
A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Hi, I'm a bean mom who gives you popular science parenting knowledge

A few days ago, after the popularization of lychee disease, many mothers felt that many fruits have some hidden dangers, and hoped that we would summarize an article on the correct eating of fruits for small babies.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Today, we will plate a plate of fruit for the baby.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommend that complementary foods be added when your baby reaches the age of 6 months. Fruit is also a kind of complementary food, which can be added to the baby in the form of "puree". However, it is necessary to ensure the intake of staple foods first, and then add fruits according to the baby's appetite.

If you are worried that the sweetness of the fruit will affect the baby's taste, you can also add non-sweet high-speed rail rice noodles, mashed potatoes and other foods to the baby first, and then add fruit after the baby adapts.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

When your baby reaches 7 to 8 months, you can try to eat rougher purees, and eat small, soft pieces of fruit at 8 to 12 months.

After the age of 1, you can give the baby some fruits that can be bitten, such as apples, bananas, peaches, oranges, etc., which is conducive to exercising the baby's chewing ability and promoting the development of teeth.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Source: Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents

Some fruits, if not consumed properly, are likely to cause diarrhea, allergies and even poisoning in the baby, and you need to be extra careful when eating.

Mango: If not eaten properly, it will cause allergies

Many parents may find that when the baby eats mango, it is easy to have redness or rashes around the mouth, which is due to the fact that most tropical fruits contain some alkaloids or protease components, which easily stimulate the production of histamine.

In addition, the monohydroxybenzene and dihydroxybenzene contained in mango can irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

If you accidentally dip the juice around the lips or cheeks, these allergy ingredients will irritate the facial skin, causing itchy lips, redness around the mouth, rashes and other phenomena.

Unripe mangoes, in particular, contain a higher content of allergy ingredients.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Persimmons: Improper consumption triggers gastric perforation

It really didn't scare you, there are indeed children who eat persimmons by mistake, resulting in stomach perforation and death.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

This is because persimmons contain pectin and tannic acid, and studies have shown that the tannic acid content in raw persimmons is 25 times that of cooked persimmons!

After the pectin encounters stomach acid, it will coagulate into a lump; tannic acid can bind to protein to form a water-insoluble tannic acid protein, deposited in the stomach, it is easy to form stomach stones, causing symptoms such as abdominal distention, vomiting, and indigestion. Serious cases can also cause intestinal obstruction and gastric perforation.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Lychee: Improper consumption triggers hypoglycemia

Lychee is rich in nutrients, but eating is not easy to cause hypoglycemia "lychee disease", which has been said in detail in the previous article, here will not be repeated, interested friends can slide to the end of the article to view.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Pineapple: Dizziness and vomiting when consumed improperly

Although pineapple is rich in vitamins, glycosides (dài), serotonin and bromelain are "dangerous molecules".

Glycosides are an organic substance, harmless to the body, but to the human skin, oral mucosa has a certain irritation, easy to cause oral itching, we usually eat pineapple to feel the mouth, is because of it;

Serotonin is a nitrogen-containing organic substance that can promote vasoconstriction, increase blood pressure, and excessive intake can easily lead to dizziness and headaches;

Bromelain is a kind of proteolytic enzyme that can be decomposed by gastric acid, but a small number of people who are allergic to bromelain will have abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, skin itching and flushing, urticaria, numbness in the limbs and tongue, hyperhidrosis and other symptoms after eating, and severe cases may have breathing difficulties, shock and even coma.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Apricot, plum: improper consumption will be poisoned

There is a folk saying, called "peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and bury dead people under plum trees" This statement really makes some sense.

This is because apricots and plums contain a certain amount of tonsillin before they are fully ripe, which will be decomposed into hydrocyanic acid after ingestion by the human body, which is quite toxic.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

The following kinds of fruits can be safely given to the baby to eat

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible
A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

The truth is:

Everyone's digestive system is a stable "machine", and babies are no exception.

Digestion and absorption are mainly related to the secretion of digestive juices and gastrointestinal motility, and are not directly related to when to eat.

The fruit in the morning does not become "gold", and the fruit in the evening does not become "scrap iron".

As long as they are eaten into the stomach, our digestive system will digest them into small molecules without discrimination, and then absorb them, take their essence, and remove their dross.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Fruits are more organically acidic and carbohydrate-rich than vegetables, but vegetables are richer in dietary fiber, minerals, plant compounds, and more types of cooking.

Fruits and vegetables have their own advantages and complement each other, but they cannot replace each other!

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

Waxing is a part of the commercialization of fruits after picking, and is an international and domestic allowed method of fruit preservation.

Moreover, edible grade fruit wax, which is generally of natural origin, does not endanger our health.

However, if you find that the fruit has faded with a paper towel or hand wipe, it is best not to buy it.

A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible

The plant hormones used to ripen fruits and the sex hormones are two completely different substances.

In general, many tropical fruits are often "ripened", and most of these ripening substances are ethylene.

Ethylene is not a sex hormone, and of course it cannot "ripen" small babies! And ethylene is soluble in water, just wash or peel the fruit before eating.

Well, today I will share so much, now everyone knows how to give the baby to eat fruit ~ ~

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A 3-year-old girl eats persimmons and dies! How old can your baby eat fruit? What can I eat? What can't be eaten? 01 How old can the baby eat fruit 02 These kinds of fruits, the baby should be cautious to eat 03 fruit rumors do not be gullible
bibliography: Chang Hui. How to eat pineapple is scientific? [j].Knowledge of Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases (Popular Science Edition), 2017(09):71. [2] Eat pineapple anti-mouth hemp can be used to soak in hot water[j].Invention and Innovation (Big Technology), 2018(05):17.