
These balanitis are not STDs

author:Chinese Journal of Dermatology
These balanitis are not STDs

Many people think that diseases that occur in the genital area, especially diseases of the glans and foreskin, are sexually transmitted diseases, but this is not the case. Balanitis refers to the inflammation of the mucosa of the glans penis, while foreskinitis is inflammation of the foreskin and its mucosal surface, but the two often exist at the same time, and it is often referred to clinically as balanocyan foreskinitis. It can be caused by a variety of different causes, such as excessive foreskin, irritation of scale, stimulation of local physicochemical factors, various infections, etc.

These balanitis are not STDs

Acute superficial balanitis is often caused by local physical factors such as trauma, friction, contraceptives, soaps, and detergents. Presents with local edematous erythema, erosions, exudates, blisters in severe cases, secondary infection or ulcer formation, and conscious pain that affects activity. Early misdiagnosis is easy to see herpes simplex or fixed drug eruption.

Cyclic erosive balanitis, which may be present independently or as a mucosal symptom of Reiter's disease. It begins as a erythema at the glans and foreskin, gradually enlarges into a ring or polycyclic shape, and later forms superficial ulcers, which can be secondary to infection.

These balanitis are not STDs

Candida balanitis, mostly presented with local erythema, smooth surface, mild desquamation at the edges, and may have a satellite-like distribution of papules or small pustules, which may slowly expand, but the boundaries are clear, and they may recur or be acute. Candida can be found on direct microscopic examination or culture at the lesion site. Sometimes other fungi can cause similar lesions.

Amoebic balanitis, more than the original balanitis lesions, on the basis of which infection with amoebic protozoa is caused. Clinical manifestations are infiltrates, erosions, ulcers, tissue necrosis is more obvious, secretions direct smear such as finding amoebic protozoa can confirm the diagnosis.

These balanitis are not STDs

Balanitis trichomoniasis is mild, transient eroding balanitis, which may be accompanied by urethritis. Clinical manifestations are balanocular papules and erythema, well-defined, and small needle-sized blisters may be seen on the erythema, which can be fused to form mild erosion surfaces. The diagnosis is confirmed by finding trichomoniasis in the secretion.

Erosive balanocystes foreskinitis is seen in patients with too long foreskin and lack of hygiene, due to excessive accumulation and irritation of foreskin scale. Mild cases are only local redness and itching, and heavy cases can see yellow, cheese-like, foul-smelling exudate, local redness and swelling are obvious, and vienenia and treponema can often be found in the affected area, the latter should not be confused with treponema pallidum.

These balanitis are not STDs

Balanitis gangrene is a local blood supply disorder due to various causes, coupled with secondary infections. Clinically presents with acute or chronic destructive ulcerative lesions.

Plasma cell balanitis: a chronic inflammation of the medial foreskin and glans penis, manifested by one or more persistent proliferative erythema that passes slowly. The surface of the lesion is either smooth, moist, or desquamed, but the infiltration is more obvious, the edges are clear, no ulcers are formed, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from the proliferative erythema, but a special paprika-like fine spot can be seen on careful examination of the surface of the lesion, which is the result of plasma cell infiltration, capillary dilation, and hemosiderination, which is quite characteristic and diagnostic.

These balanitis are not STDs

Pseudoepithelioma-like keratosis and mica balanitis occur more often in patients undergoing circumcision in adults due to phimosis. Lesions occur on the glans penis and appear as scaly wart-like vegetations.

Dry balanitis obliterans, the lesion is chronic balanitis in the early stage, but it does not heal for a long time, local infiltration hypertrophy, surface desquamation, and later appears white spots, atrophy, fibrosis, loss of elasticity, and leads to narrowing of the urethral orifice, resembling sclerotic atrophic lichen.

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