
Prose: Little Cold

author:Zi-Ink Literature
Prose: Little Cold

Author: Zi Mo

In the cold season, everything goes into hiding, and there is no wind and cold. At this point, the year will come to an end, may everyone pass through the cold, through the wind and snow, and love this simple human fireworks even more.

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I accept the gift and baptism of time, whether the time passes too quickly, whether the storyline is too sad, I accept, even if it is lonely, I will try to make myself accept.

I know that nothing is forever the same, just like a year has passed, there are more wrinkles on the face, and a few more white hairs on the sideburns, and I can face it calmly, which is maturity.

Looking back on this year, the days are plain, life is not strange, there should be no less difficulties, the likes that should be less and less, if there is anything to gain, that is to learn to be quiet, quiet in a kind of ordinary, quiet in a beautiful, this is also enjoyment.

Prosperous world, I like the inner truth of life, but also know that the greatest happiness in life is peace and security, the greatest happiness in life is health and health, after experiencing this year's difficulties, everyone will think hard.

Prose: Little Cold

Standing at the end of the year, it is inevitable that there will be some heartache and happiness, extraordinary days we will feel more warmth, everything we experience, that is, there are ordinary and unbearable, but also beautiful and moving.

We often say that what can't go back is the past, yes! Finally, another year passed, the wind was cold, the shadow was thin, and the years could not be looked back. Everything outside is withering, the days are still changing, for the future, first return to zero and then set off, travel alone, in order to see the prosperity, a flower gives it a hopeful name, hoping to see the spring scenery in the yellow.

The season is a little cold, the cold tears the season, the broken ice flowers fall on the window, and the natural beauty of a multi-flower bloom.

Or, just like this, watching the roughness of winter slowly become meticulous, perhaps from a thousand years, just to bloom a white flower. But my mind is quiet like a boat floating on the water, swaying through time.

Prose: Little Cold

I still remember that it was also a little cold season, the world was white, because I met a snow, drank tea after the snow, and enjoyed the loneliness, such a life scene was so similar that I could not tell whether it was me or the past me who was silent.

Time passes, the season is still that name, the small words are exquisite, breathing through the breath of life, I know that this is the coldest season, even if there is no snow outside the window is cold, even if I try my best to save time, I can't stop life from slowly aging.

The years are hurried, the time is withered, the days are too thin, the time is too thin, and all I am waiting for is a spring. A year has passed, who knows if it snows in the hometown and whether the old house is cold? All the factors that hinder spring have reached the extreme, and I know that after three or nine severe colds, the future must belong to spring.

Perhaps as Yuan Shu said: "Xiao Han even Da Lu, Happy Magpie builds a new nest." "Also, the cold is near, and spring is not far away.

Prose: Little Cold

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