
Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life

author:There are books to read together

In the past two days, Yang Mou of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, because he stayed up late and drove tired, he drove into the railing in the middle of the road.

For a time, dozens of steel pipes of guardrails rushed into the air, and the scene was very dangerous.

Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life

Fortunately, there were no casualties in the end.

Afterwards, the driver Yang Mou said that when he first got on the car, he felt a little sleepy, but he thought that he would arrive for a while, and he didn't know what was going on and crashed into it.

Yang Mou had often stayed up late because of business matters, and before this accident, he had stayed up all night.

After work, he should have had a good rest, but he was looking for friends to play, and his body did not get a good rest, which caused this car accident.

I really can't imagine that if the guardrail is inserted into Yang's body, it will cause any terrible consequences.

When it comes to staying up late, the Internet is full of such a sentence: "I stay up not at night, it is freedom." "It is used by many people as an "excuse" to stay up late.

Staying up late has irreversible damage to the brain, such as memory loss, slow response, etc., and will also promote a decline in immunity.

Staying up late for a long time may not only lead to an irreparable catastrophe, but also seriously affect your health.

Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life

There are 8 types of insomnia, which one are you?

Writer Turgenev said:

"Sleep is like a cool wave that washes away all the turbidity in your mind."

However, in the era of fast-paced life, high work pressure, and the proliferation of electronic products, a quality sleep is becoming more and more rare.

According to the "2021 Exercise and Sleep White Paper", more than 300 million people in China now have sleep disorders, which means that about 5-6 people are plagued by sleep disorders.

Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life

More than one-third of adults don't get enough sleep during the workday, and few people make up for it on weekends.

Such a small amount of sleep, accumulated over time, is causing irreparable damage to the body.

Not long ago, people's daily published eight types of insomnia to see if you have a good sleep standard:

1. Night awakening type

You can fall asleep normally by bedtime, but after 3-4 hours of sleep, you are unusually awake.

Sleep less than 4 hours deep each night and get up dizzy in the morning.

2. Morning bird type

Because I was too busy during the day, I slept at night when it was dark.

However, when you sleep until about two o'clock in the morning, you will habitually wake up.

There are many causes, and you may be woken up by purring or by a child's crying.

3, Night cat kitten type

Excited at night, watching TV, reading books, surfing the Internet, and going to bed at two or three in the morning.

Although you can sleep in bed at the beginning, over time, you will "turn passive into active" to sleep late, and unconsciously, become a real "night owl".

4. Anxiety type

During sleep, he will wake up many times and then worry about the trivialities of work and life.

Even if you fall asleep, your body will be in a state of tension and unable to enter a deep sleep.

5. Lai bed type

Can't sleep at night, can't wake up during the day, and often lies in bed.

In the international classification standards for sleep disorders, "bed rest" has been included, and it is clinically called "narcolepsy".

6. Chronic insomnia type

Fall asleep for a long time, wake up many times during sleep, and often talk about dreams.

Sleep disturbances occur for more than three consecutive days a week and last for three months.

7. Overstimulating type

Worked overtime until two or three o'clock in the morning to get the job done, and then couldn't fall asleep due to excessive excitement.

Or excessive exercise at night, adrenaline rush, and people can't sleep.

8. Lack of consciousness type

Often less than five hours of sleep, memory and attention are poor, is a feature of this type of insomnia.

Long-term lack of sleep will make people's immunity decline, the nervous system is chaotic, and thus enter a more sleepless state.

Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life
Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life

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Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life

The quality of your sleep determines the quality of your life

For a long time, there was such a misinformation on the Internet:

"Why should you sleep for a long time before you die, and you will never sleep after you die?" "I haven't seen the city at four o'clock in the morning, which is not enough to talk about life."

There are many people who deliberately misinterpret the meaning, use this as a shield, stay up late at will, and completely disregard their physical condition.

"Three female college students in Changsha stayed up late to cause premature ovarian failure", "Post-90s girl stayed up late for 10 years to grow age spots"...

