
The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

author:Brush the old white

The author is a doctor of history and a research center for cross-strait economic development at Nanjing University

The 1947 February 28 Incident in Taiwan wrote a heavy page in China's modern history. In commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the "228 Incident", this article strives to restore its original appearance by interpreting the relevant archives. A large number of facts have proved that the "228" uprising, which occurred 55 years ago, was a democratic movement of Taiwan compatriots against the authoritarian rule of the Kuomintang and a true portrayal of the patriotic tradition of Taiwan compatriots. In recent years, Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian, and others have vainly attempted to falsify history, describing the Taiwan compatriots' demand for political reform and democratic autonomy during the "228" uprising as seeking "Taiwan independence" and imposing on the insurgents the so-called "national identity" and "provincial nationality contradiction" that did not exist at that time. Taiwan is an inalienable part of the motherland's territory, and no matter how the situation in Taiwan changes, it cannot change this fact.

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

(Taiwan Guangfu)

Post-war reconstruction is struggling

On October 25, 1945, 6 million Taiwan compatriots who had suffered from the ravages of foreign bullying finally returned to their dream motherland and could not help but cry with joy.

In the 50 years since Japan was based, the vast number of Taiwan compatriots have built a modern industrial system with their hands and feet and sweat, and the overall level of Taiwan's productive forces is much higher than that of the mainland provinces. At the end of World War II, the US military launched a large-scale bombing campaign against Taiwan, and the economy in the early days of restoration was already full of holes, most of the industrial factories, mines, and ports were destroyed, production was mostly in a state of stagnation, and there was a shortage of daily necessities.

Although the National Government set up the "Taiwan Resources Investigation Committee," drew up a reception plan, trained professionals, and appointed Chen Yi, who was known as the "Taiwan Passer", to take charge of the matter, the preparations were very hasty, and there was more than enough and insufficient strength. In order to maintain "uninterrupted administration," Chen Yi basically followed the old administrative system, except for changing the original Taiwan Governor's Office into the Taiwan Provincial Chief Executive's Office. Maintaining the Taiwan dollar and Taiwan's financial self-contained system will not "cause Taiwan to flood with legal tender like the provinces on the mainland and cause prices to skyrocket." It received Japanese assets and initially established a huge public economy. Monopoly bureaus and trade bureaus have been set up to monopolize the necessities of life, control all import and export trade, and avoid manipulation by profiteers.

The chief executive system gave Chen Yi supreme power, even more than the original governor of Taiwan. The officials in the organs at all levels, and those who are in a position of wealth and lack of money, are almost all relatives and friends of Chen Yi, and some of them have taken advantage of their powers to become corrupt and corrupt. Economic measures of control have exploited both producers and consumers and harmed certain industries. The reconstruction of transportation, industry and mining, etc., requires a lot of funds, and the Governor's Office has no choice but to "borrow by using the issuance funds", so that the amount of Taiwan dollar issuance continues to rise, and finally loses its role in stabilizing people's minds and stabilizing prices.

In the process of repatriating 200,000 Japanese army, navy, air force and more than 300,000 Japanese immigrants, Chen Yi managed to retain 8,000 Japanese technicians, so that Taiwan's administrative and economic departments could maintain a minimum operation. The vast number of Taiwan compatriots could not understand: "After the government took over the organs at all levels, it also used the Japanese police and the Japanese officials to govern Taiwan, which really made the Taiwan compatriots feel sad and sick." Since then, the conflict between Taiwan compatriots and the Japanese has become increasingly intense, and the social order has gradually become chaotic. ”

During World War II, about 300,000 Taiwan compatriots were forcibly conscripted by the Japanese army to participate in the war on the mainland and Southeast Asia, and nearly 100,000 people died or died of illness. After Japan's surrender, by the end of 1946, 200,000 Taiwan compatriots had returned to Taiwan after great hardships, some of whom were reluctant to return to their hometowns to work as farmers, but it was difficult to find jobs in cities with high unemployment rates, and they were unemployed, while the Chief Executive's Office ignored them.

