228, and the delivery of non-motor vehicles has reached 15,493; the total number of various transportation routes such as highways and aviation has reached 1,340; the total number of processing sites has reached 665,300 square meters, and the total number of automated sorting equipment has reached 111, and the industry's basic guarantee capacity has been continuously enhanced.

Green governance of express packaging is an important part of the service guarantee work in the peak season. The whole district will strengthen the supervision and inspection of the special governance of express packaging, promote the use of circular packaging boxes (boxes) in the same city distribution and cold chain freshness during the peak season, strengthen the guidance of delivery enterprises to the non-secondary packaging of the agreement user's e-commerce express, and do the waste packaging recycling work during the peak season. Strengthen the special governance of excessive packaging and random packaging, and urge delivery enterprises to standardize packaging operations in the case of surge in business volume in the peak season, so as to achieve green and reduced express packaging. Guide enterprises to lease new energy or clean energy vehicles to meet the needs of the delivery business.