
Yang Wujie's "Preface to the Forbidden City" commemorates the famous Chinese comic artist Mr. Ding Cong

author:Piloting drives life

"In Memory of China's Famous Comics - Mr. Ding Cong"

Preface to the Forbidden City

Author Yang Wujie


Between heaven and earth, life is separated,

Ding Cong's smile, gathering between friends;

Comic life, sharp and cautious,

Spicy brush, modest and cute.


"People's Pictorial", buried in hard work,

Cover of "Reading", illustrated in thousands of volumes;

A hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend,

Little "little people", exemplary style.


The sun is shining and resounding throughout the literary world;

Sixty on the job, palm printing the altar of England.

A splendid life, a great river and mountain,

Chasing the stars and catching the moon, every day the pen is still there.


Six-year-old learned to paint, tirelessly,

Publishing comics, Pure Heart Middle School;

"May Fourth" spring breeze, bathing in Shenzhou,

Patriotic blood, a new chapter in literature and art.


Father's bookish, Ding's poetry and paintings,

First Association, Comics China;

Shanghai Salon, celebrity giant,

Movie stars gathered, good stories.


Zhang Gongguangting, Ye Gongqianyu,

Nie Er Circling, Ren Jin Burn;

Illustration of famous works, Lu Xun Lao She,

From Wen Shengtao, Xu Gong returned to the mountain.


"Four Generations Together", "Camel Shoko",

Edited "Dating", "Earth" Pictorial;

"China Today", Master of Fine Arts,

Drama set, big "Fog Chongqing".


In the 1940s, Chongqing, Guilin,

Persist in the War of Resistance, Chengdu Kunming;

"Chincha Chancellor", "Song of Righteousness",

Born in Beijinger, Hong Kong Qunying.


The Great Wall is on fire, and the whole country is struggling,

Save the Dead Comics, Rush to the Front Line;

Victory in the War of Resistance, celebration in the whole world,

Against civil war! Peace dove swirls.


Five-star red flag, Xinhua longing,

The country cherishes talents, and the country is waiting for Britain;

Ding Cong was invited to Hong Kong to Beijing,

Show your grand plans and serve the country with a pure heart.


In the fifties, the first sharp edge,

Ironic paintbrush, wind bone lifelong;

On the Ming Tombs, reservoir labor,

During the period, I did not stop, and I drew with a stroke of my pen.


Peking Opera Master, Famous Artist of Pear Garden,

Mei Lanfang, Xun Huisheng,

Ma Lianliang, Gai Called Heaven,

Zhou Xinfang, Li Shaochun,

Hou Xirui, Xiao Changhua.


Singing the times, loving the light,

Daguan spirit, model worker;

Who expected the wind and rain? Who knows the Destiny?

The anti-"right" expansion, Ding Cong sighed.


Twenty-two years, listed as the old "right",

Rather bend without bending, Zheng Zheng wind bone;

Western medicine surgery, to witness,

On the body of the strange stone, take out ten grains.


The "Cultural Revolution" was a catastrophe, a miserable storm,

Cold and indifferent, how much life is?

The pain of quitting the pen, Wan Ma Qi,

Lightning at the sound, the crowd suppressed.


Thunder and harm, the spring breeze of the motherland,

Born like a summer flower, sunny;

Shenzhou is colorful, the country is picturesque,

Excellent culture, splendid China.


Literary and artistic events, solemn celebrations,

Masters gathered, Mao Dun "five absolute";

"I don't see Xiao Dingjiu, I meet and go on a blind date."

The childlike face is like the past, and the pen fights fiercely. ”


New works are frequent, the spirit is strong,

Eighty-eight years old, inky hair and childlike face;

Forever young, the public is amazed?

Laughing and asking the master, the secret recipe of the court?


"Never exercise, never eat fruit,

If you don't eat vegetables, you love meat! ”

Painting image, refinement and generalization,

Rich in charm, well-known in China.


Ninety immortals, the heavens do not change,

National color, heavenly gifts;

Words and deeds, never change your mind,

"It is better to live without bamboo than to eat without meat."

About the Author:

Yang Wujie's "Preface to the Forbidden City" commemorates the famous Chinese comic artist Mr. Ding Cong

Mr. Yang Wuji has insisted on creating for more than 40 years

Yang Wuji, male, Han ethnicity, Beijinger, retired cadre of the State Council Administration, member of the Poetry Association of the Central State Organs, founder of the Chinese Dictionary Association, vice president of the Confucius Institute, famous contemporary poetry singer and calligrapher.

Author Yang Wujie Responsible Editor Chang Xiao relied on auditing Shang Guowei