After the restoration of Taiwan, a generation of Taiwanese elites who grew up under Japanese occupation thought that they could now be the masters of their own affairs, but the centralized system of the Chief Executive's Office and the inferior personnel policy made it impossible for them to participate in politics and to participate in the civil service examination without Chinese. "The position that I am fortunate to get in the organ is only an idle post, let alone a cadre, or even the position of section chief, which is difficult to obtain." Therefore, I could not help but feel discouraged when I was looking forward to the results of the restoration, but I ended up in a day that was no different from the colonies." Taiwanese elites have turned to actively run for public opinion representatives at all levels, and it is only symbolic for the deliberative regime, and it is difficult to give play to their ability to build their hometowns. In the spring of 1946, the Fujian-Taiwan Construction Association made a suggestion to the Nationalist Government: "... If the system of chief executives is not abolished, the Taiwan people have not solved the upside down of the colony, and there are almost doubts that the central government will not give equal treatment. ”

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

(Chen Yi arriving in Taiwan)

Although Chen Yi was a clean and honest official and determined to realize his lifelong ambitions in Taiwan, he could not stop his subordinates from being corrupt and nepotistic. Newspapers and periodicals founded by Taiwan compatriots often expose the ugly deeds of certain bureaucrats, and major corruption cases include: ren Weijun, director of the provincial monopoly bureau, embezzled NT$5 million; Li Zhuozhi, son-in-law of Ge Jing'en, secretary general of the Taiwan Provincial Chief Executive's Office, when he was general manager of the Taiwan Provincial Paper Printing Company, sold several large machines (worth tens of millions of taiwan dollars at the time) for honest value and secretly bought them for 400,000 Taiwan dollars; the Taipei County Governor Lu Guixiang embezzled 500 million Taiwan dollars, and so on. Of course, these reports are exaggerated and inaccurate, but it is undeniable that corruption does exist.

Taiwan was in crisis at the time

In fact, since Japan invaded and occupied Taiwan, the development path of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has gradually drifted away. In the early days of the restoration, the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots had a very poor understanding of the mainland, did not know that the motherland, which had suffered great calamities, was troubled by internal and external troubles, was poor and weak, and had excessively high expectations for the decadent and dictatorial Kuomintang regime. However, "the prevalence of corruption, economic control, hardships in life, and various practical lessons have made many Taiwanese who originally had a very deep nostalgia for the motherland slowly become frustrated by disappointment... And those Few Taiwan Compatriots who were deeply educated in Japan's slavery even took the opportunity to make a big publicity, saying that Everything in China was inferior to Japan, let alone catching up with Taiwan."

At the beginning of 1947, nearly 20,000 Civilians went to Taiwan to participate in the reception and reconstruction of the Civil Army. Most of them sincerely serve the Taiwan compatriots. "The public servants from other provinces who came to Taiwan are by no means here to dig for gold; most of them are holding the spirit of service; if they want to make the greatest efforts in Taiwan's reconstruction and rejuvenation work, they have 120,000 sympathies for the Taiwan compatriots who have been enslaved and oppressed by the Japanese imperialists for more than 50 years, and are willing to help the Taiwan compatriots lift the shackles, understand the motherland, and understand the world."

"Love is enough to harm it." The Nationalist government dispatched 30,000 troops to retake Taiwan. In view of Taiwan's financial constraints, in order to lighten the burden on Taiwan compatriots, Chen Yi transferred the garrisoned 70th Army and the 62nd Army back to the mainland, and only one regiment and one battalion of the 21st Division that could be taken over to Taiwan were actually sent to Taiwan, with only 5,000 officers and men, scattered in Taipei, Keelung, Kaohsiung, Fengshan, Okayama, and taichung. The weapons left behind by the Japanese army are enough to equip 20 divisions, and a large number of guns are scattered among the civilians, and once the wind blows, the consequences are unimaginable.

