
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

author:Municipality of Lanzhou

Adhere to the original intention to undertake the mission, and the masses are concerned about relieving the people's worries

Since the study and education of party history was launched, the Municipal Engineering Service Center has taken "effectively doing practical things for the masses and solving difficult problems" as its work goal, condensing the people's hearts with the results of doing practical things, gathering people's strength with the results of solving difficult problems, and solving 101 worries and worries of the masses.

Insist on taking the initiative, see the temperature in the details

According to the arrangement of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Municipal Engineering Service Center takes the initiative to scientifically plan the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" to promote the deep integration of practical activities and facility maintenance.

Comprehensive and overall planning. The "Implementation Plan of the Lanzhou Municipal Engineering Service Center Committee of the CPC on Carrying Out the Practical Activities of "I Do Practical Things for the Masses" was issued in a timely manner, which divided the activities into three stages: deployment planning, organization and implementation, and summing up and acceptance, and closely centered on the matters that the masses were "anxious, difficult, and anxious to look forward to," made overall arrangements and promoted as a whole, thus providing institutional arrangements and organizational guarantees for the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" to achieve practical results.

Focus on people's livelihood needs. Insist on starting from a small matter, a trivial matter, and reflect the concept of the people's livelihood and the temperature of municipal work in the subtleties. In order to facilitate the travel of disabled people, the center in accordance with the latest specifications, the design and maintenance of the edge stone ramp, blind road and blind road intersection, the special transformation of some key road sections; in order to completely solve the problem of no street lights in the Nongsha section of North Binhe Road, affecting the problem of night travel of the public, actively implemented and completed the installation of solar street lights in the Nongsha section of North Binhe Road, installing a total of 295 street lights; in order to further improve the safe operation level and traffic capacity of North and South Binhe Road, the center lasted for one and a half months, working overtime and continuous combat. In order to ensure the smooth passage of vehicles, combined with the special action of large-scale inspection and rectification of municipal facilities, special rectification actions were carried out for manhole covers with problems in the jurisdiction, and 106 manhole covers were found to be lost and damaged, and 104 were repaired in a timely manner, which comprehensively improved the road traffic capacity and won unanimous praise from the public.

The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

Do a good job of safety work. "To ensure safety is to protect people's livelihood." Municipal work is closely related to the lives of the people, can not have problems, can not have problems, so the main administrative leaders of the center clearly put forward the safety work concept of "everyone wants to be safe, everyone stresses safety, everyone grasps safety, everyone protects safety", unifies the safety of cadres and workers and the safety of facilities operation, in terms of cadres and workers, organizes and carries out voluntary tree planting activities, plants 1,000 trees at the material supply station, prevents soil erosion, and improves the working environment of the factory area; More than 50 labor service personnel were trained in safety production and first aid knowledge, and the ability of labor service personnel to save each other and save themselves in emergencies was improved. In terms of the safety of facility operation, we actively carried out the detection and emergency detection of road hollow hidden dangers in the plan, a total of 406 roads (divisions) were detected, 81 emergency detections (divisions), and 196 holes (emptying) were found, confirmed and treated, and the incidence of road collapse accidents was further reduced. In addition, it actively assisted the municipal facilities management department of Anning District to conduct road radar detection and timely feedback of disease information, ensuring the smooth operation of the main and secondary roads in the district and the safe travel of the public.

The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

Adhere to the people's call to respond, eliminate worries and solve difficulties to see speed

The people's livelihood is no small matter, and the branches and leaves are always concerned. The municipal service center insists on responding to the people's call and helping the people in difficulty, and earnestly let the broad masses of citizens feel the new atmosphere and new changes brought about by the study and education of party history.

"Tube release service" optimization service. Since the launch of the "Year of Work Style Construction" activity, the municipal service center has continued to strengthen and improve the window service work under the new situation, and strive to create a "standardized, high-quality, efficient, convenient" image of being close to the people and loving the people, especially since the "I do practical things for the masses" practice activities, the window staff has always adhered to the "first-class service level, first-class work efficiency, first-class work style", innovated the way of work, took the initiative and actively, and solved the problem of leakage of water supply pipelines near the Donggang overpass in the shortest possible time. Received pennants from surrounding residents.

The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

Hurry up and solve people's worries. The municipal service center regards the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as a major political task throughout the year, and makes efforts to actively resolve "difficult points" and open up "blockages" and seek breakthroughs. The organization and implementation of the new pedestrian bridge project of Lan da Fu Primary School was successfully completed at the end of May, effectively solving the problem of safe travel of teachers, students and surrounding residents of Lan Da Fu Primary School. The dredging and dredging work of the Dajingou, Si'ergou and Yu'ergou pipe networks has been completed with quality and quantity, ensuring the safe and smooth drainage during the flood season. After receiving the emergency call for help from the leakage of the tap water pipe in the Lansu Community of Jianxi East Road, which caused the collapse of half of the road in the south ring road of the section, the construction team was immediately arranged to machinery, 24-hour uninterrupted construction was taken, and after three consecutive days and nights of hard work, the task of emergency repair of the roadway was completed in time. Although the sidewalk crack problem caused by the water stringing in the red community of Nanshan Road is beyond the jurisdiction of the center, the center insists on putting the interests of the masses in the first place, and still arranges staff overnight to complete the restoration of the damaged municipal road, eliminate the hidden dangers of the road safety, and solve the troubles of the surrounding residents.

