
American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

Home in Guangzhou. Stew a street, at that time was not so famous, no need to queue, go to the Pearl River at night to walk around the home, will not be able to help but go to the stew shop to sit down, to a original cup of coconut stewed bamboo wire chicken, or a Huai berry stewed partridge, a few dollars a cup, drink the whole body comfortable, change different varieties every day, half a month can not be repeated, because of the moisture of these soups, the day does not feel humid and hot, the skin will not be too bad, the day is also happy and satisfied! Going back many years later, it is still a menu that has remained unchanged for decades, but there are long queues on the three outer three floors, and it is not easy to drink a bowl, let alone takeout. The benefits of water stew, I still deeply remember. Also, the taste, the method, I still have memories, it is better to simmer slowly on my own. American ginseng bamboo silk chicken, bamboo silk chicken is also called black chicken, Chinese medicine believes that black chicken has the effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat, tonifying liver and kidneys, strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea. Black chicken is rich in melanin, protein, B vitamins and other 18 kinds of amino acids and 18 kinds of trace elements, of which niacin, vitamin E, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium content are higher than ordinary chicken, cholesterol and fat content is very low, black chicken serum total protein and globulin content are significantly higher than ordinary chicken, black chicken contains amino acids higher than ordinary chicken, and iron content is also much higher than ordinary chicken, is a tonic with high nutritional value. Eating black chicken can improve physiological function, delay aging, strengthen muscles and bones, and have obvious effects on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, rickets, and iron deficiency anemia in women. Ginseng is American ginseng, native to North America, because the predecessors collectively called Europe and the United States and other places as "Western Ocean", so the name of American ginseng. The American flag was formerly known as Citi, so it is also known as Citi ginseng. Among the many ginseng, only Ginseng is cool, so it is most suitable for people who are "hot", irritable, young, and have too much tobacco and alcohol. Ginseng can also help qi and reduce fire, relieve wine and heat, refresh the spleen and appetize, so it is also very suitable for people who are busy at work and sleep-deprived, even if they are taken for a long time. The driver of my company, driving long distances, afraid of fatigue driving, will chew a few pieces of American ginseng to refresh.

By Xinyu Feifei 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】

Black chicken 4 pieces

Ginseng 10 g

One piece of flesh and bone

Goji berries 10 grains

4 tablets of ginger

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

1: Clean the black chicken and chop into large pieces; slice the ginger; rinse the goji berries and ginseng slices.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

2: Put the black chicken and meat bones into the pot, do not cover the pot lid, cook on high heat until the water is boiling, turn off the heat, and use chopsticks to pinch out the black chicken and meat bones.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

3: Black chicken and pork bones, ginseng, ginger slices, goji berries put into the stew cup.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

4: Pour water into the stew cup, do not exceed the highest scale.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

5. Fill the health pot with water, 1000ml.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

6: Put the stew cup into the cup and cover with the lid. Check that the water level does not exceed the maximum water level limit.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

7, set the health pot, press open, press the right side of the stew, adjust to the medicinal food, heat for 1 hour and 20 minutes, automatically keep warm.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #

8, after stewing, open the lid of the stew cup, first skim off the above oil slick; put a small amount of salt to taste, the stew soup tastes very fresh, while hot, drink soup, eat meat.

American ginseng bamboo silk chicken -----#养生壶 #


1 You can't buy bamboo chicken (black chicken), ordinary chicken can also do the same. You can also add dates and so on to the soup, but I want to be more mellow, so I only use these... 2 The amount of Ginseng is based on personal endurance, but too much will be bitter and overshadowed chicken fresh. Ginseng root must be stronger than the flakes. 3 Do not put too much ginger, the soup will be spicy, affecting the original deliciousness of the chicken soup. 4 Ginseng is best made into a stew with water barriers to keep the original taste without loss. If you make ordinary sand pot soup, the essence evaporates during the soup. 5 salt is the last to put, do not too much water, the soup will be too light. Five types of people should not drink chicken soup Chicken soup is warm, chicken soup is mostly oil, calories and fat, but not all people are suitable for drinking chicken soup, some people drink chicken soup not only can not play a role in supplementing, sometimes it will be counterproductive. There are 5 types of people who are not suitable for drinking. 1. Patients with chronic superficial gastritis, their stomach acid, digestive function is not good, drinking more chicken soup will promote gastric acid secretion, not only is not conducive to digestion, but will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in indigestion. 2. Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis often occur authors, should not drink more chicken soup, because the digestion of fat in chicken soup needs bile to participate together, after drinking chicken soup will stimulate the contraction of the gallbladder, easy to trigger the attack of cholecystitis. 3. Patients with hyperuricemia should not drink chicken soup, because chicken soup is rich in purines and fat, which will induce gout attacks. 4. In patients with hyperlipidemia and fatty liver, after the fat in chicken soup is absorbed, it will promote the further elevation of blood lipids and blood cholesterol, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the liver, which will be deposited in the lining of blood vessels and cause coronary artery sclerosis and other pathologies. 5. Patients with renal insufficiency, chicken soup contains some small molecule proteins, patients with acute nephritis, acute and chronic renal insufficiency or uremia, because the kidney and liver of the patient can not dispose of protein decomposition products on time, drinking more chicken soup will cause hyperzotemia and aggravate the process of the disease.


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