
23. Summoning the Duke to protect the Zhou Dynasty with absolute sincerity

author:Learn from the past and the present lrb

During the rebellion of the chinese people, the young crown prince Ji Jing escaped from the palace and hid in the mansion of the doctor Summoning Gonghu, who was soon discovered by the mob, and immediately surrounded the summoning mansion and forced the summoning bus out of the prince Xue Hate. Previously, Zhao Gong had advised King Li many times, and his famous saying that "the mouth of the people is better than the defense of sichuan", but it was regarded as a wind in the ears, which led to the disaster of the officials forcing the people to rebel! At this moment, the mob was furious and angry, and if they handed over the prince, they would have to be torn to pieces. He believed that as a loyal subject, he not only had to risk death to advise the king when he made mistakes, but also had to give up his life to preserve the royal bloodline in times of danger. Having made up his mind, he painfully handed over his son, who was about the same age as the prince, and let the mob slash and kill to vent his anger.

In order to stabilize the situation, Zhao Gong ran around, while painstakingly persuading the clan relatives of the Ji surname to abandon their previous grievances, stop internal disputes, and unite to tide over the difficulties; on the other hand, they repeatedly met secretly with those important ministers and noble leaders to repeatedly discuss strategies to restore the order of the rule. In view of the infuriation of the people and the frequent riots in Hojing, neither the king of Zhou Li could return to continue to administer the government, nor did it make it convenient for the minor prince to succeed to the throne, and after consultation, a stopgap measure was reached, and the summoning of Gonghu and Zhou Dinggong took charge of the royal power, called the republic, known in history as "republican administration". The year 841 BC also became the first year of the republic, which is the beginning of an accurate chronology in the history of China and is of landmark significance.

In 427 BC, King Li of Zhou died in Yan, and the aftermath of the rebellion of the people basically subsided, and Zhao Gong felt that the time had come to return power to the Zhou royal family, so he established Ji Jing as the monarch, thus ending the fourteen-year republican era.