
Doctors' Day is coming, listen to their "fancy confessions"

author:Sinopharm Dongfeng General Hospital

The August sun is still shining

Like the benevolent heart of a healer

Warm years and time

Like a bright smiling face

Illuminate every dark corner

If you are not a good person, you are a good doctor

The healer is dressed in white and has a brocade heart

In times of crisis

The doctors are not to blame

Shoulder the mission of the healer with responsibility and responsibility

Doctors' Day is coming, listen to their "fancy confessions"

Last week, we launched it

"Three Quotes, Confessions of The Physician" campaign

Received many confessions to the doctor

Word by word, stroke by stroke

It's all thanks they never profess

Let's enjoy it together

Moving "love words"

Doctors' Day is coming, listen to their "fancy confessions"

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@Reed Swing

The grass is bearing its seeds

The wind is shaking its leaves

It's beautiful to think of you

——Dr. Han Heng, Department of Spine Surgery

@Little Ash

You are the ones who have given me a new life

Thank you very much

May your work go well and your life be safe


@End of the World

It is our duty to save lives and help the injured

Take care of your body and serve your country

Happy Doctor's Day Dear Brothers and Sisters!

- To all doctors

@Grandpa Bean

Serve patients wholeheartedly

Superb medical skills help patients alleviate their suffering

The healer is kind and sincerely grateful

——To Dr. Liu Xiangshu of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

@Zhang Guoyan

Disease is merciless

Sweat sprinkled all over the road to rejuvenation

Create a medical miracle

--General medical student in the two-disease zone of the Department of Endemic Respiratory Medicine


Good service and good attitude

Strong business, fast operation

Good personality, handsome

——Dr. Wang Yao, Department of Medical Imaging

@Pro-Baby Mother and Baby

People as their name suggests

Excellent medical skills in the removal of pain

Health care is noble



Experienced and good attitude

Patience and peace and wisdom

A good doctor who is young and strong, and rare

——To Dr. Yang Yong, Department of Geriatrics

@Aerospace Flying Swallow

Be conscientious and responsible, and don't bother with asking

Warm, patient and caring

There is a benevolent heart

——To Dr. Zheng Wei, Department of Geriatrics

@Rao Xiaocui

Meticulous and obscure

The medical ethics are noble and the medical skills are exquisite

Be conscientious and responsible, and learn from the role models

——Dr. Hong Chun of neurosurgery



There is no distinction between the rich and the poor

He is a good doctor with high medical ethics

——To Dr. Feng Zeyi of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

@Great Lanlan

The healer is benevolent and the medical ethics are noble

Save lives and help the injured, life is supreme

Happy Holidays to all doctors

Doctors' Day is coming, listen to their "fancy confessions"

A white dress, simple and elegant

A profession, noble and holy

Every spring comes and goes

Perseverance, silent cultivation

Today, please accept our respect

Thank you, Happy Doctor's Day!

Doctors' Day is coming, listen to their "fancy confessions"

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