
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

author:Josh Gao
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

I don't know if anyone has watched this Colombian TV series "Hidden Passion", which was broadcast in the central eight sets around 2004 or 2005. Because it was my high school days, I still have a clear impression of time. Watching this TV series every night between studies was a daily routine event for me at the time.

The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

Now that I think about it, the story is very bloody and boring, and this South American style TV series actually feels a bit "weird" overall. But there are three handsome guys in it who show their flesh at every turn, which is why I watched the show.

The story takes place between two families in Colombia, where the sister of the three brothers falls in love with the father of the three sisters. The father of the three sisters later died of an accident, and the sister of the three brothers was pregnant, and the sadness was excessive, and the self ended her life. The eldest of the three sisters was once raped, and later had no choice but to marry a man she didn't like to cover up.

The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

After the death of their sister, the three brothers came to the three sisters' house to pretend to be workers in order to avenge their sisters, so it was not surprising that they had a relationship with the three sisters.

However, no matter how bloody the plot is, this drama of that year is popular in Latin America by relying on the appearance of the main actors. Being able to broadcast on CCTV is also enough to see the status of this TV series that year.

Let's focus on the three brothers who put me in the pit.

Mario Cimarro, born in Cuba in 1971 (Baidu Information was born in 1967), played the eldest brother in the TV series. He originally debuted in the modern version of Romeo + Juliet, starring "Little Plum".

In the play, he is rough and sexy, and is the head of the family. At that time, when I watched the drama, he was the most fascinated. Tall and strong, it looks very secure. If there is a picky place in appearance and figure, it should be slightly greasy long hair.

The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

The second brother, Alfonso Baptista, was born in Venezuela in 1976. The character in the film is positioned as a sleek playboy. In addition to acting, he is also a model with a hot and sexy body.

The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

The third brother in the play is played by Michel Brown, who was born in Argentina in 1976 and plays an obsessive character in the play. He was not as strong as the two brothers in appearance, but his melancholy eyes were also really charming.

The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown
The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

In addition to several male actors, the actresses of this drama are also very beautiful, coupled with the unrestrained plot, which made this drama popular in Latin America that year. Nostalgia for this play may be more nostalgic for the life at that time, as well as good memories of youth, especially the theme song.

The latin American drama of handsome and beautiful women | "Hidden Passion" dog blood drama Mario CimarroJuan Alfonso Baptista Michel Brown

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