
The people of the Liao country sang a song, this song was sung for the funeral of the Liao country, what they sang


"Five ong wengs are four hundred years old, and the south and north are dozing. I can't control my own spirit, what mood do I have to manage my daughter straight? ”

The poem above, which looks quite "funny", is a folk proverb "The Proverb of the People of the Country" in the last years of the Liao Dynasty.

The so-called "five Weng Weng is four hundred years old, and the south and north are dozing off" refers to a few important officials in charge of the Liao state, who are corrupt and degenerate, greedy and violent, the north and south courts are useless, and the bureaucracy everywhere is a disaster to the country and the people. "Female straight" is Jurchen.

Today we will talk about the story behind this "Proverb of the People of the Nation", why did the people of the Liao Country circulate such a poem?

The people of the Liao country sang a song, this song was sung for the funeral of the Liao country, what they sang

The Liao State is a dynasty established by the Khitans in northern China, from the establishment of the Khitan State by the Liao Taizu Yelü Abaoji, to the implementation of feudal reforms by Empress Xiao, and then to the last year of the Liao State, more than two hundred years before and after, which is a country that has been at war with the Northern Song Dynasty for many years, but it is longer than the Northern Song Dynasty.

After the feudalization of the Liao State, its cultural ideology and folklore were Sinicized, and because after the alliance of the Liaoyuan, there was no great war between the Song and Liao, and the exchanges between the two sides were frequent, which made the Liao State economically develop.

The Liao state was once at its peak and contributed to the development of northern China, but by the end of the Liao dynasty, the dynasty inevitably declined.

The people of the Liao country sang a song, this song was sung for the funeral of the Liao country, what they sang

Emperor Daozong of Liao was a late monarch, and during his reign he appointed traitors, political corruption, and the people were not happy, and the Jurchens in the northeast rose and became a major problem for the Liao state.

It was during this period that the opening "Proverbs of the People of the People" circulated in the territory of the Liao State, which spanned northern China and was established for two hundred years as a huge empire, gradually coming to an end.

The last emperor of the Liao Dynasty, Emperor Tianzuo, ascended the throne, which was also a dimwitted monarch, and as a result, the leader of the Jurchens, Guanyan Aku, raised an army and established the Jurchen JinGuo to rebel against the rule of the Liao State.

Emperor Tianzuo sent several soldiers and horses to surround and suppress Jurchen, but they were all defeated, and Emperor Tianzuo personally marched and led a million troops to attack Jurchen, but was defeated by more than 20,000 people.

From then on, the Liao state was no longer able to resist the Jurchens, lost the city and lost its land, and was gradually forced into a desperate situation by the Jin state.

The people of the Liao country sang a song, this song was sung for the funeral of the Liao country, what they sang

In 1125, Emperor Tianzuo of Liao was captured by Jin soldiers, and the Liao state fell. The once illustrious dynasty no longer exists.

The Liao State was founded earlier than the Northern Song Dynasty, and soon after its demise, the Northern Song Dynasty was also destroyed by the Jin Dynasty. What is more ridiculous is that the Northern Song Dynasty once planned to use the Jin State to attack the Liao State and take a piece of land each, but when the Jin State was a thousand miles a day, the Forbidden Army of the Northern Song Dynasty went to collect Youzhou, but it was defeated by the remnants of the Liao State and was humiliated.

Two years after Emperor Tianzuo of Liao was captured, Jin soldiers marched south, captured The Second Emperor Hui Qin, and destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty. The last monarchs of the Song and Liao dynasties met in the north, but both of them had become prisoners of the people's ranks at this time.

Song Liao loved and killed each other for more than a hundred years, and finally ended in this way, which cannot but be said to be a kind of irony. The Song Dynasty people did not have a long memory, and later staged a "United Mongolia Annihilation of Jin", and the Mongol back and forth attack killed the Jin Kingdom. As a result, he was later wiped out by the Mongols.