Due to the trauma of the war and the rapid transformation of society, Taiwan's post-war reconstruction is facing great difficulties. "Cover the modern people and apply the backward government of the country, and the people who have been separated for a long time and follow the wind that has not been practiced for fifty years, and they will be confused by many chisels." Political corruption, corruption, inflation is fierce, and unemployment is serious. In the face of another large-scale natural disaster, Taiwan, which is known for its rice production, actually ran out of rice, and the people did not have a good life. Shanghai's "Observation Weekly" exclaimed: "Today, Taiwan is full of crises and precarious dangers, and riots or riots may occur at any time. ”

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

Anti-smuggling triggers conflict

At noon on February 27, 1947, the Taipei Monopoly Bureau received news of smuggling, sent Ye Degen, Fu Xuetong, and six other people to investigate and found that the smuggled goods had been moved to Taipei City near the Tianma Tea House on Nanjing West Road for sale. At 7:30 p.m., the investigators arrived, and the smugglers had long since fled, seizing only the illegal cigarettes of the old woman Lin Jiangmai and confiscating her money and belongings. Lin Jiangmai pleaded bitterly, but the investigators were unreasonable and injured the old woman. The crowd of onlookers was strongly indignant and shouted "Ah Shan is unreasonable" and "Piglet is too hateful." When the investigators saw that the situation was not good, they fled in a hurry, and the masses chased after them. Fu Xuetong shot a warning in panic and mistakenly looked at the lively Chen Wenxi. The broad masses of the people rose from the bottom of their hearts, smashed the trucks of the investigators, and demanded that Fu Xuetong and others be shot, which was rejected by the Taipei City Gendarmerie in anger. The masses then surrounded the gendarmerie.

On the morning of the 28th, because the incident was not resolved, the broad masses of the people played gongs along the street to notice a strike and rushed into the Taipei branch of the Monopoly Bureau, killing 2 employees and injuring many people. The crowd of onlookers gathered more and more, and there were only 500 gendarmes in Taipei City, and they did not dare to act rashly. At 1 p.m., a group of people went to the Taiwan Provincial Chief Executive's Office to petition, chen Yi wanted to speak to the masses, suddenly someone pulled out a gun and shot at Chen Yi, the guards heard the sound, immediately shot back, killed 3 people on the spot, injured 3 people, and suddenly the group was in chaos.

At 2 p.m., the broad masses gathered in Zhongshan Park to occupy the Taiwan Radio Station and declared in Hokkien and Japanese: "Politics is dark, rice and grain are exported." We cannot sit still, everyone rises up, expels corrupt officials everywhere, and strives for survival. "Taiwan has popularized radio broadcasting, and there are tens of thousands of civilian radios. When Taiwan compatriots in various localities heard the news, they were indignant and took up arms one after another, and the tide of opposing the Kuomintang's corrupt rule in Taiwan soon spread throughout the island. On the way from Shanghai to Taiwan, the "Zhongxing" received news of the Taiwan people's uprising and immediately turned around and returned.

Taiwanese Japanese veterans became the main force in snatching weapons and seizing military strongholds. In Taipei, Taiwanese elite Jiang Weichuan and others set up the "Taiwan Provincial Autonomous Youth League" to gather many unemployed young people who had returned from Hainan Island and other places to "put an end to the incident." There are also the "Datong Youth League" (those who served in the Japanese Army), the "Hainan Island Returnees Alliance" (Hainan Island Returnees), and the "Wakasa Death Squad" (served as a member of the Japanese Navy suicide boat crew). The formation is like the Japanese army, the leader of the team is self-proclaimed captain, wielding Oriental swords, singing the Japanese national anthem, and even shouting "The imperial army is coming back soon." This group of veterans, who had personally experienced the second world war and faced the dilemma of unemployment, had at least 10,000 or more veterans, and showed strong combat effectiveness in battles such as Taichung and Huwei Airport, especially the veterans who returned to Taiwan on Hainan Island rushed to the front. The Taipei Station of the Central Bureau of National Statistics sent an urgent telegram to Nanjing: "Most of the people who participated in the Taiwan riots this time are the overseas returnees (hainan island returnees) requisitioned by the former Japanese army, and there are about 120,000 people in the province. "It must be noted that the participation of about 120,000 people is clearly exaggerated.

Nearly 20,000 Continental Army Catholics are in danger of life, and in just a few days, about 200 Civilian Army Catholics have been killed and about 800 wounded.

