
The first agricultural mechanic competition in Changde: let agriculture become a promising industry


Red Net Moment October 25 Comprehensive (Changde Daily reporter Zeng Yuying correspondent Zhang Weizheng text/photo) On the morning of October 22, the "Lovol Cup" agricultural machinery skills competition sponsored by the Changde Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and undertaken by the Municipal Agricultural Machinery Affairs Center, was held in Xiejiapu Town, Dingcheng District. More than 50 runners from various districts and counties (cities) participated in the three competitions of driving the airport, reducing the loss of rice machine harvesting, and troubleshooting harvesters.

The first agricultural mechanic competition in Changde: let agriculture become a promising industry

Drag the airport ground driving competition site.

The first agricultural mechanic competition in Changde: let agriculture become a promising industry

Harvester troubleshooting competition site.

In the morning, in a golden rice field in the National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Xiejiapu Town, agricultural machine operators drove harvesters and walked through golden rice waves, which was the scene of rice machine harvesting and loss. Linli County player Jiang Yuanlin was the first to appear, after half an hour of operation, the rice grains returned to the warehouse, and in the end, he won the first place in the competition with a good result of 88.6 points.

The first agricultural mechanic competition in Changde: let agriculture become a promising industry

Rice machine harvest loss reduction competition site.

"I have been driving harvesters for 16 years, harvesting more than 1,000 acres of rice every year, and I didn't expect to get the first place in the first city competition, and my mood was extremely excited!" Jiang Yuanlin said.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Circular on Making Mechanization and Loss Reduction of Machine Harvesting the Main Work of Grain Production Mechanization and Unremitting Efforts," which clearly stipulates that the reduction of mechanization of mechanization of grain production will be regarded as the most important task in the mechanization of grain production at present and for some time to come. In particular, it is pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the training of machine operators, extensively carry out professional agricultural machine training actions, and strengthen the management of the examination link of combine harvester driving operators. In this context, this competition has high requirements for the professionalism of agricultural mechanics, and the indicators such as loss rate, leakage of harvest, productivity, stubble cutting height and so on are taken as the assessment content, and the loss rate accounts for 50 points out of the total score of 100 points. If the total loss rate is greater than 3.5%, 0 points will be deducted for the total loss rate of 50. It is reported that more than 90% of the rice in our city has been mechanized harvested, but the loss rate is mostly around 4%. If the machine can control the loss rate below 3% and reduce it by one percentage point, according to the total area of rice planting in Changde of more than 8 million mu, more than 30,000 tons of grain can be saved a year.

"Loss reduction is to increase production, and improving the professional standards and operating standards of agricultural machinery operators is crucial to the reduction of machine harvest." With the rapid development of modern agricultural machinery, the demand for professional agricultural machinery will become more and more large. Xiao Qingyun, general secretary and director of the party branch of the Municipal Agricultural Machinery Affairs Center, introduced.

In recent years, the city has focused on the requirements for the cultivation of skilled personnel for the high-quality development of agricultural mechanization, focusing on agricultural machinery driving operation, maintenance and service personnel, and vigorously promoting the training of agricultural machinery skills and talents with agricultural machinery vocational skills training, high-quality farmers cultivating agricultural machinery training, grass-roots agricultural machinery personnel training and skill competitions as the carrier. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Agricultural Machinery Affairs Center have held national and provincial agricultural machinery skills competitions for two consecutive years, and the players in our city have achieved excellent results. The provincial and municipal agricultural machinery departments organize agricultural machinery cadres, responsible persons of agricultural machinery cooperatives, and agricultural machinery hands to carry out agricultural machinery skills training in enterprises, colleges and universities, and bases every year, which has effectively improved the operational skills of the agricultural machinery team, and a group of high-skilled talents of agricultural machinery are standing out and providing a strong guarantee for the development of agricultural modernization.

After fierce competition, Peng An of Wuling District won the first place in driving at the airport, Jiang Yuanlin in Linli County won the first place in rice machine harvest loss reduction, and Zhang Jinsheng in Dingcheng District won the first place in harvester troubleshooting. The first runner-up will receive a reward of 5,000 yuan, and the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will award the honorary title of "Changde City Technical Expert" and the "Changde City May Day Labor Medal" according to the procedures, and recommend them as candidates for "Changde Craftsman" in 2021.

"We hope that this year's skills competition can play a leading role in demonstration, starting from the players, so that the relevant technical standards are more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that agricultural machinery skills can be raised to a higher level, and agriculture can become a promising industry." The relevant members of the organizing committee said so.

Source: Changde Daily

Author: Zeng Yuying Zhang Weizheng

Editor: Hu Jingui

【Source: Changde Daily】

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