
At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

author:Great Wall Net
At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

"The yellow flowers are still dewy, and the red leaves have gone with the wind." At 12:59 on November 7, the "Lidong" festival will be ushered in. At this time, the yellow flowers bring dew, the drizzle is cold, the stumps of the trees are dead, the red leaves are full of steps, although the autumn mood has not disappeared, the cold wind has arrived. A thin layer of mist yarn, lightly caged in the quiet mountains, soaked in the fallen leaves of thoughts, gave the earth a new dress, and time once again witnessed the change of seasons. Because "Li Dong" belongs to the turn of autumn and winter, eating dumplings has become one of the customs, "Li Dong does not dishonor the dumpling bowl, and no one cares about freezing off the ears." It's about to be "Li Dong", and no matter how busy you are, you must remember to eat a bite of hot dumplings.

At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

▶▶ LiDong knowledge

Every year on November 7 or 8 of the solar calendar, when the sun reaches 225 degrees of ecliptic longitude, the "LiDong" solar term begins. Astronomical experts say that the understanding of "standing winter" cannot just stop at the meaning of the beginning of winter. Tracing back to the roots, the ancients' understanding of "standing" is the same as that of modern people, which means to establish and start. But the word "winter" is not so simple, in the ancient book "Moon Order Seventy-two Waiting Solution", the interpretation of "winter" is: "Winter, the end, all things collected." It means that the year's field operation is over, the autumn crops are all harvested, "the grain is in the warehouse, the vegetables are in the cellar", and the animals are hidden and ready to hibernate.

At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

▶▶ Erect winter air

After entering the "LiDong" solar term, cold air activity is frequent, and the temperature drop is becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, in this season, everyone should pay attention to cold protection and warmth to prevent colds, cardiovascular and other diseases. Diet should eat more yin and yang, fill the essence of the food, such as beef, mutton, crucian carp, black chicken, lotus seeds, etc., but also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, both to supplement vitamins, but also to improve resistance.

At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

▶▶ The Third Marquis of Lidong

In ancient China, the winter festival was divided into 3 5 days, and from this three weathers were determined: "One waits for the water to start ice; the second waits for the ground to freeze; and the third waits for the pheasant to enter the water as a mirage." ”

The water begins to freeze. In the winter, the water begins to freeze, but the water is only the first condensation, and the ice is not solid.

The second place freezes. After the winter, the land begins to freeze and slowly begins to freeze.

Three pheasants enter the water as a mirage. Pheasant refers to a large bird such as a pheasant, and the mirage is a large clam. After the winter, the pheasant and other large birds are rare, but the seaside can see the shell, and the pheasant lines and color similar to the large clam, so the ancients believed that the pheasant became a large clam after the winter.

At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

▶▶ Winter customs

Lidong, together with Lichun, Lixia and Liqiu, is one of the "Four Seasons and Eight Festivals" of the people, and the folk greet "Lidong" with colorful customs.

●Ancestor worship and feast

In the old days, on the day of the establishment of winter, people also held ancestral worship activities. Even the busiest peasants have to rest at home for a day, slaughter chickens and sheep, prepare seasonal goods, on the one hand, sacrifice ancestors, in order to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of human descendants; on the other hand, sacrifice the heavens, thank the heavens for the good year, and pray to the heavens to give the coming year the wind and rain; and the wine after the sacrifice ceremony can also allow the farmers who have worked hard for a year to reward themselves.

At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

● Eat dumplings

The original name of dumplings is said to be "Jiao'er", which was first invented by Zhang Zhongjing, a Chinese medical saint. The story of his "cold and delicate ear soup" is still circulating in China's folklore. "Lidong does not dishonor the dumpling bowl, frozen ears no one cares", Lidong means the arrival of winter, the weather is cold, the ears are exposed to the outside is easily frostbitten, therefore, eat some dumplings that look like ears, supplement the ears, this is the most intimate care of the family for their relatives. For "foodies", winter is a season when "only good food can not be disappointed".

● Eat sugar cane

"Li Dong eats cane teeth without pain", bite down on a crisp sugar cane, and the sweet juice wraps around the entire mouth. In the Chaoshan region, locals believe that eating sugarcane at this time can protect teeth and nourish.

● He Dong

He Dong, also known as "Bai Dong", was a custom in the Han Dynasty. Cui Ding of the Eastern Han Dynasty", "The Four People's Moon Order": "On the day of the winter solstice, the wine is eaten, and the elderly master of the Gurudwara is old, just like the right day." "On this day, people change their new clothes and celebrate, just like the New Year's Day.

