
The Tomb of Jiang Tai was stolen three thousand years after burial, and the tomb robbers were killed not long after they were robbed

author:Han Zhou reads
The Tomb of Jiang Tai was stolen three thousand years after burial, and the tomb robbers were killed not long after they were robbed
The Tomb of Jiang Tai was stolen three thousand years after burial, and the tomb robbers were killed not long after they were robbed

Jiang Ziya, a famous politician and military figure of the Zhou Dynasty, commonly known as Jiang Taigong, jiang surname, also known as Lü Shang, ziya, born in 1156 BC, died in 1017 BC, has assisted four generations of Zhou Tianzi.

King Wen of Zhou made Jiang Ziya a taishi and conspired to destroy the Shang Dynasty, and later Jiang Ziya assisted King Wu of Zhou and destroyed the Shang Dynasty, and was enfeoffed in Qi for his merits, becoming the ancestor of the monarch of the State of Qi.

In the sixth year of King Kang of Zhou (1017 BC), Jiang Ziya died at the age of 139.

After Jiang Ziya's death, a number of Jiang Tai Cemeteries appeared in Fengjing (present-day Xi'an, Shaanxi), Hojing (across the river from Fengjing), Xianyang, Weihui, Linzi and other places.

The truth and the falsehood have been debated endlessly throughout the ages, and the age is too old to be verified.

To be sure, most of these tombs are cloaked tombs, and there can only be one place where the real tombs are buried.

The Tomb of Jiang Tai was stolen three thousand years after burial, and the tomb robbers were killed not long after they were robbed

The less controversial Taigong Tomb is located in Weihui, Henan, and the Tongzhi of Henan records: "The tomb of Lü Shang, in the northwest of Fucheng (i.e., Weihui), was located in the northwest of Taigong Spring, shang used to avoid it, lived on the coast of the East China Sea, and later migrated to Weibin, sealed the kingdom of Yu Qi, and was also buried here." ”

When Jiang Ziya was dying, he asked his descendants to be humble and buried in Wei Hui.

As early as three thousand years ago, this high-ranking man had such an avant-garde proposition, which was amazing. The cemetery is extremely simple, about two meters high, overgrown with weeds, there is no way to go in front of the tomb, if you want to go to the cemetery, you can only take a detour to the back of the grave.

At that time, Ji Zhao, the king of Zhou Kang, felt that it was too unfair for such a great hero like Jiang Ziya to be buried in such a hasty and simple manner, so he sent 20,000 craftsmen and people to rebuild the Tai Cemetery.

When the newly built Tai Cemetery was completed, the sky suddenly rained heavily, and the huge mausoleum was destroyed in an instant, and the Tai Cemetery returned to its former appearance.

The minister in charge of repairing the tomb felt that Providence was difficult to violate, and asked the Queen of Zhou to stop the construction and retain the original appearance.

Three thousand years have passed, and because of the thin burial, Jiang Tai Cemetery has escaped a wave of Tufuzi, tomb robbers and lieutenants who touch gold.

In the 20th year of the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty (1681), the Weihui prefect erected a stone stele in front of his tomb, which read "Zhou Jiang Taigong Burial Place" in seven big characters, and the simple tomb appeared to be much more magnificent.

The Tomb of Jiang Tai was stolen three thousand years after burial, and the tomb robbers were killed not long after they were robbed

Because Jiang Taigong's fame was too great, during the Republic of China period, two tomb robbers who did not have long eyes stared at the Taigong Tomb.

These two guys, one named Zhou Tong and the other named Li Zineng, belong to the rookies who are not good at kung fu in the industry.

They met jiang tai cemetery, that is, they want to become famous by stealing celebrity tombs, no matter what objects they make, as long as they dig it out, they can impress senior people in the industry.

The two tomb robbers also knew very well that the reason why no one coveted the Taigong for three thousand years must have nothing of value in it, in order to prevent them from returning empty-handed, they secretly hid two bronzes from the Shang zhou period.

Due to its age, the cemetery has been eroded by rain and has become bow-shaped.

The tomb robbers came late at night, dug up the tomb, only saw some green bricks, and nothing else, except for soil, or soil, had to go away in the early morning.

Before the two tomb robbers could pretend to be the bronze of the cemetery, they were "inserted" by a bandit in their home.

After tossing and turning thirteen moves, not a single copper plate was obtained, and he took his life in vain.

The Tomb of Jiang Tai was stolen three thousand years after burial, and the tomb robbers were killed not long after they were robbed