
The Sixteenth Dry Rest of Shijiazhuang of Hebei Provincial Military Region: "Multi-Functional Doctors" in the War "Epidemic"

author:Defense Times vanguard

Zhang Bingku and Ma Yanhua reported that the "epidemic" of the war is still continuing, and the 16th Dry Rest Center of Shijiazhuang of the Hebei Provincial Military Region has not slackened its efforts to prevent and control the epidemic on the one hand, and has raised the service standards on the other.

"Hello, what is your body temperature today?" How does the body feel, is there anything uncomfortable about it? "Medical staff insist on daily telephone rounds.

The Sixteenth Dry Rest of Shijiazhuang of Hebei Provincial Military Region: "Multi-Functional Doctors" in the War "Epidemic"

Medical staff make telephone rounds

"Health clinics?" My blood pressure is a little high these two days, can you send me some antihypertensive drugs? Do you still want to know how much time this epidemic will have to pass? Can I go out? What if my hair is so long? Zhao Xun, a doctor at the health center, received an inquiry call, and at this time he always patiently replied: "Hello, the victory of epidemic prevention and control is in sight, and we will do our best to take good care of you." We will do your haircut problem, one person can't do it on two of us, to ensure your satisfaction! By the way, send you antihypertensive drugs. The next day, Zhao Xun, Wei Yujian and other comrades of the health center personally delivered medicine to the door and completed the "task" of haircut.

The Sixteenth Dry Rest of Shijiazhuang of Hebei Provincial Military Region: "Multi-Functional Doctors" in the War "Epidemic"

Door-to-door haircut

"Health clinics?" I don't have much food in my house. Old Man Bai Aiying called. Zhao Lu, a doctor at the health center, immediately asked: "What kind of food do you want to buy at home, we will help you do it." After understanding the demand, Zhao Lu immediately delivered vegetables to the door of the old man's home.

The Sixteenth Dry Rest of Shijiazhuang of Hebei Provincial Military Region: "Multi-Functional Doctors" in the War "Epidemic"

Deliver food to your door

The comrades of the Hugh Institute praised the doctors of the health center as "multi-functional doctors."

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Jiayi Jia

Editor: Yao Jingjing

Tonglian: National Defense Times New Media [email protected]

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