
Ingredients and preparation steps of rice cassia porridge Nutritional value of rice cassia porridge

author:Eagle Net Thing

Today to recommend to you a can help improve the cleaning of the stomach and intestines, in the holiday time usually we will eat and drink, so that the stomach will inevitably be too greasy and hot, serious constipation problems will occur. And today's introduction to you of the rice cassia porridge, can help improve the gastrointestinal tract, let's take a look at the rice cassia bar.

Ingredients and preparation steps of rice cassia porridge Nutritional value of rice cassia porridge

1. Raw materials for rice cassia porridge

Main ingredients rice, cassia seeds, cistanche excipient oil appropriate amount of salt appropriate amount of goji berries

Second, the preparation of rice cassia porridge

Step 1: Wash the rice

Step 2: Put the cistanche and cassia seeds in water and cook, bring to a boil and remove the residue.

Step 3: Place the washed rice in a crock pot and add the sauce of cistanche and cassia seeds that were previously cooked.

Step 4: Open the porridge stew with some goji berries and cook together, about a few minutes.

Step 5: After the rice cassia porridge is ready, add salt to reduce the taste.

3. Rice cassia porridge

Rice cassia porridge can help the eyesight, enhance blood pressure and lipid health, improve the gastrointestinal tract, and regulate constipation. Rice cassia porridge can help supplement a variety of trace elements, which can strengthen human vision. Often consume rice cassia porridge can protect the liver and protect the liver, which is conducive to lowering blood pressure and lipids. Rice cassia porridge can also effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, and has no toxic side effects.