
Hong Kong police died in the line of duty, and some people even made remarks against the police, and Deng Bingqiang choked up and reprimanded: Cold-blooded! 丨Hong Kong one day

author:Straight news

This is the 783rd issue of One Day in Hong Kong

Hong Kong police died in the line of duty, and some people even made remarks against the police, and Deng Bingqiang choked up and reprimanded: Cold-blooded! 丨Hong Kong one day

Hong Kong Marine Police Senior Inspector Lam Wan-yee died in the line of duty last Saturday (September 25) while chasing smuggled speedboats, and the Hong Kong Police Force will hold the highest honor funeral for Lam Wan-yee at the Hung Hom World Funeral Home on November 2. However, after Lam Wan-yee died in the line of duty, discordant voices appeared in Hong Kong, and some people published inappropriate songs and anti-police remarks, which was shocking.

Hong Kong Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung condemned the relevant cold-blooded behavior in a program today (October 2), choking up and lamenting that "Hong Kong does not know when it will become such a place". When it was mentioned that the personnel involved in the disciplined forces, Tang Pingqiang expressed regret and anger, and the relevant personnel had been suspended, and would first study whether there was a criminal component, and then conduct a disciplinary investigation according to the situation.

Tang Bingqiang mentioned that the Hong Kong National Security Law does not have the crime of making hate speech, but there is a crime of incitement in the criminal law, and in the future, it will consider including relevant acts in Article 23 to meet the needs of society.

Previously, Tang Bingqiang said that now is the most appropriate time to legislate article 23, after 17 years, the 2003 legislative proposal is no longer enough to deal with the situation in Hong Kong in recent years, saying that legal gaps or gray areas need to be repaired, and is now studying the details of legislation, including studying crimes such as espionage and theft of official secrets that are not covered by the Hong Kong National Security Law. Today, when Tang Bingqiang talks about the Article 23 legislation again, the 2003 legislation will be used as a starting point, and then consider the situation in the past two years, the laws of other countries and other factors, when asked whether it will promote the acceleration of the trial of the current national security law, Tang Pingqiang pointed out that the relevant crimes are serious crimes, although the authorities have always hoped to deal with all cases as soon as possible, but there are still many restrictions.

He also said that since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, many major figures who incite young people have been arrested, including Lai Zhiying, to restore calm to society. However, it is stressed that the authorities will not take it lightly and will continue to be wary of dangerous and illegal acts of lone wolf and group.

The Commissioner of Hong Kong Police met with the Director of the Public Security Department of Guangdong Province

Guangdong and Hong Kong set up a special case team to investigate the case

Hong Kong police died in the line of duty, and some people even made remarks against the police, and Deng Bingqiang choked up and reprimanded: Cold-blooded! 丨Hong Kong one day

According to the Hong Kong SAR Government News Network, on September 30, Hong Kong Police Commissioner Xiao Zeyi led a Hong Kong police delegation to Shenzhen to hold a working meeting with a delegation led by Wang Zhizhong, vice governor of Guangdong Province and director of the Public Security Department, and Liu Shaogen, director of the Guangdong Coast Guard, on cracking down on smuggling activities between the two places.

During the meeting, the two sides paid great attention to the recent death of Lin Wanyi in the line of duty while on duty in the sea around The Sandbar, and agreed to immediately set up a special task force to strengthen intelligence exchanges and actively investigate the case in an all-round way. The two places also agreed to strengthen their strategic, tactical and operational efforts to combat criminal smuggling syndicates controlled by the Triad.

At the tactical level, the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department will work closely with the Hong Kong Police Force to jointly study and improve personnel safety, equipment efficiency, training exchanges and operational efficiency; at the tactical level, the Guangdong Coast Guard Bureau and the Marine Police Region will strengthen cooperation and intelligence exchange; at the operational level, the two places will further strengthen law enforcement and take joint actions to combat criminal groups in an all-round way.

In addition, the two places will make every effort to combat the recruitment of smuggling syndicates, the modification of ships, the storage of frozen meat, the sources of funds and the proceeds of crime, as well as to accelerate the handover of relevant smuggling vessels and tools. Siu said that apart from strengthening cooperation with mainland law enforcement agencies, the Police would also maintain close contact with local law enforcement agencies to jointly combat smuggling syndicates.

Hong Kong representatives attending the meeting included the Commissioner for Criminal and Security, Mr. Mon-ming, the Assistant Commissioner (Security) Chan Tung, the Heads of the Organised Crime and Triad Investigation Bureau and the Marine Police Region and liaison officers.

Huo Qigang advocated the establishment of the Sports Culture and Tourism Bureau

Promote the development of sports in Hong Kong

The 2025 National Games will be co-hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the Vice President of the Hong Kong Association and The Olympic Committee, Fok Kai-gang, believes that this is both an opportunity and a challenge for the development of Hong Kong's sports industry.

Huo Qigang believes that such as sponsorship, ticketing, athletes' accommodation, and venues should be discussed, and what sports should be held in each place should be determined first. It also pointed out that due to the tight accommodation environment in Hong Kong, athletes' villages may not be established in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong athletes have achieved good results at the Tokyo Olympic Games this year, and Huo Qigang believes that in addition to the continued eliteization of Hong Kong sports, some non-elite athlete sports, such as skateboarding, rock climbing and other emerging sports, should receive more support from the government. He said that the emerging sports are getting faster and faster, more and more, such as according to the previous system, to save points, grab points to get more resources from the government, now whether it is possible to invest in these projects early and train new athletes.

Fok Also pointed out that Hong Kong's sports industry should be optimized in terms of grand event and popularization, such as the flexible use of existing sports venues according to the public's demand for recreational facilities, and also industrialized, and the establishment of the Sports Culture and Tourism Bureau to promote.

Hong Kong women's fencinger Jiang Minyi was selected as one of the "Top 10 Jie Qing"

Hong Kong police died in the line of duty, and some people even made remarks against the police, and Deng Bingqiang choked up and reprimanded: Cold-blooded! 丨Hong Kong one day

The Hong Kong Federation of Junior Chambers of Commerce International (JCCC) has announced this year's "Top 10 Outstanding Young Persons", including Hong Kong female fencinger Jiang Min-yi.

In his speech, Jiang Minyi said that before the Tokyo Olympics, he wanted to win the game, believed in the team and his own progress, and even if he lost the game, he also hoped to let the children see the athletes actively facing failure and constantly pursuing progress.

She also thanked the Hong Kong people for their encouragement and understanding, which touched the athletes, and hoped that everyone could fully support and trust the people around them.

Although he regrets not being delisted at this year's Tokyo Olympic Games, on the 21st of last month, in the women's epee bronze medal competition of the 14th National Games held at the Jizhou Sports Training Center in Tianjin, Jiang Minyi defeated Olympic champion Sun Yiwen 15-14 to win the bronze medal.

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