
Theft of mobile phones on men's trains The police carefully tracked down and recovered losses

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station Legal System

On the K564 train from Haimen to Taiyuan, Hou Yushan, a police officer, patrolled the carriage as usual. When he patrolled to car 6, he found a charging mobile phone on the small table in the aisle, but there was no one next to it. Therefore, the police quickly asked in the carriage whose mobile phone it was, but no one responded to him.

Theft of mobile phones on men's trains The police carefully tracked down and recovered losses

After asking around, the police never found the owner of the mobile phone. Due to the needs of the work, Officer Hou had to continue to patrol the work, but he still remembered the mobile phone that was placed in the passage. When he returned from touring the carriage, he found that the mobile phone was indeed missing. Where did the phone go? Did the owner hear the prompt and put it away, or had it been stolen? Just as Officer Hou was wondering, he found a passenger holding two mobile phones in his hand. With the sensitivity of his profession, he felt that things were a bit strange. So he stopped the passenger and asked where the phone came from. The passenger replied that the mobile phone belonged to his hometown, but he could not say which one. Officer Hou felt that there was a problem with such an answer.

Theft of mobile phones on men's trains The police carefully tracked down and recovered losses

Seeing that the lies he said had been recognized, under repeated questioning by the police, the man confessed what he had done. He saw the phone when he got out of the car, felt unattended, and took it away. At present, the police have handed over the suspect Chen Mou, who stole the mobile phone, to the Shijiazhuang North Railway Station police station for processing. At the same time, the police also want to remind the majority of passengers that they must take care of their belongings during the trip to avoid losses.

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Source: "The Sword of The State" Guo Li Weihao

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