With regard to some Taiwan compatriots blindly beating up mainland compatriots, some Taiwan compatriots who clearly distinguish between right and wrong are resolutely opposed. The Taiwan League for Democracy issued a "Letter to Taiwan Compatriots on the February 28 Incident": "We should no longer indiscriminately beat up middle- and lower-ranking government personnel and businessmen in other provinces, who suffer from political corruption as we do, who are the same people as us, and who are the same Han compatriots. "The vast majority of Taiwan compatriots are kind. When they saw their compatriots on the mainland who were chased and beaten by the poor and helpless, their pity was born and they could help.

Demand local democratic autonomy

The highly centralized system of the Chief Executive's Office, designed by Chen Yi, is now facing disintegration, which can be described as a heavy blow to her political reputation. The troops stationed in Taiwan are weak and cannot compete with The Japanese veterans of Taiwanese nationality at all. The mainland official sighed deeply: "The incident has been expanded to the whole province, and it is impossible not to agree." As long as the incident can be resolved quickly, it doesn't matter if we are not the director. Chen Yi had no choice but to calm things down and pray that big things would be small and small things would be made small. On March 1, various circles in Taipei set up the "228 Incident Handling Committee" (hereinafter referred to as the "Branch Committee"), and similar organizations were also established in various counties and cities. In order to avoid the expansion of the incident, Chen Yi promised: "All the people who participated in this incident, the government remembered its impulsiveness, lacked reason, and allowed leniency, and all of them will not be prosecuted." The casualties of this time, regardless of the Catholic personnel and the people, regardless of the people of their own province and the people of other provinces, were treated, and the deceased was given preferential pension. ”

The Taiwan elite was not ideologically prepared for this sudden change, and under the influence of the broad masses, they also threw themselves into this movement; public opinion representatives at all levels and local dignitaries took up organizational leadership work; they were not satisfied with the handling of the anti-smuggling issue, turned to political reform, and sought the road of participating in politics. Chen Yi had no choice but to try to meet the demands of the Taiwan compatriots: "Provincial-level administrative organs, I have considered changing the Chief Executive's Office into a provincial government, and when reorganizing, the members of the provincial government, the directors of various departments, or the heads of various departments should try to appoint people from this province as much as possible. General and direct elections began on 1 July to elect the mayors of each county. ”

Chen Yi was a big man in the Kuomintang's Department of Internal Affairs, the ruling team was in his old department, and the CC Department had no way to ignore it; Chen Guofu appointed his confidant Li Yizhong as the chairman of the Taiwan Provincial Party Department, and in fact supervised Chen Yi nearby. Taiwanese elites Jiang Weichuan, Wang Tiandeng, and others were all party members recruited by the Kuomintang after the restoration. At the beginning of the establishment of the committee, the members of the committee were mostly members of the Kuomintang, but the Taiwan Provincial Party Department deliberately did not control or exert influence, but instead allowed it to develop, "sitting back and watching the situation deteriorate," waiting to clean up the mess and force Chen Yi to leave.

The Taiwanese elite did not expect to easily control the power of governments at all levels, and demanded that it be escalated step by step. On March 7, the Branch Committee put forward the "Forty-two Articles of the Handling Outline", the main contents of which are: "The formulation of the Provincial Autonomy Law shall be the highest political norm in the province; the county mayor shall be elected by the people before June this year, and the county and municipal senate shall be re-elected; the selection of the provincial chief of the provincial department shall be approved by the provincial senate (the provincial senate after the re-election); more than two-thirds of the provincial chiefs must be appointed by those who have resided in the province for more than 10 years; the chief of police and the police chief of the county and city shall be appointed by the people of the province; and more than half of the legislative committees shall be filled by the people of the province." The person in charge of all public undertakings shall be a native of this province. Taiwan compatriots in other counties and cities have also put forward similar demands, reflecting the strong desire of the vast number of Taiwan compatriots to be dissatisfied with the Kuomintang's corrupt politics in Taiwan and to pursue "Taiwan people ruling Taiwan with a high degree of autonomy" and mastering their own destiny.

