
It's a real pleasure to share

author:The Lord of the Hearth

Sometimes people like to be praised for sharing far more than they like to share things, and in the final analysis, it is still external recognition.

Recently, I have grown a little tired of the beauty on the screen, tired of sharing, full of beautiful scenery, flowers, clouds, grass, these spiritual things, more and more lost interest on the screen, not that they are no longer gorgeous, no longer ethereal, no longer rich, but because the onlookers have less soul participation, as a man named Mr. Mid-Levels said in the book "Life cannot escape, but you can choose" in the book "Freedom of Mind", "A lot of things you know on your own, always want to explain to others, Things change taste more or less. He said: "Recently I found myself more and more unable to hold up my mobile phone in front of the beautiful scenery to take pictures, these days when walking in the mountains, several times I raised my mobile phone to take pictures of something, and then put it down, the visual beauty of simple seeing, and the beauty I felt in my heart, the gap is getting bigger and bigger, the beauty seems to be no longer willing to provide me with a position of bystander, let me be outside the beautiful scenery, I am inseparable from them, and this feeling of integration is more and more difficult to tell, and can not be shared." "Reading this, I actually had a feeling of excitement, and I forgave my previous arrogance and indifference.

How many of the sharers are really feeling the beauty of nature? Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog, blending in and indulging in the world of enjoyment, where is there so much joy of sharing?

Also, people like to hold their mobile phones to enjoy the beautiful scenery transmitted through the screen, but they refuse to smell the flowers passing by, isn't it sad!

It's a real pleasure to share

This is true of beautiful scenery, and it is also true of reading.

In today's era of all the emphasis on speed and passion, people are more willing to hand the chicken soup full of various condiments, sprinkle some green onions themselves, casually serve to people, do not ask others whether they want to drink, love or not, turn around, it is difficult for him to remember the taste of chicken soup, because he is only in fatigue and hunger when smelling, and then feel very beautiful, so he swallows to talk about hunger and thirst, the reason why he roars out to share with others is that he thinks that everything that hangs on the "heart" should be profound, yangchun white snow, Since it is profound, then the person holding him must also be profound, as everyone knows, maybe what he proudly sent out is what others have just lost, and he has felt tasteless!

Recently, a friend shared with me the reading experience of the "Analects", he was reading carefully, reading while thinking, he said that the "Xueer" chapter, let him think at the same time, think of the current "sharing", and I have a relationship!

The Analects of "Learning and Learning" should be regarded as the most familiar and widely used classic quotation in the entire Analects, "There are friends from afar who are not happy", and between the staggered, a serious or pretentious literature comes to a sentence, with a sense of elegance and vulgarity, and it sounds like a wan'er!

In fact, whether it is Confucian classics, Buddhist teachings, or even rural slang, in addition to the public's general perception and orthodox interpretation, everyone will have more or less based on their own unique experiences.

Learn and learn, do not say; there are friends from afar, not happy; people do not know but are not ashamed, not also gentlemen! I thought it was a process of learning, a process of exploration, a process of sublimation, regardless of whether I could eventually become a gentleman or not. This meticulous spirit alone is precious in this era of advocating fragmentation!

A truth is there, it does not belong to anyone, only with it into the vast nature, into all sentient beings, between the eternity of heaven and earth, between the cycle of the four seasons, between the stars, between the rise and fall of grass and trees, can we understand the truth contained in the truth, and this understanding is at the moment when the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body are all integrated, this understanding is exclusive to the person who understands, it is ecstatic and bloody, that is, at that moment, he is glad that he knows the world!

When he had fully enjoyed the pleasure of comprehension, he had a strong desire to talk, and just at this moment, there were friends from afar, dusty servants, as if they were specially designed to bear a spiritual covenant, how could they not rejoice? Do not wait for him to wash away the dust, under the old tree, a glass of thin wine, a wisp of light wind, a round of bright moon, two people who are gushing, life is enough to know themselves, since the farewell of the king, thousands of people have paid Yaoqin. At that time, he was so relieved to have walked into himself!

Man should be like this, a long book of poetry, love the heavens and the earth, observe all things, and allow the existence of "all", not to talk about prosperity and decline, regardless of the wise and the foolish, swimming in the temples and lakes, gradually becoming the wind of a gentleman!

And learning, the beginning of the authentic.

I also shared my reading experience with him.

It's a real pleasure to share

I think that sharing only makes sense if you enjoy it and get something out of it.

In fact, I am not against sharing, the sharing of ideas is a beautiful thing, and sharing for the sake of sharing, or seeking praise from sharing, is tasteless.

Cloud Cirrus Cloud Shu, Flowers And Flowers Flying, Grass Long Warbler Flying, Classic Series of Literature, Philosophy, and History, you slowly taste, and then share the true fun after self-taste!