
What is an old love? Is your expired textbook

author:Little full of small days

A lifetime of people through decades, the history of ming love and crush adds up, everyone can drive to their own library, only in size is the "central library" or "mobile book cart". In the past stories, there are happy, there are hurt, there are happy to reminisce, but there are more that dare not even reveal, but the funny thing is that whenever the night is quiet, the most read is still the most terrifying collection of stories.

However, have you found that as you get older, you have accumulated many more horror stories than happy novels? Obviously, what you hate most is this type, why does the one who buys for you still keep finding strange nightmares for you?

It's simple, because you keep making mistakes over and over again. The person who has always added nightmares to you is yourself. In the face of unforgettable old feelings, many people's mentality is wrong. If you agree with the above metaphor of going to the library, you are wrong. Every book in the "library" is used to cherish, to look through, and when you romanticize the memories that hurt you into stories worth cherishing, you will be trapped in the library endlessly, never overborn.

The old thing has never been a wonderful book, but a textbook, and it is still an expired kind. In love, we have experienced all our joys and sorrows, injuries, betrayals, indulgences, and losses, and when the relationship has passed, it has become your best textbook. We should not let our wounds be in vain, we should learn lessons; who should no longer love, what should not be done, what mentality should no longer be. Every relationship should allow itself to grow and gain. And then what? Quite simply, just like at the end of the semester when you are reading, put those expired textbooks, send them, sell them, throw them away, and don't waste any place on the shelves, because the parts you need to know the most are left in your mind, and those books have no value to retain. Then, arrange your school bag and wait for a new set of textbooks to arrive.

Some people go through a few semesters and always have a few textbooks that they want to stay, either because your grades were particularly good that year, or you painted a few valuable graffiti in them, and if so, the one or two books are left as a souvenir, but the important thing is that they no longer belong to the bookshelf in the eye, but belong to the mini warehouse or under the bed, and only look at it once in a few years, or only a few years before you say, "Oh, I didn't lose it." "It's just old stuff.

A person in the decades, still with a large number of elementary school textbooks on the shelves, will only make you continue to be a "schoolboy" forever.

If it belongs to the past, please let it pass.

What is an old love? Is your expired textbook

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