Similar to the news that because of the late night addiction to brushing dramas, the situation of the body is frequently searched:

The dramatist Shakespeare once said:

"Comfortable sleep is the natural, gentle and nostalgic care."

A high-quality sleep can lead to the next day's work efficiency and creativity, and even emotions will become positive and optimistic.

Born in Greece, Arianna Huffington has published numerous books and has been named the most influential woman by Forbes.

When she started the Huffington Post website, she turned herself into a day-and-night workaholic.

Because there are only five employees, Arianna is both internal and external, not only to write her own blog, but also to find someone to be a contract blogger.

Finally, Arianna, who often worked all night, fainted at her desk due to excessive fatigue, resulting in a fracture of her cheekbone.

It was also this incident that gave Arianna an epiphany:

"When I'm exhausted, I'm in the worst state of being — more passive, less empathy and creativity."

What is the significance of such a self-effort? What is the quality of life?

So Arianna started her business again and became an evangelist of "8 hours of sleep", helping people relieve stress and persuade people to learn to sleep.

When we are full of sleep, the toxins in the brain are removed, our emotions are adjusted, and the next full day will be more qualitative.

Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life
Staying up late and not staying up late, living a different life

How can I get a good night's sleep?

Writer Qian Zhongshu said:

"Sleep this thing has a very strange temper, don't want it, it will come; Please it, coax it, try every means to seduce it, and it hides from the shadow. ”

Yes, the more you care about sleep, the more it wants to hide and seek with you, it is better to use some "careful machine" to let sleep take the initiative to come to you.

1. Maintain a suitable sleeping environment before going to bed

Providing yourself with a good environment to fall asleep can get you to sleep faster.

Huang Tingjian, a northern Song Dynasty writer, paid great attention to sleeping utensils.

He likes to use cassia seeds as pillow cores, and feels that such pillows have the effect of clearing heat and calming the spirit and helping the eyes to sleep, and once left a poem: "The pillow sac is curved, and the pillow is willing to sleep and listen to the fenfu." ”

Of course, everyone's focus on the requirements of the sleeping environment is different.

Some people are easy to fall asleep in the dim light;

Some people can sleep better at the right temperature and in the air;

Others need to stay away from their phones and food to quickly fall asleep.

2. Shorten the time occupied by bad habits

Deep inside everyone, there is more or less procrastination.

Sidony Camelot, the novelist who wrote The Wandering Girl, is a severe procrastinator.

Every time before writing, she would "pet the dog": cleaning the dog, carefully looking for lice in the dog's fur, and then cuddling with the dog...

I didn't start writing until there was nothing to play with my dog.

Bill Gates once said:

"A lot of people like to procrastinate, and they don't do the things they have at hand, they don't do it, and that's the biggest vice."

Procrastination is like a monster with full feet, taking up time to do things during the day, and when it is forced to do so, it can only sacrifice sleep at night.

So, when it's time to do things, do things efficiently, do everything during the day, and then relax at night and have a good night's sleep.

3, do not break good work and rest habits at will

It takes a long time to form a good habit, but it only takes a moment to break it.

In order for us to have a good night's sleep, don't easily break healthy work and rest habits, otherwise it will take a while to adjust.

In the men's 100m semifinals of the Tokyo Olympics, Su Bingtian, who set a new Asian record with a time of 9.83 seconds, is a person who strictly maintains his schedule.

Whether it is day-to-day training or real competition, Su Bingtian sleeps at ten o'clock in the evening.

Because he insisted on a good schedule, he had plenty of energy to put into actual combat the next day.

Lexicographer Fowler said:

"People who don't remember sleeping unwell are getting a good night's sleep."

When the habit is formed, most of the problems caused by sleep will be solved, and you can get a good night's sleep at night.

Li Yu, a qing dynasty health care family, said: "The key to health care should be to sleep first." ”

Good sleep can not only make people healthy, but also make people feel happy, think quickly, and effectively improve their quality of life.

Valuing sleep, start at this moment.

Light up "in sight", may we be energetic, do things focused and efficient, twilight has peace of mind, sleep health quality is good.

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