The Taiwanese elite actively pursues a "high degree of autonomy," but disagrees on the steps and methods. The radical Wang Tiandeng and others are preparing to take over the organs of the Governor's Office by March 15. Moderate Jiang Weichuan and others, who advocated that it was appropriate to stop and could not have the intention of subverting the government, held a negative attitude toward the "Forty-Two Articles.", and later announced his withdrawal when the committee passed it with a majority. Centrist Zhou Yanshou and others also believe that the government should not be too irritated. On March 8, the Branch Committee issued a statement: "On March 7, the Resolution of the Japanese Congress requested Chief Minister Chen to adopt and implement the Forty-two Articles, but due to the large number of participants at that time, it was not time to deliberate one by one, such as the abolition of the General Headquarters of the Garrison and the disarmament of the Nationalist Army, which was close to the rebellious central government, and was by no means the will of the provincial people." The Council believes that the requirements for reforming the provincial government have been initially met, and the future tasks of the Council are to restore order and stabilize people's livelihood. ”

The Taiwanese elite lacked administrative experience and replaced the powers of the Taiwan Provincial Chief Executive's Office without a feasible solution to deal with disorder. Wang Tiandeng plans to organize the Provisional Democratic Autonomous Government of Taiwan Province, with himself as its chairman, and "when discussing the selection of directors of various departments, each of them will be red in the face, and even slap the table and roar." The dragons are leaderless and attack each other, and the scene is very chaotic. Wu Yunliu recalled: "In the non-governmental sector, various representatives participated (the committee). Driven by curiosity, I also went to visit. Many of the main lists of folk representatives are personalities who love to be in the limelight, brag and hypocrisy. Among them, there are also many 'friends' (the meaning of and hilarious people). Because it is such a group, it will scramble to speak arbitrarily from the beginning, self-propagate, and talk nonsense without any order. In particular, most of the 'Friends Boy's speech has nothing to do with the handling of this incident, and I am very tired of listening to it.

"228 Blood Case"

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

On February 28, Chen Yi telephoned Chiang Kai-shek: "The traitors colluded with hooligans, took advantage of the monopoly bureau's opportunity to ban illegal cigarettes, gathered crowds to riot, and injured people from other provinces." However, he believes that the situation is not big, and only requires that part of the 21st Division be transferred back to Taiwan. The Central Bureau of Communications in Taipei sent a secret telegram to Nanjing, "Today's question is not whether Chen Yi can rule Taiwan, but whether the motherland can maintain Taiwan." If the situation deteriorates again, the consequences will be unimaginable, "the central authorities should increase their troops as soon as possible." An integrated division could be used to transport naval soldiers to Taipeng for training, landing at the four ports of Keelung, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hualien." Chiang Kai-shek has always believed in force and decided to send troops to suppress it. On the morning of March 5, Liu Yuqing, commander of the 21st Division stationed in Kunshan, was ordered to "go to Taiwan to quell the chaos before the 8th day." The aim is to be lenient, straighten out military discipline, and win the hearts and minds of the people." On the 7th, Chiang Kai-shek telegraphed Chen Yi that the troops directly under the 21st Division and a regiment would depart from Shanghai at noon on the same day and would arrive in Keelung in the early morning of about 10 July. Commander Gui Yongqing of the Navy was ordered to dispatch the Taikang and Fubo warships to Keelung under the command of Chen Yi; Air Force Commander Zhou Zhiju dispatched aircraft to distribute leaflets, "Everyone should resume their business with peace of mind, do not believe rumors, do not be instigated by others, do not sacrifice their own lives, and be used as a tool of the careerists."

The news of sending troops to Taiwan quickly leaked out, and the US Embassy inquired about it, warning of the danger of this move, and Chiang Kai-shek ignored it. On the 8th, Chiang Kai-shek telegraphed Chen Yi: "How many ammunition are in warehouses in various places, burn them if necessary, so as not to be seized by the rioters; first make preparations for transportation, communication control, and stubbornly waiting for assistance between Taipei and Keelung; Tainan will hold Kaohsiung and Zuoying." ”

On the 9th, 20,000 troops landed in Keelung and Kaohsiung one after another, and the autonomy movement of the Taiwan compatriots was bloodily suppressed, and the fighting was mainly concentrated in the cities of Taipei, Keelung, Kaohsiung, and Chiayi. The Taiwanese Japanese veterans who participated in the struggle were loosely organized, lacked weapons, fought their own battles, and with the exception of a few who retreated to the Central Mountains to carry out guerrilla struggle, the vast majority of them fled when the large troops pressed the border, and were quickly broken by the Kuomintang troops. "Although the Japanese army conquered more than 100,000 men in military service, although they all returned to Taiwan from overseas, only the soldiers had no officers, and it was difficult to become an army in a very short period of time; otherwise, they would not be so vulnerable and scattered at the end."

