
The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

author:User 6069047569

Many friends said that after watching the first issue of "This is Street Dance", they felt that among all the dancers who advanced to the top 100, only the beautiful-looking mixed-race sister Ju Lin was the easiest to attract black. Although he was caught by Huang Zitao with a different style, he was still questioned by other players at the scene. Some netizens asked, on this level of silver level, it has won many diamond-level players, why is this?

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head


Since promotion is a foregone conclusion, we will not say more. However, the eternal truth that "beautiful women always bring their own black physiques" has once again been staged in Ju Lin's body. In the first episode of the derivative documentary program "This is the Dancer" launched today, Ju Lin's performance was actually criticized. Could it be that she is "beautiful and misguided", and this girl is "causing trouble in the dprk"? But it's not!

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

In fact, it was Ju Lin who could not find a sense of dance because he could not find it, so he successfully attracted the attention of Fang Jun, the artistic director of the program. Miss Ju Lin's state of not being able to find a sense of dance made Fang Jun feel very, very anxious. So in order to help Ju Lin find his state, he said: Ju Lin danced this dance 100 times, and if he didn't dance well, he wanted to leave here!

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

100 times is undoubtedly a huge punishment for Ju Lin, in addition to enduring the exhaustion brought by the body, but also to accept the blank eyes of those who are implicated by her and cannot go back to rest. The huge pressure of body and mind made Ju Lin's emotions collapse for a while, but she knew that she had no right to refute it, so she had to pack up her emotions and endure all this pain, gritting her teeth to complete the task 100 times.

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

In fact, these 100 times of heavy punishment is not only to make Ju Lin listen to music and want to vomit, but the most important thing is to hope that Ju Lin can grow up quickly and become a super dancer with the strength to stand shoulder to shoulder with many gods. It is precisely because of this 100 hard practice that Ju Lin showed her first-class expressiveness in the later program, and at that moment she was closer to the name of "top dancer".

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

If The progress of Miss Julin's sister belongs to the diligent ability to make up for the clumsiness, then Xiao Bai, who is known as the "b-boy king", is the kind of person who is "better than you and works harder than you" in the legend. Xiao Bai, who originally belonged to the "Great God Dancer" in the eyes of many people, often "exploded" the eyes of the surrounding players and mentors on the stage in a state of "giving up who I am".

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

Xiao Bai believes that dancing is voluntary, happy, and has a soul, although he refuses to choreograph the dance of the program group, it does not mean that Xiao Bai is not serious enough about performance. As a dancer who takes the stage as his life, Xiao Bai is "ten years of work on the stage for a minute offstage", in order to show himself better on the stage, he put all the time he can compress under the stage on practicing dance.

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

In order to be able to become a real king, In addition to training himself to death, Xiao Bai also used the names of other god-level players as a weapon to motivate himself. Such a 6 operation and towering spiritual belief, although I and other laymen can not understand, but after watching his performance still want to call him internationally.

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

Although each issue of "This Is the Dancer" is less than half an hour, it is very well integrated into some very positive values. These players look infinite on the surface, but behind their backs, they are tortured by dreams and never give up.

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

However, Ju Lin and Xiao Bai are like the two typical examples in "This is the Dancer", one of them has worked hard to make his dance more sexy, one has tried his best to make his performance more shocking; a fledgling weak woman, a real man who dares to take risks... Although from the appearance, there is a world of difference between them, but in essence, they are actually desperate to pursue their dreams.

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

In fact, the real beauty of "This is the Dancer" is not the dancers who sweat and do not shout tired, but the never-say-die spirit in them. This kind of desperate effort for the sake of dreams is something that many people can't hope for! If you accidentally meet it, be sure to grab it like the dancers in "This is the Dancer"!

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

As a derivative of the super network roundup "This is Street Dance", this documentary called "This is the Dancer" is also another new attempt by Youku, while expanding the content matrix in the field of Youku pan-culture. As a leader in the field of pan-culture, Youku strives to bring together China's most connotative cultural content and cultural people, hoping to create some cultural variety shows that can arouse the attention, discussion and deep thinking of young people, such as "Xiao Shuo", "Round Table Pie", "Guan Fu Du Du", "You Are Right", "Great Craftsmen", etc., and there will be more after that.

The two typical examples of "This is the Dancer", Ju Lin encountered another challenge, and the B-boy king Xiao Bai had a head

Youku is changing the attitude of young people to variety shows, breaking the shackles of traditional variety shows to the audience, and creating some "high but not cold" cultural variety shows. Strive to make the audience's "leisure pastime" into "idle thinking", so that boring life becomes more meaningful because of thoughts. Every Thursday, remember to come to Youku to watch "This is the Dancer", positive energy dance steps, straight to your heart!

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