
When a newspaper led by our Party wanted to publish a poem by Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai made it clear that it was not appropriate to publish it

author:Liu Jixing

On August 15, 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan issued the Edict of the End of the War by radio, announcing his unconditional surrender. The Chinese people, who had suffered so much from Japan's aggression, finally ushered in the dawn of victory.

In mid-to-late August 1945, Chiang Kai-shek sent three telegrams inviting Chairman Mao to Chongqing to "discuss the national plan." Chairman Mao had a very clear understanding of Chiang Kai-shek's intentions, but in order to avoid the outbreak of civil war and the destruction of life, Chairman Mao decided to risk his life and bravely break into the tiger's den.

On 28 August, Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai and Wang Ruofei, accompanied by Chiang Kai-shek's representative Zhang Zhizhong and US Ambassador to China Hurley, arrived in Chongqing by plane at about 3 p.m.

This news shook the whole city of Chongqing!

When a newspaper led by our Party wanted to publish a poem by Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai made it clear that it was not appropriate to publish it

Talks between the Kuomintang and the Communists began on the morning of August 29.

On August 30, Chairman Mao met with Liu Yazi, Chen Shuming, Shen Junru, Wang Kunlun, Fu Sinian, and others in Guiyuan, Chongqing, where he lived.

Liu Yazi was then the head of the Three People's Nationalist Comrades' Federation, and he and Chairman Mao were reunited.

As early as the Second Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee of the Kuomintang held in Guangzhou in May 1926, Liu Yazi and Chairman Mao met. At that time, Chairman Mao was serving as an acting head of the Propaganda Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee as a member of the Communist Party, and Liu Yazi was a member of the Kuomintang Central Control Commission.

Since then, Liu Yazi has admired the young Chairman Mao very much, and the two have established a deep revolutionary friendship.

In 1929, Mr. Liu Yazi composed a poem in Shanghai entitled "The Slogan of Survival". The poem reads:

The tomb of the Divine Spirit Peak is green, and the Shonan Red Banner is running across.

The world's reputation was ruined by The original Hugh asked, and the two Lenins of the world were destroyed.

The phrase "two Lenins", the poet Mr. Liu Yazi notes himself at the end of the poem: "Sun Yat-sen, Mao Runzhi"

In the poem, Liu Yazi juxtaposes Chairman Mao and Sun Yat-sen, likening both to The Lenin of China. Judging from the existing historical data, this is the earliest poem praising Chairman Mao.

At that time, Sun Yat-sen had died. There is only one of the "two Lenins", which shows the high evaluation of Chairman Mao by Liu Yazi.

In 1932, Liu Yazi wrote another poem in praise of Chairman Mao.

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek personally commanded 300,000 heavy troops and launched a large-scale "encirclement and suppression" against the red base areas led by Chairman Mao, but not only did not eliminate the Red Army, but suffered a crushing defeat. Liu Yazi Shiyun:

It is also common under the plain gate, how to get out of the pocket.

With the grasp of the 100,000 troops, they ascended to the altar to see Mao Lang.

In the poem, "Mao Lang", the author Liu Yazi self-annotated "Mao Runzhi". Liu Yazi once again expressed his admiration for Chairman Mao in the form of poetry.

Reunited in Chongqing after 19 years, the old friends were full of emotion. After Liu Yazi saw Chairman Mao return home in Guiyuan, he was so excited that night that he composed a poem of seven laws: "Farewell to Yangcheng in the nineteenth autumn, reunite and shake hands in Xiyuzhou." The heavens are brave and honest, and the people everywhere are in chaos. Linyu Cangsheng new country, Yunlei Qingshi old boat. Zhongshan Carr double source combination, a stroke kunlun top head. ”

Before the main text of the seven laws, Liu Yazi wrote: "On august 28, I smelled the coming of Chongqing, and on the afternoon of the 30th, I met at the edge of the Zengjia rock and gave a poem."

On September 6, Chairman Mao, accompanied by Zhou Enlai and Wang Ruofei, came to Liu Yazi's apartment and talked freely for a long time.

At the same time, Liu Yazi was compiling a "Selected Poems of the Republic of China" in an attempt to compile Chairman Mao's popular "Seven Laws and Long March" into the album. Since the poem has not been published publicly. Liu Yazi once copied a copy according to the manuscript in society, and if he was afraid of making a mistake, he asked Chairman Mao to write it in his own handwriting.

Chairman Mao did not transcribe the Long March, but gave Liu Yazi a poem he wrote himself in 1936, "Qinyuan Spring and Snow".

On October 7, Chairman Mao handed Over "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" to Liu Yazi with a letter from a trustee, in which he wrote: "When I first arrived in northern Shaanxi and saw heavy snow, I filled in a poem that seemed to be slightly closer to Mr. Qinyuan's poem, and the record was submitted for correction. ”

After reading Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", Liu Yazi was overjoyed and overjoyed, and could not help but praise: "After reading the exhibition, I thought that I was the first artist (expert) since China had a word, although Su (Shi) and Xin (abandoned disease) failed to resist (compared), the situation yu Zihu? ”

When a newspaper led by our Party wanted to publish a poem by Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai made it clear that it was not appropriate to publish it
When a newspaper led by our Party wanted to publish a poem by Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai made it clear that it was not appropriate to publish it
When a newspaper led by our Party wanted to publish a poem by Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai made it clear that it was not appropriate to publish it
When a newspaper led by our Party wanted to publish a poem by Chairman Mao, Zhou Enlai made it clear that it was not appropriate to publish it

Liu Yazi quickly took the original rhyme and made a poem entitled "Qinyuan Spring, the second rhyme Maorun's first time to see the heavy snow in northern Shaanxi, can not be as original as the original meaning", and then handed these two "Qinyuan Spring" to the "Xinhua Daily" for public publication.