The Chief Executive's Office openly hunted down and killed leading figures of organizations such as the "228 Incident Handling Committee" in various localities, mainly provincial senators, county and city senators, local gentry, industrial and commercial dignitaries, lawyers, teachers, and journalists. Hundreds of people arrested or wanted were Lin Zongxian, Guo Guoji, Lin Rigao, Jiang Weichuan, Yan Qinxian, Peng Qingqiao, Xie Xuehong, Su Xin, Liao Wenkui, Liao Wenyi, and hundreds of others. The Kuomintang soldiers also mistakenly killed many Taiwan compatriots who did not participate in the "228 Incident" at all. Journalist Wang Kang witnessed Kuomintang soldiers shooting innocent people in Taipei and blamed the officers for it. He replied: "When reinforcements arrive, there is still a mob shooting resistance, the army can not fail to take measures on the ground, the soldiers find someone in front, ask the password and do not answer, or the answer is not correct, the soldier will shoot."

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

There are many opinions on the number of casualties of Taiwan compatriots, ranging from "a few hundred" to "hundreds of thousands." According to the Taiwan authorities' compensation and analysis of the families of the victims of the "228" victims and related archives in the past decade, about 4,000 Taiwan compatriots have suffered casualties.

The "Aftermath" of the National Government

In mid-March, at the Third Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Kuomintang, Liu Wendao and 55 other members of the CPPCC National Committee put forward a provisional motion to remove Chen Yi from his post and investigate. Chen Yi was forced to submit her resignation to show responsibility for the unfortunate situation caused by the "228 Incident". On March 17, Defense Minister Bai Chongxi went to Taiwan to deal with the aftermath, promising that "in terms of the political system, the current Office of the Chief Executive of Taiwan will be reorganized into the Taiwan Provincial Government, the mayors of various counties can be regularly elected, and government personnel at all levels should first select the meritocracy of Taiwan Province." We will vigorously fund private enterprises economically and develop the national economy." "Due to the 51 years of Japanese occupation in Taiwan, all the laws, regulations, customs, and habits have long since become Japanese, and after the restoration, they cannot immediately hand over all of them to the compatriots in this province to govern themselves, but they are not like the Japanese era when even the principal of a primary school was Japanese. That is to say, all the public servants dispatched by the central government to Taiwan have left, and all the performances and acts of the local committee for a short period of time cannot be successful." Taiwan compatriots should be advised to have a far-sighted vision and a broad mind: "To understand that a minority nationality and a minority territory are not easy to survive independently in the current world, and that more than a dozen small countries in Europe were overthrown in a very short period of time in this world war can be used as a warning." ”

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

The sudden outbreak of the "228 Incident" announced the failure of Chen Yi's policy of governing Taiwan and forced the KMT top brass to reflect and make some adjustments. On 22 April, Chiang Kai-shek presided over the 784th regular session of the Executive Yuan, and on the grounds that the Taiwan incident had calmed down, Chen Yi resigned as chief executive of Taiwan Province and commander-in-chief of the security forces, and decided to abolish the Office of the Chief Executive of Taiwan Province, and in accordance with the "Organic Law of the Provincial Government," Wei Daoming was appointed chairman of the Taiwan Provincial Government, Yau Niantai, a Taiwanese national, was appointed director of the Department of Civil Affairs, and Lin Xiantang, Du Mingming, Liu Jianshan, Nan Zhixin, You Mijian, and Chen Qiqing were appointed as members of the provincial government. Taiwanese nationals account for a quarter of the core of the provincial government's power, and subordinate organs have also tried their best to use Taiwanese nationals.