●Winter patching

After the winter, the grass and trees wither, the stings dormant, and the activity of all things tends to rest. Although human beings do not have the theory of hibernation, the folk have the custom of making up for winter. In the south, people will eat some foods that nourish yin and yang, have high calories, such as chicken, duck, fish, etc., and some will be boiled with traditional Chinese medicine to increase the efficacy of medicinal supplements.

Winter supplements and ointments are the old tradition of Suzhou people to spend the winter. In the old days of Suzhou, some large households also used red ginseng, guiyuan, walnut meat, in the winter soup to drink, has the effect of replenishing qi and invigorating blood and helping yang. Usually, every winter festival, Suzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and some long-established pharmacies will open supplemental outpatient clinics to boil plasters for the public and sell winter tonic health products.

At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

▶▶ Li Dong health care

After the establishment of winter, life needs to pay attention to five "points".

● More "point" water Drink boiled water often

Winter climate is dry, the human body is very prone to lack of water, often drink boiled water, not only to ensure the needs of the body, but also to play a diuretic detoxification, eliminate waste effect. In winter, the daily water replenishment should generally be between 2000 and 3000 ml.

● Enter the "point" to supplement Winter is the season for kidney nourishment

Winter belongs to the season of "hiding", and in Chinese medicine, the kidney is mainly sealed, which means that winter is the season for raising kidneys. In winter, through supplementation and kidney nourishment, the kidney "essence" can be made more abundant.

People with weak yang qi choose mutton, dog meat, chicken, etc. People who lose both qi and blood can use goose meat, duck meat, black chicken and so on. People who should not eat raw, cold and hot should choose goji berries, red dates, fungus, black sesame seeds, walnut meat, etc.

● Out of the "point" sweat Outdoor activities can promote heat generation

Outdoor activities can promote heat production, sweat a little, can regulate metabolic function, enhance the cerebral cortex excitement and body temperature regulation function. When exercising, it is necessary to combine movement and static, running and doing exercises only with a slight sweat, sweating more and deflating, contrary to the way of yang qi hiding in winter.

● Protect the "point" foot Cold is born from the soles of the feet

"Cold comes from the soles of your feet". Foot is the farthest end of the human body, thin fat, poor warmth, and Chinese medicine believes that the plantar acupuncture points are closely related to internal organs, if the foot cold can cause colds, abdominal pain, waist and leg pain, dysmenorrhea and other diseases, so pay attention to foot warmth and cold protection. Winter footwork is fitness.

● Through the "point" wind more open window ventilation

In winter, the doors and windows of the home will generally be closed, resulting in indoor air circulation, people always breathe in this space will lead to the production of a large amount of carbon dioxide, lack of oxygen, the human body will appear dizzy, chest tightness problems, so more ventilation.

At the beginning of winter, everything is hidden, and the coldest time of the year comes

▶▶ Li Dong poetry

"Li Dong"

Don Lee Bai

Frozen pen new poems lazy to write, cold stove wine when warm.

Drunk to see the ink flower moon white, trance snow full of the front village.

Ming Wang Zhideng

The autumn wind blew away the old Tingke, and the yellow leaf DanFeng guest passed.

A little Zen lamp half round moon, this evening is more cold than last night.

Song Lu Wengui

Drought is long and rainy, and autumn is gradually entering winter.

The yellow flowers are still dewy, and the autumn leaves have gone with the wind.

While thinking about blowing cold horns, village songs are late.

The fence gate is lying high day by day, and the laziness is useless.

"Winter Night Boat"

Song Fan Chengda

People are getting older year by year, and the cold increases with the rain.

Look at the fire at the top of the mountain, and see the fishing lamp at the bottom of the water.

The waves and shadows are stacked, and the sand marks are few edges.

Emei wants to return the view and must stay until the morning.

"Standing Winter Day"

Song Lu you

The room is small enough to accommodate knees, and the wall is low only to the shoulders.

Fang passed the month of the gift of clothes, and met the beginning of Qiu Tian.

Inch accumulation of bonfire charcoal, baht called cloth quilt.

Ordinary life division dark alley, everywhere a happy.

Winter is coming, and the coldest season is coming

The north wind whistled and the sky was freezing cold

May you be in winter

There are close friends, there is hot tea with warm sun

May your winter be accompanied by good people

Three winter warm

(According to Xinhua Net, People's Net, CCTV Network and other comprehensive, the picture comes from Visual China)