
One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again


Foreword: I am a great Anhui person, and the local cuisine of the nurturing party cannot be said for three days and three nights. Let's make a small special edition of food, take you to see what mouth-watering specialties are in 16 cities in Anhui

Anqing-Jiangmao dumplings

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Jiangmao dumplings

Anqing famous eating, the first push of Jiangmao dumplings. Diners describe Jiangmao dumplings as "skin like thin paper, filling like pearls, shaped like cat ears, tender meat soup fresh", because the founder of Jiangmao dumplings Jiang Qingfu has a pinch of white hair around the neck, so everyone is called Jiangmao.

Bengbu - Grilled bread sandwich loin

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Grilled bread sandwich loin

The field is full of burnt bread sellers and fried tenderloin sellers, and only the People of Bengbu creatively combine them and create a perfect combination with sweet, spicy, cumin, and oyster sauce.

Bozhou - Vortex Dry Buckle Noodles

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Vortex dry buckle surface

It is characterized by spicy and tempting mouth, tendons to block hunger, there is a saying that "do not eat dry button noodles to come to Lao tzu's hometown". After eating the noodles and drinking a bowl of fragrant and refreshing bean sprouts pure soup, I feel even more beautiful and never forget.

Chizhou - east to rice dumplings

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

East to dumplings

When the indica rice is steamed until it is seven minutes, grind it into a fine powder, add the right amount of water and noodles, then make a filling with fresh vegetables, wrap it in it and steam it to eat. This kind of folk cuisine is difficult to see in other places except for the east.

Chuzhou - Langya crisp candy

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Langya crisp

Langya shortbread is carefully processed by pure white sesame seeds and refined white sugar, and its sugar cubes are milky in color, soft in the mouth, sweet but not greasy. In 1984, it was awarded the title of quality product in Anhui Province, and in 1987, it was selected as a designated sales product in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Fuyang-Taihe plate surface

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Too and plate surface

Taihe plate noodles are deeply loved by people for their fine materials and delicious food. The entrance is chewy and does not lose the aroma of the noodles, and the noodle soup entrance is thick and spicy, and without exaggeration, it has reached the point where (the dog meat rolls three times, and the gods and immortals cannot stand steadily).

Hefei - Sanhe rice dumplings

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Three rivers rice dumplings

Sanhe rice dumplings, also known as Lujiang big bend dumplings, is a traditional snack in Hefei, Anhui Province, this kind of indica rice noodles made of stuffed dumplings are very famous, known as "Three Rivers Rice Dumplings". Dumplings are made from indica rice flour, pork belly and spices to make fillings, and then fried in oil. Golden in color, slightly crispy in the outer skin, delicious filling, has been making for nearly 100 years.

Huaibei - Linzhuo Pei milk meat

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Pro-Shuan pei breast meat

Linzhuo pei milk meat is favored by people for its fragrant, pure taste, nourishing and other characteristics. Compared with braised pork, the meat is fat and tender to eat, and the aftertaste is endless in the mouth; compared with the fine meat pieces, the meat is more tender and tender, especially its unique frankinciescent flavor, the aroma is overflowing, and people are salivating.

Huainan - Huainan beef soup

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Huainan beef soup

Huainan beef soup is made of fine beef, thousand pieces, bean cakes, sweet potato vermicelli, etc., accompanied by spices, broth, chili oil, green onions, garlic, coriander and other accessories. The finished soup is mellow, fresh and spicy, nutritious and delicious, and has a nourishing therapeutic effect.

Huangshan - Edamame tofu

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Edamame tofu

Edamame tofu is a traditional dish in the Huizhou region (around present-day Huangshan City, Anhui Province), which uses artificial fermentation to make the surface of the tofu grow a layer of white fur. Because tofu is fermented to convert the plant protein into a variety of amino acids, it tastes particularly fresh after cooking. No wonder some people say that "The Japanese snack edamame tofu, do not quit being Huizhou people".

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

If you add some farmhouse homemade hot sauce, the taste is even more fascinating.

Lu'an - Wanfo Lake casserole fish head

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Wanfo Lake casserole fish head

Wanfo Lake casserole fish head is made from authentic Wanfo Lake bighead carp head, plus pure lake water, with unique seasonings, and stewed over low heat. Its delicious taste, fresh and not fishy, thick tender juice, soup color milky white, high protein, low fat, and rich in potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, selenium and other essential trace elements, vitamin A content is the highest, up to 34 mg / 100 grams, in line with the modern people's pursuit of health food, is a real green food.

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Ma On Shan - Baiqiao dried tea

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White Bridge tea dried

Anhui and county famous snacks, with soybeans as the main raw material made of dry blanks into the pot, with the next year's old sauce boiled, plus star anise, cloves, licorice, white root, cinnamon, rock sugar and other refined, ruddy color, flexible and harmonious, the more chewy the more fragrant, rich in nutrition.

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Suzhou - Fu Li set roast chicken

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Fu Li set roast chicken

Fuliji roast chicken is a traditional dish in Suzhou City, Anhui Province, named after the town of Fuli. China's geographical indication products, together with Texas grilled chicken, Henan Daokou roast chicken, Jinzhou Gou Gangzi smoked chicken and known as "China's four famous chickens". Authentic Fu Li Ji roast chicken color is delicious, fragrant, white and tender meat, fat but not greasy, meat rotten and boneless, chewing bone and afterscent. In 2005, it declared the protection of the origin of Fuliji roast chicken and succeeded in becoming a national geographical indication product, and in 2008, Fuliji roast chicken became a provincial intangible cultural heritage.

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Tongling - pretzel pig hand

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Salt and pepper pig hands

Is one of the famous flavor snacks of Anhui Tongling Chase, the flesh tendon oil in the palm of the hoof is shiny, a large bone lies in the fat and soft meat, the skin is charred and crispy, all the spices are pre-salted, that is called a taste ~

Wuhu - Geng Fuxing shortbread

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Geng Fuxing shortbread

Geng Fuxing shortbread is a famous snack in Wuhu, famous for its fragrant, crispy and crisp flavor characteristics, and is a good snack for all ages and children after breakfast and tea. Anyone who travels to Wuhu City will come to wuhu city and taste it for yourself, have you eaten it?

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Xuancheng - Fuling rose crisp

One city after another, eat and never want to leave this city again

Fuling rose puff pastry

Fuling Rose Puff pastry is a well-known pastry in Jixi County, Anhui Province, produced in Fuling Village, Jixi County, because it contains roses as accessories and has a rose fragrance. The roses, orange cakes, plums and so on are looming. In 1985, he was sent to Beijing to participate in the National Food Exhibition and won the award.

Afterword: Do you like these delicacies on the list? If there are other hometown specialties recommended, you must leave a message to recommend to us Oh, to introduce the delicious food of your hometown to everyone!

No matter where Anhui people go, the taste of their hometown will always swirl in their minds and lips, and they will linger. Maybe it's not just the original reason for the taste, it's a nostalgic mood and homesickness, and the nostalgia for hometown drifts into the heart with the aroma of hometown food.