
How to sting is healthier

author:Bright Net

This year's stinging festival began on March 5 of the Gregorian calendar, coinciding with the third day of the "Nine-Nine".

During this festival, we should pay attention to protecting the yin and protecting the yang, tonifying the spleen and lungs, soothing the liver qi, regulating the mood, calming down, and enhancing physical activity. In living, we should focus on preventing wind, cold, and wet evil from causing diseases, and mainly go to bed early and get up early. In medicinal nutrition, it should be mainly based on drugs that slow down and improve qi, clear and light liver or soft liver, such as edible ginseng, goji berries, honey, lilies, yams, jujubes, white peony gui, kudzu, chai hu, incense, chrysanthemums and the like. Dietary care is suitable for light foods, such as fish, eggs, soy products, fungi and sesame, black beans and celery, spinach, bamboo shoots, asparagus, coriander and so on.

Within the stinging festival, it is just in time for the 25th "Warehouse Filling Festival" and "February 2nd Dragon Raising". According to the Tianjin Wei food custom, "fill the warehouse and fill the warehouse, dry rice and fish soup". Drink crucian carp soup to choose crucian carp, to the size of the sole of the shoe standard, the first choice is tender, small earthy white scale crucian carp, with green radish shreds and fine vermicelli. The fish soup is milky white in color, the radish silk is green and turquoise, and the entrance is rich and sweet.

On the second day of February, every household fried stew, scrambled eggs, fried vegetables, and drank mung bean porridge. Do not forget to maintain health, fry the stew with mung beans, stir-fry bean sprouts with mung bean sprouts, plus mung bean porridge boiled with mung bean rice, use the detoxification and defiled mung beans to the extreme, and excrete the toxins accumulated in the human body in the winter.

Source: Tonight's newspaper

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