
A letter from a Hollywood "star coach" to Ma Xiaoqiu

author:The news spread


After two years of the epidemic, life is difficult, and life seems to be filled with indissoluble smog. Recently, I read a book, and suddenly burst into tears! This book is called "Autumn Words and Stories", is written by an entrepreneur named Ma Xiaoqiu, about how her career is doing, I know very little, but read her book to know her people, there is indeed a grand mind pattern and talent, just imagine a little girl living in such an impetuous world, actually in fragmented time, will be five thousand years of wisdom to tell the story, in-depth and simple, big and small, not stuck to the present, not afraid of the future, really!

The friend who recommended the book, named Bobby, has worked in show business for 50 years and is a very famous "star acting coach" in Hollywood, Scarlett Johansson, Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Anthony Hopkins... It's all her students. I would like to secretly share a letter she wrote to me and the author Ms. Ma Xiaoqiu, although this letter translated into Chinese a bit stuck, but please understand, I chose not to revise, in order to restore bobby's true meaning, and this should also be what everyone wants.

A letter from Bobby to Ma Xiaoqiu:

Dear Chairman Ma, Dear Jenny,

I'm not sure if you'll get this letter. But if this is the case, please know how you feel from the heart, I read "Autumn Talk Story", it is both deep and delicate and deeply inspired me.

I've been in show business for over 50 years. Starting at the age of 17... Many years ago. I starred in 6 very successful Hollywood series of films, made specifically for "teens" called "Beach Party Movies". They are fun and reflect a time of innocence. My husband Lawrence is a screenwriter and I raised a family with him... And there are 2 artistic, creative, and highly upright adults. I myself became an acting coach for an actor and nurtured many of them to become celebrities and win Oscars. Scarlett Johansson, Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Sir Anthony Hopkins, these are just some of the examples. After being nominated for "Star Acting Coach" by Hollywood's top "E" entertainment channel. All the doors of Hollywood are open for me.

In Chapter 32 of President Ma, ethics and setting an example are spoken of.... It touched my soul. In my 30 years as an acting coach/director... Teaching crafts and art forms is necessary.... But it's equally important to convey a sense of authenticity, integrity, dedication, living out one's passions, and always helping others. I tell all aspiring people..."Don't wait until you're famous to help others, and firmly demand that my students always give in return, I feel it's their responsibility.

I'm now partnering executive producer Larry Namer. He is also the CEO of Meditech Development Group, a Sino-AMERICAN joint venture (he produced a show in China called "Hello Hollywood..."), and Larry Namer is the owner and CEO of E's "top" entertainment network in the United States.

We are currently preparing for our TV pilots..." "Acting with Hollywood Stars" and will be sold to the U.S. television network. It's a reality show about the struggles geniuses go through to realize their Hollywood dreams. Here, Hollywood stars will share their journeys and promote their films....Acting with Hollywood stars "is fascinating... But it also has a heart and a heart.

I'm sharing this with you because even though I'm busy... I have a "grand vision"... Chinese actors I used to direct/direct... Some talented and magical... Others need to work harder in their interpretations and learn a lot from what I know about the work... I believe we all have talent. My ability is to open my heart and give gifted, talented people the confidence to express themselves fully and freely, to allow them to spread their wings and fly high, so that they can be faithful to their artistic impulses and strength.

I hope to be fortunate enough to be able to direct/direct Chinese talents/actors... Because they need me.... Because they often suppress themselves and are disappointed by their talents... They feel so small. Afraid of their own expressions... Because that's not really them... Especially female talent.

I knew my vision of working with Chinese would come true. I don't know how... But I dream... I saw it... It's showing! Jenny, maybe that's what we know.... The reason I'm grateful we did.

Dear Chairman Ma and Jenny.... We know...... Art therapy... Art brings together our "true souls". Hollywood is loved and attracted all over the world. I want to bring the best part of "it" to the Chinese audience. If this concept is developed... Or touch you, attract you... Let's talk! !. As influential women, we can put our resources and talents together... For "our love of what we do"... To bridge the gap between our cultures..... Through art.

Show deep love and respect for everything you do!


Star Acting Coach

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