"Xinhua Daily" is a newspaper led by our Party and has a great influence on society.

In order to publish Chairman Mao's poems in the Kuomintang area, of course, it was necessary to obtain the consent of Chairman Mao himself, but at that time Chairman Mao was busy negotiating important matters and had no time to take care of them. The leader of the Xinhua Daily reported the matter to Zhou Enlai, who believed that the peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Republic of China were in a critical period, and that the words and phrases in the poems were easy to cause misunderstanding and might be used and attacked by unscrupulous people, so he made it clear that it was not appropriate to publish them.

In view of the situation at that time, Zhou Enlai's attitude was prudent and correct.

The Xinhua Daily then adopted a compromise approach, first publishing Liu Yazi's he and his words, which aroused great interest among readers, all of whom wanted to see Chairman Mao's original words.

Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" was eventually published in the "Western Night Tan" column of the supplement of the "Xinmin Bao". According to Huang Miaozi, who was editing a supplement to Xinmin Bao at the time, it was during Chairman Mao's visit to Chongqing for negotiations that Wang Kunlun handed over the manuscript of "Qinyuan Chun Xue" (the word manuscript that Wang Kunlun got from Liu Yazi). He handed the manuscript to His Wife Yu Feng again. Yu Feng was The niece of Yu Dafu and was the editor of the Supplement of Xinmin Bao at the time, "Western Night Tan". Yu Feng was in the hospital in labor at the time, so he asked him to hand over the manuscript to Wu Zuguang, another editor of the "Western Night Tan" supplement of xinmin bao (who married the famous actor Xin Fengxia after the founding of the people's republic of China). Wu Zuguang said, "Okay, I'll publish it." ”

Wu Zuguang's evaluation of this poem is that the "magnificent" Yongxue's work "Liuhe, Qixiong Eternity", is "the most wonderful manuscript that can be sought in distress". Therefore, on November 14, Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Chunxue" was published in the supplement of the "Xinmin Bao" "Western Night Tan", and Wu Zuguang also distributed a paragraph full of enthusiasm "according to the language" - "Mr. Mao Runzhi can write poetry, which seems to be little known." There are people who copied the word "Qinyuan Spring and Snow", and the wind tone is unique and the literary sentiment is rich. And the boldness is unattainable. ”

This was the first time chairman Mao's poems were published in a newspaper. Then, Chongqing's "Ta Kung Pao" launched Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" side by side with Liu Yazi's peace words, and in a short period of time, more than a dozen newspapers and periodicals in Chongqing reprinted them one after another, which immediately caused a sensation in Chongqing and even the whole country.

This was the public publication of this poem, which made the cultural and intellectual youth of the whole country admire Chairman Mao's broad mind and worldly talent.

Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow" caused a great sensation after its publication, causing the Kuomintang authorities to be terrified and restless. When Chiang Kai-shek saw this poem, he became angry and ashamed. He asked Chen Bray, who had drafted the document specifically for him: "What do you think of Mao Zedong's words?" Chen Brei replied truthfully: "The momentum is magnificent, the air swallows mountains and rivers, and it can be called the best of the world." ”

Chiang Kai-shek, who knew that culture could be attacked, said angrily that he must fight back in the form of poetry.

Beginning on December 4, newspapers and periodicals such as the Central Daily, the organ of the Kuomintang Central Committee, simultaneously published so-called harmony words aimed at Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow." Yi Junzuo and a group of Other Kuomintang imperial literati vigorously attacked Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Chunxue" in the name of "singing peace" in a vain attempt to eliminate its huge influence. Progressives in Chongqing's cultural circles joined the ranks of polemics in the form of singing and singing, and waged a battle against the Kuomintang without smoke.

The Kuomintang also painstakingly and secretly informed the party organizations in various localities that they were requiring each of the Kuomintang members who could compose poems and fill in the lyrics to write one or more poems of "Qinyuan Spring," from which they planned to select a few poems that could surpass Chairman Mao's in terms of mood, momentum, and writing, and then publish them publicly in the name of the principal leaders of the Kuomintang, comparing Chairman Mao's "Qinyuan Spring and Snow."

As a result, until the Kuomintang fled the mainland, no one could write the words "Chairman Mao's level." Because this activity of the Kuomintang was carried out in secret and was not successful, it has been kept secret, that is, after the defeat of Taiwan, they are all tight-lipped about this matter, lest the world ridicule it. It was not until the 1980s that this past was revealed by the key Members of the Kuomintang who participated in the event that year, and was learned by the Taiwanese political commentator Meng Jiezi, who was made public. (Liu Jixing)

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