
White hair quickly turns black and thick! Homemade Chinese medicine hair dye, self-help hair dye does not hurt the body

author:Pigeon TCM

Many doctors will remind that often dye hair is easy to get bladder cancer, in the past few years, there have been studies that found that permanent hair dyes are related to lymphoma, and recent studies have found that regular hair coloring may increase the risk of breast cancer by 9%, and black women even increase by 60%, so remind everyone not to dye their hair frequently. But what about people with gray hair to cover? Teach everyone to use the colored fruits and vegetables that you eat every day, and you can also safely dye a hair.

White hair quickly turns black and thick! Homemade Chinese medicine hair dye, self-help hair dye does not hurt the body

Hair coloring every 5 to 8 weeks Increased risk of breast cancer

The study, published in the International Journal of Cancer, targeted more than 45,000 women. The so-called regular hair color refers to 1 or more times every 5 to 8 weeks, and it was found that white women regularly dye their hair, the risk of breast cancer will increase by 9%, and the risk of black women is as high as 45% to 60%, mainly because in addition to containing p-phenylenediamine (PPD), the hydroxybenzoates in preservatives may have estrogenic effects, not only black dyes are dangerous, but also superficial dyes will increase the risk of breast cancer by 12%.

If the light just loves beautiful hair coloring, you can reduce hair coloring for safety, but people who want to cover their white hair may grow white hair in 1 or 2 weeks, what should they do? Many people often dye their scalps badly, homemade natural hair dyes can help make the scalp repair, but also dye out beautiful hair color, do not look at the natural hair dye color effect is slow, these natural dyes can be recycled ice, last for many days to dye hair, it will be colored and lasting.

Rat fan dye hair water, use rosemary and sage 15 to 20 grams each, boil in 500-800cc water, turn the heat to low and cook for another 30 minutes to let the color boil. After washing the hair, blow drying, soak the hair with cool rat water for 10 minutes, repeat many times, the used rat water filters off the hair can still be iced again, and then boiled and cooled before washing the hair tomorrow after tomorrow, soak the hair repeatedly, after 10 times, add new grass to cook, you can make the hair color fully dyed.

The red leafy vegetables in the refrigerator can be colored with lemons

Those who like Traditional Chinese medicine dyeing can also use 5 grams each of dry lotus grass and He Shou Wu, boil it with 300cc of water, and then turn the heat to a low heat and continue to cook for 5 to 10 minutes, the hair dyeing procedure is the same as the rat water dyeing hair, the color of the dye is black to dark coffee. People who like to dye with vegetables and fruits can also use 3 handfuls of red leaf vegetables that can be bought in the vegetable market plus 5 lemons, steam vegetable leaves in an electric pot, put 3 cups of water in the outer pot to steam, after cooking, the leaves can be eaten as a dish, the vegetable juice is mixed with 5 lemon juice; or use 300 grams of red leaf vegetable juice to add a lemon juice, apply it to wash and blow dry hair, soak it all, wrap it up with a large red towel and stay for 20 minutes, do not wash it off, let the hair dry naturally, and the hair will show a black and red color.

Hibiscus flowers, red dragon fruit, and coffee beans can all be used to make dyes

We have a lot of natural dyes in our daily lives, such as hibiscus, and beetroot, red dragon fruit, and coffee beans, etc., can be used as natural dyes, roselle flowers with 4, 5 flowers plus 300cc boiled juice, beetroot and red dragon fruit can be juiced with lemon directly to dye hair.

White hair quickly turns black and thick! Homemade Chinese medicine hair dye, self-help hair dye does not hurt the body

Adding henna pollen and blooming green can be colored more quickly

If you want to color faster, you can use the aforementioned rat water, dry lotus grass He Shou Wu water, or red cabbage leaf juice, roselle flower and red dragon juice as the base water, mix with henna, or the Hakka people often use blue dyeing for 50 to 60 grams.

However, the color of henna dyed is relatively red, some people do not like such a red color, and the blue dyeing black hair looks too black, it is recommended that people who like coffee can use henna and bloom 30 grams each, like red henna can be a little more, like black people bloom a little more to color, hair color is more in line with expectations.

Coconut oil and egg yolks can be used for pre-dye hair care

Many people dye natural dyes, often say that the hair seems to be relatively dry, it is recommended to use curry leaves after breaking up with a little water and 15 grams of coconut oil to cook together for 15 minutes, to cool after massaging the scalp and then wash off blow drying, and then use natural hair dye to dye hair, which is like the steps of hair care before dyeing, if you are afraid of trouble, you can add an egg yolk to the henna and blooming green hair dye with a hair care effect, scalp oil people can use whole eggs, protein helps remove oil.

Eat right food to help your hair color automatically

In addition to hair dyeing, don't forget to eat the colored hair, to make the hair that grows darker and longer-lasting, usually eat more black sesame seeds, He Shou Wu, walnuts, kelp, seaweed, hair is easy to blacken, you don't have to often have to dye.

White hair quickly turns black and thick! Homemade Chinese medicine hair dye, self-help hair dye does not hurt the body

Do not neglect dermatitis with your own natural hair dye

Homemade hair dyes such as natural fruits and vegetables and dyes such as henna, if it is made naturally, should not be harmful, but it is still important to note that if the scalp skin is more sensitive, it may produce contact irritating dermatitis. Some people's scalp can not tolerate these materials, excessive stimulation may cause dermatitis reaction, scalp appears red, swollen, itchy, if scratching force, be careful to break the skin caused by bacterial infection, so once you dye your hair after finding the scalp itching and other phenomena, do not think that just the scalp acne, to quickly see the dermatology.