On May 16, the Taiwan Provincial Government was officially established. Wei Daoming set out to resolve the unfortunate situation caused by the "228 Incident", develop the private economy, and try to carry out land reform. The abolition of martial law, the termination of the clearance of the countryside, and the punishment of Taiwan compatriots who participated in the "228 Incident" through legal channels have basically put an end to the wanton killing of innocents by Kuomintang soldiers; many Taiwan compatriots who are in prison have been freed through "self-renewal" and other means; Taiwan Provincial Senators Lin Rigao and Guo Guoji, Taipei City Senator Jiang Weichuan, and other leading figures in the "228 Incident" have survived the disaster.

In order to escape the pursuit of Kuomintang soldiers, hundreds of Taiwanese elites fled the island. Xie Xuehong, Su Xin, and others organized the "Taiwan Democratic Autonomy Alliance" in Hong Kong, threw themselves into the struggle of the Chinese people against the kuomintang's reactionary rule, and did their best for the reunification of the motherland.

History cannot be tampered with

In August 1945, Taiwanese in Chongqing wrote that "the Chinese people often ignore the characteristics and psychology of the Taiwan people", "The so-called 'three years of small rebellion and five years of great chaos' under the Manchu Qing Dynasty in Taiwan and dozens of riotous revolutions in the Japanese era were caused by resistance to the rule of foreign nationalities and the desire to strive for the freedom they should enjoy", "Taiwan is required to practice local autonomy, and the whole motherland is required to treat the Taiwan people as fifty years old students who have stayed in the east." The heartfelt remarks of the Taiwan compatriots are heartfelt and heartfelt, but they are not something that Chen Yi and other bureaucrats can scrutinize.

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

Only 500 days after returning to the motherland, the vast number of Taiwan compatriots were really dissatisfied with the Kuomintang's authoritarian politics, and they rose up in groups to resist, which turned into a large-scale ethnic conflict, with about 5,000 casualties in a few days.

The "228 Incident" was originally a spontaneous just struggle of the Taiwan compatriots against the Kuomintang's corrupt rule in Taiwan and the pursuit of a high degree of democratic autonomy, and was a true portrayal of the patriotic tradition of the Taiwan compatriots, but Chiang Kai-shek and Chen Yi used themselves selfishly, vainly defined it as a rebellion of "betraying the country," and drowned it in a pool of blood with violence. The Kuomintang rulers bear unshirkable responsibility for the "228" massacre.

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

In 1949, the Chiang Kai-shek clique withdrew from Taiwan Island, promoted white terror, overstated the "228 Incident" as inciting and sabotaging "Communist Party bandits," and tried everything to suppress the demands of the victims' families for rehabilitation. "When Japan invaded Taiwan, the overwhelming majority of Taiwan compatriots rose up to resist bravely. Nor have we ever expected redress or atonement for Japan's repression of the anti-Japanese movement, because that is an ineffable sin (pronounced "change", the meaning of escape)! However, since Taiwan has been restored, it can be said that no Taiwan compatriot has not cheered that Taiwan has returned to the embrace of the motherland. Don't say that Chen Yi actually used the '228 Incident' to repay the welcome of our Taiwan compatriots to the Nationalist army, even if it was just to kill one without guilt, it was not a grievance that our Taiwan compatriots, who were full of the motherland's ardent hopes at that time, could endure. However, Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian, and others used the pretext of rehabilitating the "228 Incident" in a vain attempt to falsify history and describe the just struggle of the Taiwan compatriots for democracy as seeking "Taiwan independence." This criminal act of reversing black and white is a great insult to the Taiwan compatriots with a glorious tradition of patriotism!

The dead are gone, but what is the point of the living? The "228 Incident" is a tragedy for the vast number of Taiwan compatriots, and even more a tragedy for all Chinese! For more than a hundred years, imperialism has trampled on it, the mountains and rivers have been broken, and too much blood has been shed for Chinese, and it wants to cry without tears and to mourn silently. How difficult it is to rejuvenate the state and to welcome the rising sun of the new century, what reason do the descendants of the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor not use the national affection of blood thicker than water to "turn dry things into jade veils" and turn the treacherous Taiwan Strait into a bridge for cross-strait reunification? In this way, the blood and tears of "two two eight" did not flow in vain.

The Blood and Tears of the Nationalist Army's Massacre of the People of Taiwan "228 Incident"

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