
The 13th Cpc Maoxian Congress Was Successfully Concluded The standing committee of the Maoxian County CPC Committee was elected

author:Market Weekly
The 13th Cpc Maoxian Congress Was Successfully Concluded The standing committee of the Maoxian County CPC Committee was elected

On November 2, the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Maoxian County, with the joint efforts of all the delegates, successfully completed the agenda and closed successfully.

The General Assembly shall have 199 delegates and 197 actually attend the meeting, which shall meet the prescribed number.

Li Weiguo, director of the Standing Committee of the Prefecture People's Congress, Xu Chun, member of the Standing Committee of the Prefecture CPC Committee, vice governor, and leader of the Steering Group of the Prefecture CPC Committee, and members of the Steering Group, Yang Li, leader of the Supervisory Group of the Transition Of Ethos, and members of the Steering Group attended the meeting for guidance.

The congress adopted the "Election Measures for the Thirteenth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Mao County" and adopted the list of directors and supervisors.

The congress elected 33 members of the 13th Maoxian Committee of the Communist Party of China, 25 members of the 13th Discipline Inspection Commission of Maoxian County of the Communist Party of China, and 6 alternate members of the 13th Maoxian Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The congress adopted by show of hands the "Resolution of the Thirteenth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Maoxian County on the Work Report of the Twelfth Committee of the Communist Party of China in Maoxian County" and the "Resolution of the Thirteenth Congress of the Communist Party of China on the Work Report of the Twelfth Discipline Inspection Committee of Maoxian County of the Communist Party of China."

Tang Yuanyi pointed out: During the meeting, all the deputies always stressed politics, took the overall situation into consideration, and observed discipline; they lived up to the great trust and expectations of the cadres and masses of all nationalities in Mao County; with a highly responsible professionalism, political enthusiasm, and sense of mission to the party and the people, they faithfully performed the sacred duties of party deputies; they deliberated and adopted the work report of the county party committee and the work report of the county discipline inspection commission; they put forward many good opinions and suggestions on the report; and they elected a new term of county party committee members and discipline inspection commission members, thus making positive efforts for the complete success of the meeting.

Tang Yuanyi stressed: First, we must profoundly comprehend the spirit of the conference and do a good job in interpreting and publicizing and studying it. The party congress is a very important meeting held to celebrate the centenary of the party, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and implement the opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", which is of great significance to the future development of Maoxian County. The meeting used nine adherences to comprehensively and objectively summarize the work results achieved by Maoxian's economic and social development in the past five years, and objectively pointed out the "three deficiencies and three risks" in Maoxian's economic and social development. The meeting adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively and deeply implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, instructions and instructions, closely followed the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the state party committee and the county's "14th Five-Year Plan", determined the goal of Maoxian for the next five years, put forward the construction goal of "six Maoxian", made a solemn commitment to basically achieve the strategic goal of "five places and one center", and opened a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern Maoxian County. All deputies and non-voting personnel should stand on the high plane of stressing politics and taking the overall situation into consideration, constantly enhance their political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, profoundly comprehend and accurately grasp the spiritual essence of the current party congress, read and understand the "Work Report" made by the congress in depth, persistently take the solid implementation of the "two alliances and one advance" mass work as the starting point, and promptly go deep into villages, communities, and government organs and units to comprehensively publicize and accurately interpret the spirit of the meeting to the broad masses of cadres and the masses. At the same time, the Propaganda Department of the county party committee should formulate a propaganda and propaganda plan in a timely manner, quickly set off an upsurge of studying and publicizing the spirit of the party congress in Maoxian County, and gather the powerful force of cadres and masses of all nationalities to concentrate on promoting the healthy and stable development of various undertakings. Second, it is necessary to conscientiously benchmark targets and tasks and make arrangements and plans for various tasks. On the basis of in-depth analysis of county conditions and horizontal comparisons, the party congress pragmatically put forward economic development goals. At the same time, in accordance with the strategic deployment of the prefecture party committee's "one prefecture, two districts and three homes" and combined with the actual conditions of the county, it has put forward the construction of "six Mao counties" of ecological Mao County, Meili Mao County, Harmony Mao County, Happiness Mao County, Fu fu Mao County, and Humanistic Mao County, and put forward specific goals and work measures in nine aspects: industrial transformation and development, democratic political construction, carrying forward national culture, projects and investment promotion, social governance according to law, promoting people's livelihood undertakings, comprehensive rural revitalization, guarding green waters and green mountains, and promoting the strict management of the party. All departments at all levels and all party-member cadres in Maoxian County should strictly compare the goals and tasks set, always maintain political sobriety and clear goals, profoundly understand the shortcomings and weaknesses in Maoxian County's economic and social development, fully understand the gap that exists between Maoxian County and the developed areas, earnestly figure out the target path of development, and figure out the target positioning of "what kind of Maoxian County to build" in the future, so as to ensure that the goals are correct and the results are correct. It is necessary to put pressure on the benchmarking tasks, closely integrate the actual development of Maoxian County, and focus on the construction of the "six Maoxian Counties" and the specific goals in nine aspects, make timely arrangements and plans for the work in the next five years, determine the objectives and tasks well, clarify the specific responsibilities, accelerate the formation of a systematic and highly systematic planning plan and a highly operational work plan, and ensure the early realization of the goals and tasks set by the party congress. Third, it is necessary to give full play to the exemplary role and take the initiative to be pragmatic and enterprising. All the deputies and non-voting personnel fully demonstrated their good work style and spiritual outlook at this party congress, and hoped to continue to carry it forward. While taking the initiative to publicize and interpret the spirit of the meeting, everyone should also strictly benchmark the requirements and responsibilities of party spirit, take the lead in implementing the spirit, and effectively play an exemplary and leading role. It is necessary to always maintain an attitude of being highly responsible to the party and the people, further strengthen the sense of deputies and responsibilities, and think of ways to come up with ideas in promoting high-quality development, improving and guaranteeing the cause of people's livelihood, and promoting social stability, and strive to be an example of doing solid work. It is necessary to keep firmly in mind the original mission, further strengthen the sense of purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, listen more to the voices of the masses, understand more about the demands of the masses, do more practical and good things for the masses, and strive to be an example in serving the people.

Tang Yuanyi stressed that the goal of struggle in the next five years has been determined, let us hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Prefecture Party Committee, unite and lead the 110,000 cadres and masses of all nationalities in Maoxian County, forge ahead, unite and work hard, be good at overcoming difficulties, bravely strive for the first place, and comprehensively start a new journey of building a socialist modern Maoxian County.

On the afternoon of November 2, the first plenary session of the 13th Maoxian Committee of the Communist Party of China elected a new standing committee of the county party committee. Tang Yuanyi was elected secretary of the county party committee, Yang Jian, Gan Yuanming, and Zhang Wei were elected deputy secretaries of the county party committee, and Li Duncan, Zhou Chaoqun, Sanlangsky, Luo Jiangtao, Zhou Yao, Dong Zongliang, Yang Fayi, Wu Qiang, and Liu Zhihong were elected as members of the standing committee of the county party committee. (Prefectural Media Center)

(Source: Maoxian People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】