The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

Disease information sharing linkage to solve the demands of the masses. This year, the municipal service center and the Chengguan District Digital City Management Center, Qilihe District three-dimensional digital service center established an information sharing linkage mechanism, to further make up for the weak patrol force, the initial realization of one-key sharing, one network communication, since the establishment, has received the information linkage platform to transfer 147 cases, the completion rate and response rate are 100%, the timely rate of disease information discovery has been greatly improved, the public's satisfaction with municipal work and sense of identity are increasing day by day.

The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

Persist in working for a long time, solve the problem and see the strength

The municipal service center insists on grasping the practice of "I do practical things for the masses" as a long-term work, puts an end to a gust of wind and goes through the motions, and ensures that good things are done in a down-to-earth manner by solving various problems, and that practical things are done well and done to the hearts of the masses.

Crack the style puzzle. After the Eighteenth National Congress, our party has successively carried out the party's mass line education practice activities, the "three strict and three realistic" special education, the "two studies and one doing" study education and the theme education of "not forgetting the original heart and keeping the mission in mind", and at the same time, with the continuous promotion of the "year of work style construction", the overall work style of the center has improved significantly. Since the study and education of party history was launched, especially in the response to complaints, we have firmly established the concept of "big municipality", made it possible to compare hearts with complainants and think in a different position, completely changed the simple and rude way of replying in the past, and promptly replied to matters that fall within the scope of the center; and actively coordinated matters other than the responsibilities of the center to ensure that the matters complained by the masses can be satisfactorily answered.

Crack the delicate puzzle. Creating a "refined municipal" is an important means to maintain the good image of the municipal industry and enhance the people's sense of happiness and gain. In the maintenance and repair work, the use of new materials such as patch belts and crack stickers has reduced maintenance costs and improved maintenance efficiency; according to the arrangements of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, ten pedestrian bridges (underpasses) have been screened out and included in the "exquisite facilities" creation plan, and the transformation of the pedestrian bridge of the Xijin East Road Army General Hospital has been completed, which has facilitated the travel of the public; through four days of continuous struggle, the emergency repair of the lighting facilities of the Shen'an Yellow River Bridge has been successfully completed, ensuring that "the mother river shines, and the hearts of all people are to the party" The normal shooting of the light show; adhere to the principle of "energy saving and emission reduction, eliminating waste", through the rational adjustment of construction materials in key road sections, the reduction of local side stone height, intersection slope transformation, scientific setting of trails, etc., so that the city's municipal facilities are closer to the people's livelihood and more convenient for citizens. In particular, this year, in accordance with the standard of "living room", the center completed the road improvement and transformation work around Dongfanghong Square as scheduled, and won the general praise of the public.

The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

Solve the implementation problem. As a municipal facilities maintenance department, the work of the center is to grasp the implementation one by one, to ensure that one piece will be grasped, and one piece will be consolidated, so that the public can enjoy more convenience and benefits brought by municipal work. Therefore, while the center consolidates and grasps the implementation of responsibilities at all levels, it constantly increases the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the work, not only arranges for the relevant business departments to conduct regular inspections and irregular spot checks, but also the leaders of the center also regularly go deep into the various areas in charge to carry out work supervision, and strictly hold accountable individuals who are not in place in the practice of "I do practical things for the masses", force the implementation of responsibility, and ensure that every institutional arrangement and every people's livelihood work can be transformed into the tangible income of the people.

The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"
The Municipal Engineering Service Center has solidly carried out the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses"

In the next step, the municipal service center will adhere to the actual situation, scientifically plan the work of "I do practical things for the masses", further strengthen the communication with Lanzhou Jiantou in view of the problem that some street lights on the North Ring Road are not lit, and further strengthen the communication with Lanzhou Jiantou, which will pay close attention to the rectification of the street lamp facilities, and complete the rectification and completion according to the relevant norms, and hand over one to the center; in accordance with the standards of building "exquisite municipality", continue to implement the "exquisite facilities" creation plan, and transform and upgrade the remaining nine pedestrian bridges (underground passages). Continuously improve the integrity of facilities and the people's sense of security; further strengthen the handling of netizens' messages and complaints, and immediately solve those who have the conditions for solving; for those who do not have the conditions for solving the problem, they must actively create conditions and solve them as soon as possible; for those that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the center, they must take the initiative to dock and supervise the relevant units at the same time, do a good job of replying, and use practical actions to solve the people's worries and win the trust of the people.

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